View Full Version : Gays Insulting Straight People

07-22-2006, 11:47 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060720/us_nm/rights_gays_dc;_ylt=AjM_dFl4BSraMNm4kzpX8eGs0NUE;_ ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-

I just thought this was strange because gays used "breeders" and "Babymakers" as insults... Isn't that just a tiny bit...insane? :googly: I mean...uhhh... it is the reason they're alive after all...and...I dunno, it's just kinda twisted...

Anyway, any thoughts?

07-23-2006, 12:08 AM
Yeah, I'd say I'd draw the line right about there.

There is nothing different between that kind of attitude, and women who hate men. It is one thing to chose not to engage in the traddition of re-production, but another to make fun.

Gay culture lasts only as long as people can come out of the closet. Not that I'd condone it, but if they want to continue to have an identity, I'd suggest they would be careful about their words. The price to pay for being a cultural force is having to give up certain rights such as the right to piss off people.

Anyway, this is my initial reaction, I'll read the article and see if in fact this is what it's talking about.

Edit: Yeah, as I thought, there is more going on than just straight bashing. I think the town in general is a bit wacked out. The problem really isn't gay vs straight, it's a lot more to do with the degeneration of humanity and good will. Fact is, people are hostile to each other anyway, not just because of any one issue.

People Suck.

07-23-2006, 12:16 AM
The fun part about life is that when you say "Everyone should work together to create a peaceful world where nobody calls each other derogatory terms!" people call you a pussy. Then, when you say something akin to "Live with it! It's how the world is." People call you callous.

It's roughly along the same lines.

... I wish I could remember what inspired that snippet right there, but we all already know that the world is divided. You've got homophobes vs gays, gays striking back, people who want peace, people who don't care, ... ...

On a similar note, you've got the ni**ers and you've got the crackers. When are the crackers going to get their asterisks? Huh?

07-23-2006, 12:56 AM
And Pagans are prejudiced against Christians... Big shock. Truth is, I don't find it the least bit shocking. The majority goes around treating the minority like crap, what do you expect to happen? No, I'm not defending it, and I'd certainly never condone it myself (though I'd have a hard time taking such an insult seriously), but it's like cracker... Wrong yes, but I can see where they're coming from.

07-23-2006, 12:57 AM
Homosexuals that do that kind of thing aare as bad as the stereotypical homophobic hicks, and they should be lynched. Lynched by patracentric homophobes.
I hate that shit.
And since when does nigger get asteriks? F*** that, ST. :P

There shouldn't be a such THING as gay "culture" because that encourages segregation. Gays are just people who enjoy the same gender. Who the fuck created this stereotype? Hell, the spartans didn't have that stereotype. Or any other culture that had homosexuality in it, as far as I know.

07-23-2006, 02:34 AM
The gay culture exists because gays have been ostracized from mainstream culture, much in the same way that the black culture exists because blacks have similarly been ostracized. I agree, it shouldn't exist, but it does, and bigots created it.

07-23-2006, 03:02 AM
When heterosexuals are being denied jobs or beaten nearly to death because they prefer relations with the opposite sex, I'll be worried about homosexual descrimination towards straight people. The closest thing to that is apparently here: "a man was charged with assaulting a woman who signed a petition to ban same-sex marriage in Massachusetts"

At this point, I can only see me being harassed for being straight because the homosexual doing the harassing was him or herself probably called a fag or dyke countless times, victimized in school, and lives in a country run partly by people who are at worst outright hostile towards homosexuality.

07-23-2006, 03:14 AM
My point of view on this is more personal, than as a whole - what mac said made alot of sense, but it's goddamn stupid for someone who gets mad when I call something gay, or someone a fag, to turn around and call me a fucking breeder.

Aegix Drakan
07-23-2006, 07:33 AM
:odd: WTF?

I don't think gays should be attacked for their view on life, but on the other hand I don't think they should be just given everything they want, if it wrecks our culture. they are the exception, not the rule.

and why do they insult straights by calling them "breeders"? HELLO!!! no re-production, no human race! they need to get that into their heads!

I can see why the gay community is upset, but to start acting like the gay-bashing homophobes...that's just stupid. people have a right to sign petitions, and should not be targeted for that.


07-23-2006, 09:19 AM
You know, it is just name-calling, though... Whatever happened to "Sticks and stone..."? Okay, yes, I know that's not always right, words can be much more hurtful than actions in certain situations, but my point is, the things that straights do to gays is far worse. Even just as far as the insults go... Which would you rather have? Some random person yelling "Breeders!" at you, or a random person driving by in a car hitting you with eggs while screaming "FAGS!"? That happened to a friend of mine once... No explanation, I don't know where they even got the eggs, they just yelled, threw the eggs, and drove off. If you ask me, that's the real problem - not the insults, but the physical violence that often goes along with the insults, and straights are FAR more guilty of that.

07-23-2006, 11:26 AM
Fag is like nigger you can use it on anyone. Except fags and niggers.

07-23-2006, 02:40 PM
Well on one hand, I guess it's kind of their turn to descriminate after the way every one else descriminated against them. But come on? "Breeders" and "Babymakers"? Surely they can come up with some thing better than that. It's just pathetic. But then again, its not really the words that hurt, its the intentions behind them.

On the other hand however. You'd think that the gays wouldn't descriminate against straight people because they know how much it hurts.

But I can understand if the gays were being ridiculed while on their own "turf" and called back as a comeback to an insult.

07-23-2006, 03:25 PM
I had a friend argue that white people can't use the word nigger but blacks can because "we abused our nigger privaledges"
I use the word friend lightly because i kneed him sharply in the gut at this point.
It's never fair for anyone, and you can't take revenge on the innocent. That's fucked. As has been said, it's as bad as straights hating on them.

07-24-2006, 01:03 PM
Discrimination strengthens people. Look at black people of the sixties and look at black people today. As a whole, not individually.

I think homosexual people should have the same rights as straight people as long as they stop parading and they stop getting their own TV networks and shit. I mean seriously, if you're not any different, STOP ACTING LIKE IT.

07-24-2006, 01:22 PM
I had a friend argue that white people can't use the word nigger but blacks can because "we abused our nigger privaledges"
I use the word friend lightly because i kneed him sharply in the gut at this point.
It's never fair for anyone, and you can't take revenge on the innocent. That's fucked. As has been said, it's as bad as straights hating on them.

Well duh. But look at the entire history of civilisation. Just because no one has the right to descriminate doesn't mean they're not going to descrimnate against others. It's human nature. People in general are skeptical of change and with the "gay culture" spreading every where, people are getting exposed to a different life style than thier own.

I think most people find it easier to deal with change if they try to convince them selves that its going to fail or it isn't "normal". Then that way they won't have to change into something they don't want to be.

07-24-2006, 02:29 PM
That's hilarious. You breeders! I'd be like, fuck yeah! I mean wow, even their insults are faggy. My opinion is pretty plain. Don't pay attension to all this homo crap. If people are gay, oh well. They aren't a cause or movement, or anything special. People that are so opposed to things like gay marriage and such are feeding this. I wouldn't give a shit if 2 people of the same sex wanted to get married in our society. Afterall, lets assume they have a family or just their "partner", and they die. Since they weren't married they have no rights like a straight married person does. Things like taking care of funeral stuff, property, children, etc.

That and all the sanctity of marriage being ruined is retarded. It's not sacred, it's a legal status, maybe spiritual as well. Personally I just want people to sit down and shut the fuck up.

07-24-2006, 04:29 PM
If the point of marriage getting ruined blah blah blah whatever,
Why don't we create a non-religious CEREMONY? Oh wait, don't we already have court room marriages? Those didn't always strike me as holy, but that judges gavel sure is badass. Maybe it's a holy gavel.

07-24-2006, 05:00 PM
See that's just the thing. They won't create an equal equivilent to marriage for homosexuals, nor will they allow them to use marriage. This is retarded as the government is not holy, sacred, or really anything else. Marriage from the point of the law is as plain and bland as taxes. The only sacredness of marriage comes from people's spirituality, which has no purpose in government.

So really, they need to make something that is 100% equal to marriage or let them get married would be even better as then it is even under the same label. Then they can all shut the fuck up. ;)

07-24-2006, 05:25 PM
That's hilarious. You breeders! I'd be like, fuck yeah! I mean wow, even their insults are faggy. My opinion is pretty plain. Don't pay attension to all this homo crap. If people are gay, oh well. They aren't a cause or movement, or anything special. People that are so opposed to things like gay marriage and such are feeding this. I wouldn't give a shit if 2 people of the same sex wanted to get married in our society. Afterall, lets assume they have a family or just their "partner", and they die. Since they weren't married they have no rights like a straight married person does. Things like taking care of funeral stuff, property, children, etc.

That and all the sanctity of marriage being ruined is retarded. It's not sacred, it's a legal status, maybe spiritual as well. Personally I just want people to sit down and shut the fuck up.

07-27-2006, 02:12 PM
Heh, I don't know why being called "breeders" is insulting to people.

This whole thing is just a natural reaction to years of repression followed by being immersed in a culture that largely accepts. You go a bit crazy and get brash about striking back at those who insulted you in the past. Most gay people settle down after a few years.

07-27-2006, 02:37 PM
That would make sense but I didn't repress them. You can't blame every straight person just like you can't blame every white person for slavery. Guilty by association doesn't work.

07-27-2006, 04:19 PM
We're not talking about logic here. It's a gut reaction. People naturally lump people into stereotypical groups. Not saying it's right. It's just what happens.

07-27-2006, 06:08 PM
On a similar note, you've got the ni**ers and you've got the crackers. When are the crackers going to get their asterisks? Huh?
Am I the only one who finds the term 'cracker' absolutely hilarious? I am not the slightest bit offended by it, because it just sounds stupid. By extention, anyone who uses the term looks stupid and rediculous.

BTW, guilt by association is the same rationale terrorists use when they attack innocent civiliains.

07-27-2006, 09:48 PM
Am I the only one who finds the term 'cracker' absolutely hilarious? I am not the slightest bit offended by it, because it just sounds stupid. By extension, anyone who uses the term looks stupid and rediculous.

BTW, guilt by association is the same rationale terrorists use when they attack innocent civilians.

Nope you aren't the only one. I was on a date one night last year and they were doing buggy rides so I figured I would score some extra points for it. We got in and some black guy and his girl came up and yelled at us we took "their" buggy and then he yelled dumb fucking cracker. I was laughing until the ride was almost over.

There are few names out there that bother me, nigger is one. I can stand hearing it but if said the wrong way I don't like it. Besides that what's up with blacks calling each other that but soon as someone else calls them by that it's racism?

War Lord
07-27-2006, 10:01 PM
The same reason you can go suck a bunch of cock and brag about it to your friends, but if a girl does it, she's a ho.

Simple logic here man.

07-27-2006, 10:30 PM
Am I the only one who finds the term 'cracker' absolutely hilarious? I am not the slightest bit offended by it, because it just sounds stupid. By extention, anyone who uses the term looks stupid and rediculous.

BTW, guilt by association is the same rationale terrorists use when they attack innocent civiliains.

I used to feel that way, thinking it was a really stupid goofy insult and they were dumb cause they couldn't think of anything better (Honkey was worse lol) but one day it occured to me that it probably means "whip-cracker" as in cracking slave whips, and suddenly it wasn't really that funny anymore...x_x

Aegix Drakan
07-28-2006, 08:12 AM
totally bullshit human logic here man.


07-28-2006, 08:55 AM
Fag Drag?

08-07-2006, 07:33 PM

Needs to be more gays people. Look out your door lately? Too many fucking people in the world.