View Full Version : Tiles...=0(

05-27-2006, 10:12 AM
AUGH! I really need somebody's help. You see, I have a bunch of tiles that dont appear on the tile list on the right hand side of the screen, but they appear under *Graphics under *Tiles. How do I get those tiles on my list?:shakeno:

05-27-2006, 11:53 AM
Right-click on an empty tile on the list on the right. An empty tile shows a black tile with a red square in the middle. When you do, a screen will appear to edit this combo. There are three boxes at the top, right? One with junk in it and two that are empty. Click on the left-most one. Find the tile that you want in this list, then double-click it. The middle of the 3 boxes will let you make the combo solid a quarter at a time. (Pink is solid.) Don't worry about the 3rd box, the one that makes light blue things appear. If you want to have the combo animate, use A.Frames and A.Speed. Then select the combo type in the scroll box, such as Armos or Tall Grass, etc. And you're done!

05-27-2006, 03:55 PM
:D Hey thanks! You helped me out a LOT

05-27-2006, 10:46 PM
A quicker way to do it, is also to go to graphics>combos. Just my 2 cents.