View Full Version : shops?

07-27-2006, 07:17 AM
please could someone help me and tell me how i make a shop and how to decide wich items and prices
or give me a link to a tutorialor something tht coers it?.... i really leed help fast couse of low battery

07-27-2006, 09:41 AM
Shops are pretty easy.

First go into the Quest Menu and go into Misc Date>Shop Types.
Then click on a number and this is where you'll set up a shop. List your items and prices here.

Next go to a screen where Link will be entering the shop. Make a tile that'll take him there such as stairs. Then go under Data>Tile Warps. And set it to screen 80, Cave/Item Room.

On the same screen select a Guy to be the Shop Keeper, then a Message String, and now you must set up the room type. Select Shop, and then under Room Type, Shop Type will appear in the menu. Click here and select the number that you designated as your shop.

Save, and test it to make sure it works properly. I also want to mention that there's also a weird bug in shops you can't avoid that I've ran into. Sometimes when you enter a shop it'll act like the Shop, but your items and prices won't appear. It's odd and rare. Pretty much you just have to restart the quest and it should be fine.

Hope this helps

07-27-2006, 12:30 PM
Just to add... People have gotten confused about the tile warp to screen 80 thing. Screen 80 is just a template. Screen 80 is used many times, like for shops, special items, door repair, etc. Don't make separate screens for these things, you can just use screen 80. Of course, custom houses/caves for these things is a different story.

07-27-2006, 02:56 PM
Also don't forget to set the blue square for where you want Link to appear when he leaves the shop.

07-28-2006, 03:21 PM
omg!!! thank you so ****** very much:)