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07-29-2006, 03:34 PM
1. How can I disable full screen? Never mind I got this one.

2. How can I use the graphics in the bs1st.qst file?

08-02-2006, 09:58 PM
How do you use the graphics from bs1st? Well, if you can get into the file, just...

A.) Save a copy of the quest, then delete all the maps and stuff that were already there. Then you have an empty quest with the graphics you want.

B.) In 2.10, open the quest and Export a Graphics Pack. (.zgp file) Then open a new quest and Import that Graphics Pack. By importing the graphics pack into the new quest, you will have an empty quest with the graphics you want. (I say to use 2.10 because I'm not sure if Export and Import work in the recent betas.)

Now, if bs1st is one of those quests that was accidentally passworded, you won't be able to get into it and use the graphics. Try looking around PureZC.com for other BS tilesets.

08-03-2006, 07:08 PM
Yes. Thank You.