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View Full Version : Stuck here

07-21-2006, 10:19 AM
Well, as PureZC is down I'm stuck here on AGN again, a board I don't hate but don't like coming to as I find a lot of people swearing at me here. I can take the swearing, but I'm only twelve and don't really enjoy it (who does???).

Please, in my short stay here, expect to see the majority of my posts in the ZC part as it seems that all people of the non-ZC comunity share this non swearing on forums atmosphere with me (people on PureZC are courtessy-enough to put "*"s on the words).

This is the exact reason why I'm seldom seen here. I may learn to ignor the horrible language sometime in the future but not today. It gets right up my pip and I just can't stand people thinking the internet is a safe place to swear to kids.

Please, keep it real ;),


07-21-2006, 10:21 AM
When did Pure go down?
Who has swore at you? I know I haven't.

07-21-2006, 10:33 AM
Well, in that thread about The XChicken Incident (please don't say anything else about it) someone said, "Noone cares a sh**".
And I have been swore at other times here but I can't remember where.

07-21-2006, 10:40 AM
Wow, I can't believe it, PureZC (http://www.purezc.com) it's really down...
I rarely post there though...

Well, I hope you enjoy AGN on your stay.

07-21-2006, 10:42 AM
It isn't down , but there are a lot around that can make the connection ,
I still can go there but seem to be the only one with mrZ and some guests .
Nobody else is around ;)

07-21-2006, 10:43 AM
Well, in that thread about The XChicken Incident (please don't say anything else about it) someone said, "Noone cares a sh**".
And I have been swore at other times here but I can't remember where.

I remember that one. Yeah some were pretty harsh. Some people here just like to speak their mind. No matter how thay do it.

It isn't down , but there are a lot around that can make the connection ,
I still can go there but seem to be the only one with mrZ and some guests .
Nobody else is around ;)
I can't get there. What browser are you using? It might be because of your location too.

EDIT: It's up now. It's been up and down all morning.

07-21-2006, 10:58 AM
I could get there in my morning (stupid time zones, why do we need them) a few hours ago but I tried at half three just twenty minutes ago and it didn't load.

I'm using Internet Explorer (don't tell me to use firefox. grrr...) and am in England, but I'm not allowed to say which town in case of Pervies.

07-21-2006, 10:59 AM
FYI... it's 7:55am (pacific) and I was just able to load the purezc web page. OH and I'm using Firefox v1.5.0.4

07-21-2006, 11:03 AM
Yeah, it was down when I logged on this morning. (It's my homepage. I thought my connection was bust. :p ) It seems to be up now though. Now to get back to business. :rolleyes:

07-21-2006, 11:07 AM
Well, even though it's back up it's pursuaded me to stay here for good.
I haven't been sworn at this time and the log-in bug is fixed, I'm rather enjoying the non-ZC comunity again and I think I rather get my post count up here and leave PureZC for a while because my posts on Pure are pushing on 1,000 and I don't even have 100 here. Darn adictive PureZC brand SpeedWeed... *gets shot*

Thanks for going down PureZC, you've given me confidence to come back to AGN. Huzzah!

07-24-2006, 11:20 PM
Yay! You currently have 101 posts! It's almost twice my count...

Yeah, people cuss everywhere. Sometimes it is difficult to overlook and ignore it. I guess I'm just used to hearing it or something...not on the Internet, though! Not yet! -.-*

Nicholas Steel
07-25-2006, 12:05 AM
works fine here (mozilla FF 2.0b1)

07-25-2006, 12:11 AM
works fine here (mozilla FF 2.0b1)

Yeah, the problem was fixed 3 days ago. PZC was down in the morning and was back up in the afternoon. Look at rocksfan13's post.

07-26-2006, 02:12 PM
Pure's ok for me right now, but welcome (back) to AGN anyway. Feel free to post in the ZC section, though I might point out in a friendly voice that hyper posting on AGN is not good for your health - but hey, you haven't done anything wrong, so there's no need to tell you that.