View Full Version : doors

sayed hafing
07-30-2006, 05:29 PM
hi folks

i actually dont want to make a quest, but still i have a problem with doors.

please, can someone tell me, which possibilities there are, to open a door, f.e. kill all enemies ...

i think, there must be a way i dont know cause theres a door in the first level of isle of winds, which wont open. i killed all enemies and theres no visible trigger, no sign, that i have to use the ocarina or bombs...

greetz, s.

07-30-2006, 05:47 PM
Maybe it's a one-way door. :shrug: There are one-way door types. You walk into the room and the door closes behind you and won't open.

BTW, there are two types of "doors" that you can see. One type is the drawn on door. It's a door that's just drawn onto a wall to act as a door. It's composed of combos that look like doors and have walkability similar to that of doors, so it opens a space in the wall for you to walk through. You can make similar doors, like locked doors, by having the wooden door part composed of lockblock combos that, upon activated, turn into the next combo in the combo page, which is an opened door. Etc.

Then you have your normal doors which must go in the middle of the room, a'la Zelda 1. (In the original Z1 for the NES, you'd NEVER see any door whatsoever that wasn't in the middle of the room. As ZC is a remake or something of Z1, this is true of ZC as well, though you can still fake it.) Those are set via the F6 Dialog. Those include doors like the One-way shutters, and are much easier to manage than user-made/simulated doors.

sayed hafing
07-30-2006, 06:15 PM
uuuhhhmm... ya well thx :)

this doesnt help me, because i got no clue of combos (cause i dont want to make a new quest but just get through it ^^) and i didnt see a possibility to get on the other side, so it cant be a onewaydoor...

anyway, thx again for your time^^

any other suggestions?

07-30-2006, 06:32 PM
By "One Way door," I mean that the side you're on is the way that you can't get to the other side from. ;) :p I.e. you may be able to go through the door into that room your'e in now.