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08-07-2006, 03:08 PM
Alright, I'm deciding whether or not I want to have the raft in my quest. But I unfortunately never played that much of the original Zelda. So, could someone explain to me how the raft works?

08-07-2006, 07:44 PM
In the original Zelda, we use the Raft to cross bodies of water using docks.

In ZQuest, here is what you would do:

1. Make sure you have a combo in your quest with the combo type called "dock." (I'm not sure if that is necessary, though). If you are using the classic Zelda tileset, look for the dock tile that was in the original Zelda because that has "dock" as it's combo type.

2. Press F8 to bring up the flags menu and select the one that says "raft path" (or something like that). Then place this flag on the tiles on the screen that you want used as the Raft path.

One thing we can do in ZQuest is to have what are called Raft branches where you can press an arrow key another direction to have Link change the direction that he's going on the Raft. To do this use flag #12 (I think that's the correct number), and place that flag on your screen.

A tutorial on the basics of ZQuest was written by AlphaDawg, and I think there's a link to that somewhere on zeldaclassic.com. You might want to check that out if you can find it. It did cover a section on Raft paths.

08-07-2006, 07:45 PM
The raft is so simple. There is such a tile that sits off the edge of the water that looks like a, Dock. When you have the raft it will automatically guide you in the path you set (use Flag : 'Raft' ) and you will be on the raft going in the path you set with the raft flags. :P The dock tile has nothing to do with it though, just used so its not a part of the land or water so when you step on it (with the flag on it) it will send you where you've set.

Edit: The post above was made when I made mine, I forget the 'Dock' Attribute >_>.

08-07-2006, 08:26 PM
Okay, thanks. Now, I still have to decide if I want to use it or not. It'd only have limited use for puzzles...

08-07-2006, 10:40 PM
You could use it to make a maze where Link has to navigate the Raft around rocks in the ocean in order to reach a certain place. For more sophistication, use raft branches.