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View Full Version : Wrong Door=Game Over

Mega Link
07-18-2006, 12:08 PM
So, you can have empty chests and Link has to pick the right one to get the prize. And he would only have one shot in the entire game, since chest states save, just like door states.

Would you be able to do that with dungeon doors? In the quest I'm making Link has a choice of 3 doors to go thourgh. (Pretty obvious decision.) He has to go thourgh all of them in the right order. If he goes the wrong way, it is a perement game over. The only way to continue is to restart the entire game.

Is there any way I could do that? I am using ZC 2.11 Beta 10b.

07-18-2006, 12:18 PM
In one door you could make a side warp to a new D-Map with music.
Have the floor covered in invisible damage combos the would kill Link
instantly.(that would seem like it was a wrong room):)

Note:you dont have to make a new D-Map,just a death room.;)

Mega Link
07-18-2006, 12:26 PM
WOW! I didn't expect a reply that quick!
Acually I know how to get Link traped in there, I just need to know how to get it 100% PERMANENT. Like, an auto-save room. Can I do that?
Edit: I am not that much of a "Newcomer". I know ALOT of things on tips and tricks with Zelda Classic. I'm just new to the forums...

...and the latest beta.
Example: I went from ZC2.10 > ZC2.11 B6 > ZC2.10 > ZC2.11 B10 > ZC2.10 > ZC2.11 B10B
I just got the latest beta to work a few days ago! And the way to get it to work was in front of my nose the whole time!
:mad: :cry: :weirdo:
Edit2: Now I am now longer a "Newcomer" Hooray for me!:grad:

07-18-2006, 12:44 PM
I am not sure if you can,but this might work!

Make the death room a new D-map and have the continue here box checked.
Make the continue point in the middle of the room.(this is so it wont let them
get out of the room)If the door IS open have the death room lead to the same
death room.(do this if you want to bug people;) )

If you cant get any of that to work try the steps below...

1. Be creative with D-Maps
2. Do something tricky with warps
3. Ummm...I'm out of ideas...

I reply as quickly as possable!;)
I help people,and get help from people!:)

Love For Fire
07-18-2006, 04:34 PM
Use the auto Save Room screen flag. That paired with a "Continue here" screen flag.