View Full Version : What i've been up to

07-07-2006, 08:21 PM
So yeah, I haven't touched elda Clasic in months, and I think you all deserve an explanation.

The first explanaion is, not surprisingly, real life. I've been very busy with stuff and it's been sapping away a bit of my time. I'm currently involved in a contracted job that I have to complete, so that's taking up some time too. Still, even with this real life stuff, I should allegedly ave enough time to work on ZC.

Unfortunately, the only other explanation I can give is that I've been disinterested, ad have been working on other things. The most prominent being work on hacking Sonic the Hedgehog ROMs (in case you couldn't tell from my posts an avatar, I'm more of a Sonic fan than I ever will be a Zelda fan). ut it's mostly been disinterest on my part. However, do note that beta 11 is being worked on, as Daisuke/Takuya, koopa, and the rest have contributed nicely while DN continues to work hard at fixing these bugs. Hopefully, I'll have revived interest some time in the future to continue working on Zelda Classic, but as of now, I really jut don't feel like it. That's about all I can say really :/

07-07-2006, 08:56 PM
Everybody needs a break ;)
I opened up Robinhood this morning to try and track down a bug for DN, first time I've had it open in a month.
Been playing around with the b10b a little but mostly I've been taking a break too.

07-08-2006, 10:44 AM
And your break has been well-deserved (if you would call it a break, that is...).

07-08-2006, 01:19 PM
I agree with the rest Jman2050. Everyone deserves a break. Especially you. Hopefully one day you will have a new found love for ZC again. Until then, don't forget about us. Enjoy your time away!

07-08-2006, 02:13 PM
Have a nice break, jman, you deserve it. (And best of luck with your job)

For me summer break has just started, which means I'll have a lot of time to spend on ZC.

07-08-2006, 06:09 PM
That's right, jman, You have been working so hard non-stop for the past few months! Great job!