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View Full Version : Winning a quest

08-14-2006, 02:16 AM
I'm so close to finishing my firs tquest - but I've tried testing a few things, but I can't actually get the game to go "Congratulations, you've won", for lack of a better way of phrasing it. When Link beats Gannon, and gets the other triforce, and then enters the room with Zelda, nothing happens as link approaches her.

In the Zelda Room, I have it set to "Zelda" room type, and the guy option is "Zelda". And also, my Zelda room is a tile warp away from the Gannon room if it matters.

Can I get any help on how to successfully set this ending sequence up?


08-14-2006, 06:36 AM
You need to put the Zelda flag around Zelda as well. This actually will trigger the ending sequence you see when you complete the regular 1st and 2nd quests. You don't have to put it in one spot either. Any tile that you step on with the flag will trigger the ending.