View Full Version : Newbie question: How do I change my "b" button weapon?

07-18-2006, 10:28 AM
:confused: Newbie question, can you please help?

***How do I change my "b" button weapon?***

In the section "above" the playing screen, I can see both the bomb and the bow in the weapon selector area. The bomb is highlighted by the "red corners". How do I move the weapon selector to the right?

I'm using a laptop, and the keyboard appears to be mapped in the following way:

Left/Right/Up/Down buttons are mapped to the corresponding arrow keys
"A" button is mapped to the left "ALT" key
"B" button is mapped to the left "Ctrl" key
"Start" is mapped to Enter key
"L" is mapped to "z" key
"R" is mapped to "x" key
"map" is mapped to "Space" key

Which Nintendo button is supposed to change the weapon selection?
Which keyboard key is supposed to change the weapon selection, by default?

Thanks for you help. :)

07-18-2006, 10:33 AM
you get in the weapon area with the enter key and then use the arrows to select ;)

07-18-2006, 10:49 AM
No, that doesn't seem to work. :(

I have just gotten the bow, Link raises it above his head.
I walk a few steps.
I hit [enter] to see inventory screen above.
I can see the bomb and the bow, (and the map, etc).
The only (excluding F1-F12) key on my keyboard that seems to do anything is [enter], which closes the inventory screen.

I know this should be simple...

Thanks! :)

07-18-2006, 11:18 AM
AHA! You probably can't select the bow until you get arrows.
Now that I have the boomerang, I can select the bomb or boomerang using the arrows keys, just as you suggested.


07-18-2006, 11:20 AM
Yeah thats right you can't choose the bow till you have the arrows ;)