View Full Version : I just lost my best friend

06-05-2006, 06:15 PM
I moved away from home last summer for about 3 months and my soon to be ex I left the place to until she could get her footing in life and find a way out left behind a small feeder mouse that i guess had gotten away... I abhore the use of live animals for feeding snakes etc ...i know it's a must but still I don't like it so needless to say i was thrilled at the escapee ...I soon noticed that she had several nested outposts around my room one of which was in an old techodrome I was piecing together (which i finished for her btw) and well I was impressed ...the mouse had a lust for freedom and such moxy ...we've coexisted swimmingly over the last 9 months, and somehow she and I adjusted so well that there was nothing i could to keep her away from me. I don't even know how to describe the way I felt about such a simple little animal, but she was an ideology of freedom and tolerence. I won't go into the details of the accident itself (and no it wasn't from eating pot seeds I can assure that) but my very best friend was taken from me, and I couldn't feel worse =(


a hatch in the back was how she got in

her name was chester but the locals called her chessy

i don't expect many people to understand my loss i mean it is just a mouse, but hopefully some of you get it ...i feel so low right now. she gets buried in her technodrome kinda like an egyption pharoah

06-05-2006, 06:30 PM
Aw... that really sucks. When I was pregnant, my hamster (Mooie, white with black spots) died. Her aquarium was by the window because it got so hot in my bedroom, and one night it just got too cold, and she wound up freezing to death. I took it so hard because I was pregnant and overly emotional anway, so I cried and felt horrible like, "If I can't take care of a hamster, how will I take care of a baby!" for a few weeks. Then my sister got me a new hamster (Hammy) who went crazy and eventually died from God only knows what because I couldn't clean her aquarium or feed or or anything without her attacking me and biting me, and no one else wanted to do it... Dwarf hamsters are NUTS.

Aegix Drakan
06-05-2006, 07:18 PM
(sigh)...I sympathize with you Cronic. I know what it's like to lose a loved pet.

I had a tiny turtle named Nike once (I was 7, ok? legally stupid) and I brought it to the basement for some exercise. suddenly, my mom calls and says we're gonna watch a movie (jurrasic park). after the movie, I suddenly remembered Nike. We searched for an hour, and no sign. then mom found him under the basement freezer, squished, a month later. :cry:

So let's just say...I know the feeling, and it ain't pretty.

06-05-2006, 07:52 PM
That is said. This reminds me of the time our lizard(one of ones we've had) escaped out the front yard and we couldn't find her for several months, only to find out after the start of spring that she found a tree in the back yard of a neighbour and slept there untill she slipped away from this mortal coil. It was especialy sad because some children led us in the wrong direction and overall showed unnatural uintellegence including not understanding that tropical lizards are not equpped to deal with harsh Canadian winters.

I hope Chester can find eternal rest inside the technodrome.

06-05-2006, 08:31 PM
I'm sorry dear :( I love pets. I'm so attached to my cat, I dunno what I'm going to do when she's gone. Even pets I don't like dying is sad...my most recent dog was crazy and attacked me and my dad. It was still sad to put her to sleep. Well, you can talk to me on AIM if you need to vent. Sorry about it.

06-05-2006, 08:36 PM
thats really aweful :(. hope you feel better after a few days. i remember one time i forgot to fill up my lizard's water and it died :/, never letting something like that happen to my chinchilla.

06-05-2006, 08:38 PM
I had a couple newts once and one day I discovered that one of them was missing. The tank was on top of a dresser so I didn't think it would have gone that far. We searched all over for it but couldn't find it. Several weeks later, my mother was cleaning out the bathroom closet with the vacuum hose and on the floor something got caught in the hose... and there it was.

Sorry about your loss Cronic.

06-05-2006, 08:47 PM
I'm sorry for your loss sweetheart. Losing a beloved pet, no matter what it is, can be very hard on the emotions. <hug> hang in there hon... :)

06-05-2006, 09:20 PM
I'm sorry dear :( I love pets. I'm so attached to my cat, I dunno what I'm going to do when she's gone. Even pets I don't like dying is sad...my most recent dog was crazy and attacked me and my dad. It was still sad to put her to sleep. Well, you can talk to me on AIM if you need to vent. Sorry about it.

I remember when I was 10 and my dog died. She had endometriosis (sp?) and was scheduled for a hystorectomy the day after Thanksgiving, but she wound up dying Thanksgiving morning... It was so sad to see my sister who was 2 at the time, walking around the house calling for Curly after that :(

We got a new dog a few days later to fill the empty filling. That dog is now 17 years old, and I can't imagine what life would be like without her...

My sister had two turtles, one big and one little... the big one recently drown the little one. My sis was so bummed :(

I have to leave this thread, it makes me sad. Sorry Cronic, feel better...

06-06-2006, 12:18 AM
Dude, I'm really sorry.

06-06-2006, 01:28 AM
I actually do dig why you're upset. It's not REALLY a mouse. I mean, physically, but it goes beyond "I really cared about this entity"
When you connect with something from the start, it hurts that much more in the end.
All I can say is that I feel for you man.

06-06-2006, 01:46 AM
Any loss is a loss, big or small, furry or or covered in scales. I have a zoo in my house and I don't know what I am going to do once I start losing members of the family.

Check your pm box though.

06-06-2006, 01:50 AM
i know the feeling of a pet dying... we've had so many... two of which struck me very hard. one was a cockatoo named 'Rocky'. he could do anything, except fly. he died because he was right beside the fridge, and we guess he died from the cold air from the door.

the second was our boxer, 'Lexi'. i think she was the best dog ever. pretty damn smart for a dog. to this day, we think our neighbors drowned her in our pool we had at the time...

its not easy to get the same relationship with any animal. we have a cat now that i've been nothing but nice to, and it still tries to eat my hand.

06-06-2006, 04:00 AM
Coincidentally, my dog died tonight. She was 11, and had a form of anemia. Now she's burried in my mom's backyard with a toy she'd had since I got her. Sucks.

06-06-2006, 08:06 AM

I had a pet rat named Shithead (got that name from his fascination with shitting everytime you picked him up). He was cool for like the first few months then got mean as hell and would bite people. He ended up taking a swim in the river behind the apartment.

06-06-2006, 08:38 AM

I had a pet rat named Shithead (got that name from his fascination with shitting everytime you picked him up). He was cool for like the first few months then got mean as hell and would bite people. He ended up taking a swim in the river behind the apartment.

Wait, you killed him?!

What ever happened to the pot eating hamsters...

06-06-2006, 09:10 AM
Wait, you killed him?!

Killed is such a harsh word. I prefer "a prolonged bath".

What ever happened to the pot eating hamsters...

Smokey escaped the 2nd time and never returned. That was the coolest hampster ever.

06-06-2006, 09:24 AM
Killed is such a harsh word. I prefer "a prolonged bath".

So... Cronic makes a post about how his mouse died, and you reply with, ... 'yeah well i killed my rat lol.'

You're mean :(

06-06-2006, 09:36 AM
So... Cronic makes a post about how his mouse died, and you reply with, ... 'yeah well i killed my rat lol.'

When summed up so quickly, it actually sounds kinda funny.

06-07-2006, 05:31 PM
^ true..

I'm so sorry, Cronic. I think just about everyone here knows what you're going through. My mom had a cat that had kittens and most of them died except just a few. Well, I got to pick one and it was such a cute little baby girl. She was black and the tip of her tail was white and I instantly fell in love with her and called her Bob and whenever I did laundry she'd fall asleep in the clothes or on the counter where she laid half way off, it was adorable. Well, after a few weeks, I went to me girlfriends birthday party and while I was there my mom called and said that our stupid palmeranian dog killed Bob...I was so bummed. Told my friend happy birthday and walked home. It was horrible.

So yea, I entirely know where you're coming from. Pets become a part of our lives. They complete us somehow. It's not fair that we have to witness that loss. So you have my sorry and get better. It hurts but I'm sure she's in a better place.

06-07-2006, 08:36 PM
I had a dog for 15 years. She died when i was 17. Everyone in my family was pretty messed up for quite a while when he had her put to sleep.

06-07-2006, 09:34 PM
We have numerous cats and dogs (and goats and fish but not in this story). To start, there's Daisy, a cat that was sleeping on the fan that cools the engine in the truck. It was several years back and I was crying and guilty because we were late for a Pokemon movie when it happened, cried all the way to town.
Out black cat Paco who had some urinary problems the vet said were common on male cats. We found him on the side of the road on the way back from school a few years back. Paco was the head of the house! I felt that if I hadn't let him outside that morning it wouldn't of happened.
Bessy, our britney spaniel, disappeared for about a week a year back. The rest of the family was starting to give up on her when out neighbor showed up at the front door with her collar. She always dug out and practically the whole neighborhood knew her and her "rounds" around the block. Apparently, she was taken by coyotes. I was in such shock I was emotionless until I played "May it be" by Enya and ended up crying harder than ever for a while. I still cry. Less than a month later Violet, our collie black lab mix, died of heart failure. It was cold and rainy that day and she was outside. Right now, Purr, the younger sister of Paco, and me are best friends and I don't know what I'll do if I lose her. Maybelle (sister of Violet) Pearl (siamese cat) and newbie Maggi (calico) are pretty much in the same boat as Purr, but we're not as close.

Just give it some time, Cronic, everything will be ok. You can mourn, but you'll see her again sometime. That's just what I believe, that you'll always see your loved ones again eventually, you just need to be patient. I'm sorry if that sound cold or mean or related adjectives I meant for it to be nice and encouraging.

Hit me, whatever, for this really long post and all the animals I mentioned, just felt like putting them all on there for some reason. *braces if someone is going to whap me.

06-10-2006, 05:56 AM
Yeah, I get it.
Such a small thing.
Just a little life in the palm of your hand,
yeah , I get it.
Sorry for your loss.