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View Full Version : New Enemy Patterns

08-15-2006, 04:06 PM
When you go to Enemy Patterns, they have the orginal enemy patterns. You know, the random popping and the enter from sides. That would be cool if there were new patterns.

Like falling from the sky! There would be a shadow and then the enemies would fall in to the where the shadow was.

Bird carryers, drop enemies!

Out of the water! Okay that may be stupid but the first one is my main suggestion.

08-15-2006, 04:16 PM
Wow! Not bad! I see this is one of those "better" ideas. I haven't seen this
sugjested anywhere else...Wow :surprise:

Here is some more:
-Dig up...(come out from under ground)
-Zap in...(enemies appear when secret is triggered)

This idea is good because this hasn't been sugjested anywhere else, there is
not too many options already there, and...well...I think it's a really good idea anyway! :D

08-31-2006, 02:58 PM
Hey, yeah, that would be cool if enemies can be triggered onto a screen. There would be patterns: Triggered/Enter from Sides, Triggered/Fall from Sky, and Triggered/Dig Up. That would be awesome. So for example if you pull the wrong level, enemies would fall from the sky, like the ropes do in the beginning of aLttP! :P

08-31-2006, 03:12 PM
Maybe, at the very least, on the Enemies from sides option, .. being able to define from which side they start on. :shrug: (And on which side of that side.) ... (And how far apart, and length of time between each entrant, etc.)