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View Full Version : What was this game?

08-21-2006, 08:36 PM
A while back I seem to remember some member of AGN trying to drum up support for some kind of flash game (s)he was playing. Lately I had a friend describe a game he was making to me and it is similar but with a buttload of added stuff. The original game interested me but I had no time to play it back then. Now I have time and I'm curious about it, but I don't remember the name of the game at all. (Also it may not have even been this forum, if it wasn't then I guess I'm out of luck.)

The game was kind of an overhead adventure game similar to Zelda, but the hook was that every user could build their own portion of the game. Users could explore the user-made areas. It sounded like a lot of fun but like I said I just didn't have the time.

Does anyone remember what this game was and/or have a link to it?

08-21-2006, 09:13 PM

08-21-2006, 10:41 PM
No, it wasn't Graal. I'm pretty sure it was a flash game but for some reason searching for "flash game build dungeon" and variants keeps bringing me to the Dungeon Keeper franchise which is not free and not what I saw.

08-21-2006, 10:46 PM
it sounds awesome, so I hope you find out. Is graal any good?

08-22-2006, 11:37 PM
Graal started off as a flash game called Zelda Online. They were ordered by Nintendo to remove all the graphics and references of series like Zelda and Mario. I think they might have been using banner ads or something to try to make money off of it at the time. It's since gone pay-to-play, and is to be honest, not really a fun experience for newbies. When I first played several years ago in its original form, the community was very welcoming and intelligent. Now, it's largely the same type of community found in games like WoW and Gunbound. This is compounded by the free-for-all PvP. I still remember getting chased clear across the game world by a PKer upon entering the game again a couple years ago, simply because he could. There used to be an offline component, but that was cut some time ago to force players to use the online mode.

I don't really know of any other flash games that let players build stuff like that, except maybe Kalevala or some other RPG.