View Full Version : Quest Rule: Like Likes eat rings too

08-17-2006, 02:01 PM
Say, y'know how the rings are often reskinned as Z3-style tunics? Well, you might remember a certain characteristic of the Like Likes in OoT, and put two and two together to get a particularly fiendish idea...

Note: this would obviously work best when the Quest in question had (some of) the rings available in shops, much like with magic shields.

08-17-2006, 03:00 PM
If it can be done for rings, couldn't every item be given a "Can be consumed by Like Likes" box for the designer to tick based on how easy it is to get another copy?

08-17-2006, 04:29 PM
Here's my list of possible Like Likes:
1) Like Like: the one we have now, takes magic shields
2) Like Like (Health): When inside, you lose 1/2 heart for each second inside.
3) Like Like (Magic): When inside, your magic is drained as quickly as using the Lens.
4) Like Like (Health + Magic): When inside, you gradually drain magic & health.
5) Like Like (Sword): When inside, you permenantly lose your sword
6) Like Like (Ring): When inside, you permenantly lose your Ring

08-17-2006, 11:36 PM
Don't forget Rupee-Likes from Minish Cap. And I suppose Bomb-Likes and Arrow-Likes would fit too.

08-18-2006, 12:18 AM
5) Like Like (Sword): When inside, you permenantly lose your sword
I highly wouldn't recommend that. You could easily get stuck in a lock without enough equipment.
Anyways, if I were to suggest something pertaining to likes, I'd say OoT style like likes. Problem is if you got spit out, left the room and then re-entered it. Ok... scratch my suggestion.

08-18-2006, 12:44 AM
This is a far stretch based on engine limitations, but wouldn't it be neat if Like Likes worked like the ones from OoT where you could kill them and retrieve the item it steals? If they could have this ability, then having Like Likes that take away other items would work very well.

08-18-2006, 04:45 PM
What about Like-likes that steal Bait or Potions?

By the way, the potion Like-like was someone else's idea originally.