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View Full Version : Private renters and descrimination - Help, please?

08-10-2006, 10:27 PM
Alrighty, another exciting adventure in Jake's hugely over-dramatic life!
This time - Descrimination!

OK, so I'm trying to rent this appartment, and it's going great. Cheap as hell, for around here - 350 a month, includes heat and water, 2 bedroom with an office(Could double as small 3rd bedroom).
It was going great, until I spoke to the managers wife on the phone.
The phonecall went almost exactly like this -
me -"Um, I was calling back to let dave know that I checked out the place, is he available to speak to?"
Old lady - "No... But I'll let him know. whats your name, son?"
M-"jake, Jake Curtis. C-U-R,T-I-S."
O - "Alright jake, and how many other tenants were you going to have living with you?"
M-"Oh, just one."
O-"Well thats fine, except, what gender?"
M-"It's a female - My girlfriend. We're looking for a pla-"

So uh, I am going to contact dave, the actual manager there, again tomarrow.
And since It's either "no you can't rent it" or "my wife is crazy"... I figure, if he pulls out the first one, there is no logical reason why I shouldn't discuss the whole descrimination thing.
However, since he's a PRIVATE renter, I'm not sure if he's allowed to do this. Does anyone know if he can legally descriminate against who rents from him like that?

08-10-2006, 11:16 PM
Sure, if there's a case for it. If he can say "I don't want couples renting because _______", then he has every right to deny you rental of his property.

08-10-2006, 11:23 PM
Maybe he doesn't approve of a guy and a girl living together without being married? ^^ If real life renting is anything like Three's Company, he can probably decline you for that reason. (I have no idea, I think it depends on your state laws)

You seem to be having such a hard time, lately, awww, I hope things get better for you soon. :)

08-10-2006, 11:38 PM
I'm assuming it's either that, or they've have tenants complain because of sex before.
I have a hunch it's the sex thing. Is "I don't want you living here because my tenants don't want to hear you humping" a legally acceptable excuse? Because it sounded like another male tenant would have been fine.

I have a few others working for me, but this is by far the best deal, I've got 3 other one bedrooms I could probobly do, but those cost a bit more, less room, ect. I'm pretty hell bent on this one, but I can't think of a way to get him to rent to me. I'd like to do so before 4 in the afternoon tomarrow, so I appreciate the help. :)

I tried to look into state laws, but I can't seem to turn anything up with a google search.

It's dishonest, but if it comes right down to it, I might end up saying "look we're a good christian couple, and this apartment is what we need, " blah blah blah make him think we won't fornicate by throwing holiness into the mix.
Of course... I don't think he could actually kick me out for doing so, and... well, we're not exactly quiet, but we're not that loud, usually.

I don't know. Lying might end up costing me the place in the long run, and he might rip off my security deposit. And theres the whole lying thing. I hate lying. So I don't know. I'd rather pursue this from a legal perspective of he can't do that, or hell, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be fine with me living with her, and that old lady is just nuts.

08-10-2006, 11:48 PM
Tell him you're gay! :D I'm so sorry, I just had to...^_^

Seriously, though, find out what his stance actually is, and if it's the second one, see if you can't come to a compromise of some sort?

08-10-2006, 11:53 PM
I hope so, but in all honestly, a "your girlfriend can't move in" or a "you can't have sex in this house" comprimise is going to result in a vulgarities, because you can't request that of a renter.

Heh, I thought about it, but I already mentioned it's my girlfriend. And... pretending to be gay might make it even harder to get him to rent from me.:)

08-10-2006, 11:55 PM
He can do what he wants, it's his place. It's like in stores how they have the right to refuse service to anyone.

But seriously, his wife is probably just crazy. I mean, unless some one else is trying to get the place, then it's not a good idea to turn you down, that's turning down money. If it were me I would care what goes on in there, just as long as I get paid.

How ever, if you do manage to cause disturbances, i.e. moaning and screaming during sex, and it bothers the other tenants, then he'll probably evict you, business 101, keep your customers happy.

08-11-2006, 12:11 AM
Oh I know, but I'm sure it wouldn't be that much noise. I can't believe he'd turn me down, either - I was looking for september first, and he was like "well it'll be available 2 weeks before that, we'll be cleaning it, but we may rent it first" And I offered the fucker rent for those 2 weeks.
I mean, jesus. 2 weeks paid rent, without me living there. Fucker.

08-11-2006, 09:49 AM
Honestly, even if it is either of those two answers. just walk away and find another apartment. you don't want to deal with the stress that comes with having an angry landlord. and that'll just be amplified if you push yourself in on a discrimination charge. just look for another apartment.

08-11-2006, 10:01 AM
I agree with Ecks. Back out of it. If you push it, it may come back to bite you in the ass in the end. Walk away while you can.

08-11-2006, 01:05 PM
I thought the same thing, but god, the money I'd save renting there... I may have called almost all the renters in the city I'm looking to move into.
I've biked around literally almost every street, used paper ads, magazines, and the internet, and this place is a crazy deal. I'll talk to him today - I'm really hoping he's relaxed, and laughs off his mom, or wife or whatever's behavior.

HAHA, woo!
I'm seeing it on saturday.
Yeah so uh, basically... I talked to him, told him what happened, and he laughed awkwardly and was like "she's... not in her mind, usually."
He THINKS she might have been bothered because there is only room for one car, but I explained to him that there would only be one car, and he's like "yes, then there is no problem, sorry for the confusion."

Hooooo, sweet. Um, thanks for the help... even though I didn't have to bother with it. :)

08-11-2006, 07:30 PM
theres probably a reason why its such a deal.

08-11-2006, 10:13 PM
It's in a terrible part of town on a busy intersection. :)

08-11-2006, 11:19 PM
Bringing your gf into a terrible part of town isn't very nice. :)

08-12-2006, 03:59 AM
Yeah so uh, basically... I talked to him, told him what happened, and he laughed awkwardly and was like "she's... not in her mind, usually."
He THINKS she might have been bothered because there is only room for one car, but I explained to him that there would only be one car, and he's like "yes, then there is no problem, sorry for the confusion."

She's not getting any

08-12-2006, 02:22 PM
Bringing your gf into a terrible part of town isn't very nice. :)
Well, a terrible part of town in appleton isn't anything like a ghetto in a bigger city.
And she's fine with it. She lived in a similarily shitty place when she lived in oshkosh.

She's not getting any
OH GOD I drooled a little when I laughed at that.