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06-12-2006, 07:52 AM

Who got theirs yet?

IT'S PURDY. I'm selling my DSfat to my friend Michael for like fifty dollars. :p

06-12-2006, 11:21 AM
I plan on getting one,along with the NEW SMB.

That Super Peach game any good?

06-12-2006, 12:05 PM
yes, SPP, despite it being all girly n stuff, is actually a very decent platformer. the only qualm i had was that you have to stop play, and touch the screen for an appropriate power. other than that, a good game, with plenty of unlockables to keep you going for a little while.

i got my hands on the demo DSLite at EBGames. it IS secksy.

06-12-2006, 02:56 PM
I don't have a DS yet; I have every intention of trying to get one of the original DS's, but not one of these. Not only for money reasons, but also, I suspect the original DS will already be a bit small in my grip. About the only really comfortably fitting controllers in my hands are the N64 controller and the Virtual Boy controller... and the PSX/2/computer knockoffs are pretty good. The gamegear had a nice thickness to it, but the button arrangement was terrible; can't believe Nintendo thought it was a good idea so many years later. I like the SP but it's waaaaay too thin and small so my hands cramp up when I play for a while.

But I'm definately wanting a DS. The first game I want to get is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow; after that, NSMB, Yoshi's Island 2, Super Princess Peach, maybe Mario Kart DS (not that I have Mario Kart Advance... or double dash...), and probably some other things I'm forgetting. The DS is my next big console-getting aim really.

06-12-2006, 03:21 PM
I haven't even gotten my hands on a demo DSlite yet. And I'm not too jittery for investing in one as well, since I'm still liking my DSfat (thanks, fiyerstorm). Maybe, someday, my hands will tire of my little silver friend... highly doubtful, since it's pretty comfy for my big and lanky hands. *shrug*

Oh, and I'm addicted to "New Super Mario Bros." As a matter of fact, I had to pause it for this post. Sw00t.

06-12-2006, 05:03 PM
My only complaint I have with my DS (the original silver) is the D-Pad leaves something to be desired. The DSLite looks like it may have a better D-Pad. The PSP also has a really shitty dpad. I find it annoying. How the hell are you expected to do diagonal movements on such horrid dpads.

06-12-2006, 05:30 PM
I hope I can get mine today my mum's gonna buy my DSLard for $70.00 from me for my sister ;)

06-12-2006, 05:37 PM
yes, SPP, despite it being all girly n stuff, is actually a very decent platformer. the only qualm i had was that you have to stop play, and touch the screen for an appropriate power. other than that, a good game, with plenty of unlockables to keep you going for a little while.

Yeah it was a lot of fun. Terrible ending tho. They build up all that stuff about the Umbrella having some mysterious past and then they don't do crap with it. I thought maybe I got a "bad ending" or something the first time I saw that. It's so rediculously stupid.

And yeah, having to use the touch screen sucked. It was just too ackward. Otherwise, very fun platformer, if a bit on the easy side.

06-12-2006, 06:19 PM
My buddy got one last night. I spent literally two hours trying to flash it's BIOS. I ended up giving up because I couldn't get into the battery compartment. That damn screw is so tight that I stripped it instead of loosening it. :(

06-12-2006, 06:43 PM
They look really cool and I want to buy one, but I think I'll stick to my old DS. I don't see the need to get one unless there is a huge difference.

06-12-2006, 06:51 PM
I got my DS Lite yesterday. I'm keeping my original DS too, just because its...well, another DS. If anyone wants to play multiplater with me on my games, I have an extra DS laying around for someone to use.

I do like it better mainly because I have a better contrast on the screen and the colors look better, and this is the lowest setting, which is the same brightness as the normal DS. Then it has 3 more brighter ones. The look of it is much more sleeker too.

I do feel a bit discouraged in keeping a GBA game in the game slot, now that is sticks out like GBC games did in the GBA SP. I guess I just assumed it would fit all the way in, like in the original DS, and it doesn't. Oh well.

Dart Zaidyer
06-13-2006, 12:51 AM
Just playing the store demo, the DS Lite has buttons that are more reminiscent of the GBA classic, instead of the recessed "click!" buttons of the original. I like it.
The new size also makes it feel more natural, like an NES controller but less painful since it's rounded. The old one was just fat and heavy.

War Lord
06-13-2006, 02:34 AM
I got mine yesterday.
Picked up mario 64 ds, and the new mario.

Fantastic thus far.
Need to pick up some more games soon.
Perhaps Mario Kart, and Wario Ware.

06-13-2006, 03:31 AM
My buddy got one last night. I spent literally two hours trying to flash it's BIOS. I ended up giving up because I couldn't get into the battery compartment. That damn screw is so tight that I stripped it instead of loosening it. :(

Exactly the reason i didn't buy one. I use a passme v1. I'd also need to upgrade to a passme v2, and probably a smaller (in dimensions) flash card, such as the Micro SD supercard.

06-13-2006, 02:41 PM
I think I'll be asking for this for my birthday. Its the kind of thing that will be hard for me to purchase for myself, but I'd love to have one.

When I get it? Mariokart, NSMB and Castlevania will be MINE. :)

06-13-2006, 03:37 PM
Exactly the reason i didn't buy one. I use a passme v1. I'd also need to upgrade to a passme v2, and probably a smaller (in dimensions) flash card, such as the Micro SD supercard.

You mean Mini SD? I recommend doing FlashMe over using a PassMe. Those are so annoying. Plus you are actually more protected by installing FlashMe because of the write protected sectors that contain a bootstrap for recovery should your bios get fragged. And the SuperCard should work in the DS lite fine, it just probably sticks out more than some people like. That is really the point of that Mini SD, to be more like the size of the GBA cartridges.

06-13-2006, 06:02 PM
I bought one today, with NSMB. It's cool, but nothign extraordinary. I need to get a Wi-fi game, or find someone with a DS.

06-13-2006, 09:12 PM
*sigh* This just reminds me of how I seem to have lost my DS, and can't find it. And I don't really have the money to replace it with a DS Lite at the moment, though if I could find an excuse, that would be pretty sweet.

06-13-2006, 10:51 PM
Yeah, I got the DSfat the Dongle and the NewSMB. I'm set for now. I'm kinda saving up for a new computer. Mabye afterwards when I get my next full check. (I only worked 1 day this week, so it's gonna be like $50 on my check. XD)

06-14-2006, 12:02 AM
You mean Mini SD? I recommend doing FlashMe over using a PassMe. Those are so annoying. Plus you are actually more protected by installing FlashMe because of the write protected sectors that contain a bootstrap for recovery should your bios get fragged. And the SuperCard should work in the DS lite fine, it just probably sticks out more than some people like. That is really the point of that Mini SD, to be more like the size of the GBA cartridges.

I do use flashme. It requires a superpass to flash for the first time.

06-14-2006, 01:27 AM
Fiyerstorm, WTF happened to your monitor?

06-14-2006, 01:44 AM
Oh ok, I thought you said you just used PassMe since you didn't mention flashme or bios flashing.

06-14-2006, 10:19 AM
I picked up a DS lite just yesterday. I'd never owned a DS. I just happened to scoop up someone's pre-order that didn't get picked up.

The past few days I've been sick and in and out of the Dr. and ER a few times, so I've had a lot of time to sit around, so I decided to trade in a bunch of old ps2 games and pick one up. I'm very happy with it.

My only complaint is that there doesn't seem to be any good RPG's for it. It would seem pretty obvious that an RPG style game would run wonderfully on it, taking full advantage of the dual screen for menus... but I found not one.

Anyone know of a good RPG for the DS? The fella at Gamestop said someone about FF3 being remade for the DS, but that it's not coming out until Sept or something. I'm moreso interested in something new, but I guess a remake will do.

War Lord
06-14-2006, 11:56 AM
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is supposed to be quite fun.
I've yet to try it however.

06-14-2006, 12:12 PM
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is a great RPG. (I own it) I'm not familiar with any other RPGs out right now, but there are a slew of them coming out this year including FF3, Children of Mana, Magical Vacation (hopefully), and more.

Don't forget, you can also play GBA games on your DS. They don't use both screens, but it's hard to pass up FF4, the first Mario & Luigi game, and the many other RPGs.

EDIT: Check out the list here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/list_rpg.html

Again, I don't know which of those games are good, so be sure to research them a little.

06-14-2006, 12:41 PM
Maybe in a month or two I'll get a DSlite, since my old GBA has taken some heavy beatings over the years. I'll have to see what action and rpgs I can get for it...

06-14-2006, 03:49 PM
Children of Mana is coming to USA for DS.

06-19-2006, 04:25 AM
*gains control of his thread*



06-19-2006, 03:12 PM
Getting my Lite today. Selling my "DSfat" (God that's funny:D ) today for 70. Gamestop will give me 40... This place called gamecrazy will fucking fork over 70, and then the guy was like AND I'll play you at hunters and beat you. Seriously. I love it when the guys at gamestores are regular people, and not videogame elitist assholes who think they're too good to play videogames with normal people.

06-20-2006, 11:59 PM
Has anyone been able to do Balloon Battle on Mario Kart DS with their DS Lite? Just curious, but a friend of mine said he was unable to blow up the balloons in his DS Lite, but the old DS, he could. He didn't know if his mic was messed up or what.

I tried it on my DS Lite, and I had the same problem. It works, because I tested it with Brain Age, but in Mario Kart, I can not blow up a balloon.

Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. How is that mic situated in there? Because blowing on the mic isn't working for me.

06-21-2006, 01:55 AM
I'll try it in a bit.


Did it. You have to blow really really lightly. It's kinda wierd but it works well.

06-21-2006, 10:42 AM
Yeah on NSMB I had the same problem, blowing on the Yoshi game. I blew too hard and nothing happened. You do have to blow lighter. I don't know why.

06-21-2006, 03:06 PM
The blowing up balloons never worked for me. And personally I think it's retarded.

War Lord
06-21-2006, 04:28 PM
Works like a charm for me every time.
We need to battle Mott, as opposed to racing.
Should be an eveen playing field if I can blow my balloons up and you can't.
Beats getting smoked in vs mode. :P

06-21-2006, 10:34 PM
*gains control of his thread*




I'm still considering the DS Lite, although i think i'm definately going to hang out for a different colour.

06-21-2006, 11:18 PM
Check this out.

I was having a problem with my new DS lite shutting off abruptly. (It only seems to happen with the new SMB, but that's besides the point). Since all the stores were out of the DSLite, I decided to call nintendo rather than wait for the stores to get it back in to exchange it for defective.

They sent me a brand new one via UPS, three day shipping. Pretty nifty. Now of course I have to send the old one back to avoid being charged for the replacement, but they give me 21 days to do it, so for like two weeks, I have two DS Lites, which is killer. Jen and I have been playing tetris, Brain games, and Mario all via DS Download. It's pretty cool.

What occured to me also is, if you own a DS Lite, and wanted another DS lite for a friend or something, you could call nintendo and say yours is broken, they'd send you another one like they did for me, and instead of paying the 129.99 plus tax, you only would pay 115$ (what they would charge me if i don't send the "damaged" one back). Plus if all the stores are out of it, like they are right now, you wouldn't have to wait.

Anyways, that's my story.

Darth Marsden
06-22-2006, 08:39 AM
Nice, but I'm sure it won't last.

Anyway, time to gloat - we in Europe get a black DS lite.


06-22-2006, 05:39 PM
What occured to me also is, if you own a DS Lite, and wanted another DS lite for a friend or something, you could call nintendo and say yours is broken, they'd send you another one like they did for me, and instead of paying the 129.99 plus tax, you only would pay 115$ (what they would charge me if i don't send the "damaged" one back). Plus if all the stores are out of it, like they are right now, you wouldn't have to wait.Anyways, that's my story.

I would feel a bit bad about doing that just because Nintendo is nice enough to send one out of good faith that we would resend ours. :)

Sony on the other hand required I send them my PS2, which came back 2 weeks later with missing parts, in which, instead of just sending me the parts, had me send in my PS2 again for another 2 weeks. How lame.

But I digress, white looks sleek. :thumbsup: Black too. Heck, the DS Lite looks sleek, I think almost any color would look awesome on it.

06-24-2006, 10:26 PM
Nice, but I'm sure it won't last.

Anyway, time to gloat - we in Europe get a black DS lite.


If you know the right people, anyone and thier sister can get one off the hong kong black market.

06-25-2006, 05:37 AM
If you know the right people, anyone and thier sister can get one off the hong kong black market.

Apparantely Nintendo released a press statement saying that it was, in fact, White Lites that went missing.

06-29-2006, 12:26 AM
I picked up DS Lite this week and the screen quality is amazing. Hard to go back to a GBA SP now.

The only problem I have is there seems to be more motion blurring than the old DS had. I've tested the same games on my DS Lite, DS, and GBA SP, and the DS Lite has the worst blurring.

07-14-2006, 12:57 AM
Wow, I just got a package today from Nintendo sent to my work place, addressed to me. Open it up, and its a Nintendo DS Lite. A free DS Lite. Now I have two. :) (Plus my old one makes 3)