View Full Version : A few notes on the subscreen items:

08-09-2006, 12:09 PM
I'm transcribing a few notes I took on the subscreen editor into a thread. I didn't bother to do much editing, so you're bound to see the occasional error in it.

Life/Magic Gauge:

Not Last Tile: Tile: Displayed if this is not the last container.
You have 5 magic containers. Containers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will use this tile. Okay... Suppose we are working with container #2, from the container # field. So, the subscreen code is running through the subscreen objects and runs across this. It checks how many magic containers we have. we have 5, and draws it in Not Last CSet.

Not Last CSet: See Above.

Not Last Modifiable: The tile will change based on how much magic you have in this container. It could be anywhere from empty to full. But, remember, it only represents 1 container. If it's not modifiable, this container will always look the same whether there's nothing in it or it's full. This would be easier to explain from a life gauge standpoint.

Cap: A cap on the end of the meter: the rounded things on the ends of the meter. You wouldn't modify the cap. Yes, but the cap doesn't necessarily change based on the amount of magic you have. Yes, but the cap doesn't necessarily change based on the amount of magic you have. Okay. Got it. I don't have a container that isn't modified, but someone may want one. Maybe as an indicator of what a full section looks like. It's an option that most people won't use. But, it's there in case someone may want it.

Okay. It works like this... You have 5 Magic containers... You can get a total of 8. So, your gauge looks like this... nNNNNLCAAA
n=Not Last tile, container 0
You have more than 0 containers, so the Not Last Tile for container.
0 is drawn there. Non modified.
N=Not Last Tile, containers 1-4
They aren't your last containers, either.
L=Last Tile, container 5
It's modifiable since there could be 1/4 heart in it, 1/2 heart,
C is container 6. Since you only have 5 containers in this example,
It’s drawn as a cap.
A comes after the cap. That's containers 7, 8, and 9.
Since you have less than 6 containers, the after caps are drawn here. Normally, they are set to a blank tile.
Row 1 would be drawn like this: NNNNNLAA for a normal heart group,
Or, nNNNNNLAAA for one with caps. Notice there are 9 containers.
Since there are only 8 containers in a row, container 9, when you
have 8 containers, becomes a cap.

Suppose you had 10 containers. Row 1: nNNNNNNNNN
The n is the bottom cap. The last N is container 9. However,
On row 1, you make container 9's not last tile look like a cap.
So, the not last tile, last tile, and cap for container 9 are all
cap tiles on row 1. On Row 2, You have: NNLAAAAAA. The first N is
container 8, you will make it look like a cap. The second N is
container 9, a normal container. L is container 10, And So On.
So, if you have 8 containers... container 8 on row 2 would be drawn
as Last Tile, which we have set to a blank tile, but on row 1, it
would be drawn as a heart (or regular container).

Show variable: PULLDOWN. Actually only applies to the magic gauge. If it's set to 0, then it shows all the time. If it's set to 1, then it shows when you have normal magic only. If it's set to 2, it shows only when you have double magic. That's how you get the 1/2 to display on the magic meter. But, you could easily set up 2 magic meters, one overlapping the other. Set the first to have a show of 1 and a cset of 7. The other would have a show of 2 and a cset of 8. that way, if you have normal magic, your magic meter would be blue, for instance. If you have double magic, it would be red. You could, with some patience, set up 2 meters. One would be 8 blocks long, for instance, and show when you have normal magic. The other would be 16 blocks long (or 2 rows of 8) and show when you have double magic. This would be set for double magic. That way, both single and double magic would appear to drain your meter at the same rate but double magic make it look like you actually have twice as much magic. And things don't have to be in a straight line, either, you know. With some trial and error, You could have a meter that's a spiral. Or a circle that fills up from the center. Or like a radar or pie chart. It's drawn as a cap.

Okay. Two things stacked on top of each other mean they are practically twins. They both have the exact same properties. So "Time" and "Subscreen Time" are two different entitied, but with the same property. The difference between them is that Time always shows the time. Subscreen Time only shows the time if the Subscreen Time quest rule is turned on.

All items are also subject to the display when variable. It has 3 states:
Always - Which means that this item is always there.
HUD only Means that it only shows up when the main subscreen is not visible.
Operational Only Means that it only shows up if the Operational subscreen (where you select stuff) is being displayed

Okay, I hope this helps. ^^;' At least a little bit. :p Right now, I'm trying to make a vertical life meter that resembles ALTTP's magic meter, except red. (Obviously.) Going to be interesting to try. We'll see what comes up out of it.

09-02-2006, 01:15 AM
This should be stickied! EVERYBODY that uses the subscreen editor will need this.

BTW: You can make a meter that goes into the 16ths of "hearts" by editing the tiles they use.

09-02-2006, 01:42 AM
This should be stickied! EVERYBODY that uses the subscreen editor will need this.

BTW: You can make a meter that goes into the 16ths of "hearts" by editing the tiles they use.

Did you mean 4ths here? Even Superman would have trouble seeing the difference between the 16th of a heart in ZC. 8ths would probably be stretching it too far as well.

09-02-2006, 08:23 PM
Did you mean 4ths here? Even Superman would have trouble seeing the difference between the 16th of a heart in ZC. 8ths would probably be stretching it too far as well.

Check it out (http://users.sephiroth.ws/ST/zc/NeoFirstHorizontalHealthBar1.gif). I gave myself the gold ring, and they work just fine.


BTW, just FYI, Superman doesn't like it when you call him over to ask him to notice such a subtle change. He bought me a microscope.

09-02-2006, 08:31 PM
Very nice ST. That makes a lot more sense. Some of them I may still have trouble seeing the subtile differences just because the graphics are still smaller since it's just the life meter but the differences are there.

09-04-2006, 05:14 AM
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this.
Could you post screenshots please?