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View Full Version : It Should Have Ended...

Darth Marsden
08-07-2006, 05:07 PM
Right, let's see if this game is successful or not. The rules are simple, but I'll bold it just to make sure people don't miss it.

You have to rewrite the ending to a movie or TV show.

That's it. It can end however you want - the way you honestly think it should have ended, some utterly madcap ending that defies everything leading up to it, or just something silly. Up to you. I'll start, and hopefully you'll all follow..!

Star Wars should have ended with Luke joining his father and conquering the universe.

08-07-2006, 10:37 PM
The Catcher in the Rye should have ended with Holden killing himself.

08-07-2006, 11:32 PM
Friends should have ended after the first episode. In a tragic incident, the entire apartment complex explodes, and the world is spared ten years of idiotic prime time TV.

If only.

Darth Marsden
08-08-2006, 03:07 AM
Firefly should have ended after 4 seasons.

Dann Woolf
08-08-2006, 03:12 PM
In a tragic incident, the entire apartment complex explodes

If only.

It wouldn't be tragic. :D

Darth Marsden
08-09-2006, 06:08 AM
Come on, people! Join in the fun.

The Matrix Revolutions should have ended with the directors apologising for ten straight minutes before having a paino dropped on top of them.

08-09-2006, 08:10 AM
Lord of the rings should have ended by Gollum becoming the new dark lord, and Gandalf still stuck up Orthanc. Either that or Frodo becoming evil and killing Bilbo.

08-09-2006, 08:52 AM
Rose should have left doctor who with blue skin paint all over her body, blue clothes on, the word "Police box" painted on her face, and she's spining round going "Dun da dudluha Dun da dudluha Dun da dudluha Doo DEE DOOO! Dee Doh DOO!"

Darth Marsden
08-09-2006, 06:13 PM
Four Weddings and a Funeral should have ended with Hugh Grant punching Andie Macdowell (sp?) for that 'Is it raining? I hadn't noticed' line.

09-07-2006, 12:40 AM
The Simpsons finally ends in it's 54th season. Maude Flanders comes back from the dead to tell Neddy to get high speed internet. Homer and Marge go back to marriage counseling after she realises his eating habits are spoiling the marriage. Bart gets suspended from school for his crazy antics. Lisa becomes president. Maggie learns Calculus.

Darth Marsden
09-07-2006, 07:57 AM
Star Trek should have ended with The Next Generation.

Modus Ponens
09-07-2006, 02:43 PM
This thread should have ended with the first post.

(Ha ha ha! I'm so irreverent and funny, just like all y'all. Okay, time to actually contribute.)

Twin Peaks should have ended with some remote sense of closure.

Darth Marsden
09-07-2006, 02:57 PM
Jake 2.0 should have ended with Jake and his entire organisation being killed when a giant meteor crashes on their base.

09-10-2006, 11:08 AM
Steve Irwin: Croc... *gets shot*

Three Men and a Baby should have ended with the baby being sent off to London all on its own to live off the streets or get stuck in the air port or looked after by the air hostess.

09-10-2006, 09:42 PM
Edward Scissorhands should have ended with some sweet scissor-style kung fu. That jock deserved some serious evisceration, Burton style.

09-30-2006, 12:52 PM
Mary Poppins should have ended with her magic umbrella breaking so she can't fly away and gets trapped living with those medling kids and their stupid dog!