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View Full Version : Sonic RPG Demo #2 Complete!

06-14-2006, 02:01 PM
(Cue Dramatic Music) It's finally here! The second enstallment of my project for RPGM2K3: Sonic RPG!

You've been waiting for a long time, but now it is ready for download. Demo #2 has Chapters 1-10 complete, and introduces several new party members. Also, I have redone several of my battle sprites to make them look better. Here are some screenshots from Demo #2:


Note: For those of you who have Demo #1, you must start the game from the beginning... If you try to use your saved data, there will be several flaws that will appear with the new party members... (Like they start at Level 1, instead of the Level that they are supposed to be at...)

I eagerly await your comments... Oh, and there is a tutorial on how to install the demo included in the zip folder... That way, you don't have to ask how to install it...

EDIT: You now need to download 2 separate archives:

Setup Zip Folder: http://www.freewebs.com/superstrider/sonicrpgsetup.zip

RPG Archive: http://three.fsphost.com/SuperstriderPUC/Sonic%20RPG.lzh

06-14-2006, 09:16 PM
You know, I came into this topic with every intention of bitching at you about advertising, but that actually looks kinda neat.

Aegix Drakan
06-15-2006, 09:16 AM

(throws a raucous party, and throws confetti everywhere!)

I'm downloading this on the spot! thank you Superstrider!

[EDIT] um..."the server could not be found". and it doesen't work if I right click and save it...what's the problem?

Drunken Tiger
06-15-2006, 09:34 AM
Works fine for me, nice job Superstrider.

Darth Marsden
06-15-2006, 11:04 AM
Damn it, this only serves to remind me that I have gaming projects I should be working on. Curse you!

Still, looks neat. Maybe I'll give it a go if I get distracted by something shiny, like I always seem to do.

06-15-2006, 12:04 PM
Thanks... I've been recieving complaints, though, that some people cannot install it... (I'm have a few problems with that, too... When I put it on someone else's computer...)
Let me know if you can actually get it running.

Edit: I've reuploaded it. The url hasn't changed, so just click the link in my first post.

06-19-2006, 03:03 PM
Sorry for the double post, but it's been 4 days, and I need to bump this topic...

Since there is so many problems with the original Archive, I've reuploaded it. You now need to download 2 separate archives:

Setup Zip Folder: http://www.freewebs.com/superstrider/sonicrpgsetup.zip

RPG Archive: http://three.fsphost.com/SuperstriderPUC/Sonic%20RPG.lzh

You need both to play. Download and extract the Setup Folder first, then Download the RPG Archive. The archive can only be activated if the setup files are present. I have updated my first post to accomidate this change.

Aegix Drakan
06-21-2006, 08:37 AM

It says the "RPG maker 2003 runtime package is not registered or present"

what do I do?

06-21-2006, 03:36 PM
Oops... Forgot the Runtime Package... I've reuploaded the RPG Archive with it, so try it now!
(The Url remains the same.)

Aegix Drakan
06-22-2006, 02:52 PM
^_^ hmm! not bad! I was originally gonna take marks off for relying so heavily on Sonic X (which ISN'T canon to the Sonic story), but then I saw two enemies I haven't seen in a long time... ^_^ You're just trying to give the old series the justice it needs. soo...Bonus marks!

My only gripe is: throughout most of the beginning, normal attacks are almost worthless. I suggest you lower the enemy's HP, and weaken the spells a bit.

that and make a bit ov variety with your mazes PLEASE. the forest was a refreshing change, but at the point I'm at...it's all just winding passsages...

at this point...I'd give it...let's see...8/10.

good effort. If anything else comes up, I'll let you know. ;) (I'm at chapter 8)

oh and BTW...Shadow? Using a SWORD?!?! I don't know about that...

[EDIT] OH! and If you need some sonic 1, 2 or 3 music, you let me know, 'K?

06-26-2006, 01:03 PM
oh and BTW...Shadow? Using a SWORD?!?! I don't know about that...

Actually, in Shadow the Hedgehog, one of the Secret Weapons that you can unlock is a Katana. I think that a sword suits him better than a gun, anyway.

OH! and If you need some sonic 1, 2 or 3 music, you let me know, 'K?

Do you have a place where I can download it?

Aegix Drakan
07-01-2006, 10:40 PM
whew! sorry it took so long to reply, but I've been on vacation. no computer in sight for a week. ok, now that I'm back...

Actually, in Shadow the Hedgehog, one of the Secret Weapons that you can unlock is a Katana. I think that a sword suits him better than a gun, anyway.

I know, actually...I happen to OWN shadow the Hedgehog. I just think that Shadow should either use his own physical abilities (like the martial arts he uses in Sonic Battle) or guns (I DO find that a bit of a stretch though)

Do you have a place where I can download it?

no...but I do own a PC version of Sonic and knuckles. It comes with a sonic screensaver, which comes with a lot of sonic music. I could upload the music from that.

maybe then you can find a sonic-themed battle theme!

[EDIT] and did I say that I am majorly impressed with your sprite-work? ^_^ it's so good it's unreal.