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05-26-2006, 03:15 PM
It's always good to at least have a good general geographical knowledge when it comes to understanding the state of the world today. I recently came across a good site that teaches geography. I realized how much I sucked at geography so I decided to study use the site to teach myself. It worked pretty well and now I can name just about all the countries in the world with 95+% accuracy and some places perfectly.

I'd like to see how you guys do on some of the tests. They start out with a completely blank map and ask you to give first three letters of the country. It can be hard even for some people who consider themselves good at geography at first since there are few things nearby to relate to. It's perhaps not the best way to test geography knowledge, but it pretty cool.

Post your scores for each. Don't be ashamed of low scores. I'd post mine if I remembered my original ones. As I said now I'm pretty damn good with all of them now.

United States

South/Central America


Africa - probably the hardest


Middle East

05-26-2006, 03:31 PM
I got a perfect score on the United States, it took me 98 seconds. I am officially a United States geography nerd.

I suck at Europe. I got 15/45, and most of the countries I got right were the big ones (United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, etc). The other, lesser known ones I mostly missed. :(

I've yet to try any of the others. I'll edit this post when I finish them all.

Edit: And here are the rest:

South America: Only got Brazil, Chile, and Argentina right.

Asia: Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Philipines, and Russia were the ones I got right. The rest I missed.

Middle East: Iran and Iraq were the only ones I got right, and that's only because I thought Iran was Iraq, because they both use the first three letters and I entered "Ira"...

Africa: Six right; South Africa, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, and Egypt. The rest I totally failed at.

Man, I really need to brush up on my geography outside the US... :shakeno:

05-26-2006, 03:59 PM
The US. I obviously got them all.
Europe. 15% before I quit.
The others, I didn't even try. Don't know that much about the globe. I fail.

05-26-2006, 06:38 PM
US: 66%, 33/50. >_>
South America: 45%, 9/20.
Europe: 27%, 12/35
Africa: 8%, 4/53.
Asia: 34%, 11/22.
Middle East: 24%, 4/17.

Thanks for reminding me how much I suck at Geography.

05-26-2006, 06:54 PM
USA - 96% (got Vermont/New Hampshire and Rhode Island/Delaware confused)
Europe - 47% (not counting three countries I misspelled and one that I couldn't tell where the box was pointing at)
South America - 60%

Still haven't done the others, I'll update later when I get around to it.

05-26-2006, 06:55 PM
I got 48/50 on the US, so I decided to try the next level. They have you drop the states where they go, and the ones you get right disappear. So getting the ones in the middle of the country right is really hard, because if you're off by a bit you get it wrong. At least the ones you get wrong stick around, so you can use them as guides for positioning later states. I ended up getting 45/50 there.

05-26-2006, 07:15 PM
86% US.
40% South America
53% Europe
50% Asia
59% Middle East

If there was anything that game taught me, it's that I don't know how to spell the names of U.S. states.

05-27-2006, 10:17 AM
49/50 for the U.S...Confused Oregon with Washington.

19/20 for S.A. I got El Salvador wrong.

Failed Asia test. 69%, because I missed the whatever-stans and those little useless countries to the left.

Europe I quit. Too many small countries.

Middle East: 13/17. I keep misspelling Cygnus...never heard of no 'Golan Heights'. Put Oman in 3 different places.

Africa: Not even trying.

05-27-2006, 11:00 AM
My scores, all at level 5:

USA: 90%, I kept in using abbreviations for some instead of actual spelling
Middle East: 76%
Africa: 21%, should have studied first!
Asia: 47%
Europe: 47%
South America: 70%

05-27-2006, 11:02 AM
49/50 for the U.S...Confused Oregon with Washington.

19/20 for S.A. I got El Salvador wrong.

Failed Asia test. 69%, because I missed the whatever-stans and those little useless countries to the left.

Europe I quit. Too many small countries.

Middle East: 13/17. I keep misspelling Cygnus...never heard of no 'Golan Heights'. Put Oman in 3 different places.

Africa: Not even trying.

That's because Golan Heights isn't really a country. It's just an area that Israel annexed.

05-27-2006, 11:41 AM
US: 47/50 - Dammit, New England.

South America: 14/20. Not bad, imo.

Europe: 28/45. After that nightmare, I now support the reformation of the Soviet Union. BAH.

Didn't try any of the others. That site would be a lot better if you could FUCKING SEE THE NAMES AND SHAPES OF THE COUNTRIES YOU JUST PICKED.

05-27-2006, 03:30 PM
Didn't try any of the others. That site would be a lot better if you could FUCKING SEE THE NAMES AND SHAPES OF THE COUNTRIES YOU JUST PICKED.
Yeah that does make it pretty tough. It easier for those really good at geography though which is the point of the test.

There are easier tests that have all the outlines and only ask you to click on the right ones. You can find them at the main site: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/geography.htm

05-27-2006, 04:05 PM
US - 78% (fucking square states)
South America - 40%
Europe: 47%
Africa: Did not attempt. I would have known South Africa, Lesotho, Kenya, Morocco, Egypt, and nothing else.
Asia: 56%
Middle East: 41%

05-28-2006, 12:17 AM
I got 94% on America because I mixed up Maryland and Delaware and couldn't spell Missoiuri or whatever the hell. Then I tried doing Asia but I couldn't spell any of the Stans. So I gave up.

haha nm I got bored.

South America: I was doing okay with this but I coudln't tell what the fucking thing was pointing at towards the very end so I messed up ARGENTINA and forfeited.

Europe: Basically same thing happened again and I misdid Italy because I thought it was pointing at like, Luxemburg or something. Also apparently Holland isn't accepted for "The Netherlands".

Africa: 22/53, after getting the Congos mixed up/not accepted, getting Morroco and Western Sahara mixed up, getting Zambia and Zimbabwe mixed up etc. In 7th grade we actually had to fill out a map of Africa's countries as a test and I got 100 on it so I'm sad.

Asia: 24/32, couldn't see where the shit it was pointing around the "golden triangle" countries, misspelled Myannmar, and also the some stans.

Middle East: hahaha I didn't bother finishing this one because I sucked at it so bad. Also, it includes "Palestinian Territory" as a country. LULZ.

edit again: lol, including areas Israel annexed as countries too I guess. Ouch, somebody hates Jewz.

Allenia Lee
05-28-2006, 12:52 AM
US: 96% (misspelled one)
South America: 55%
Europe: 49% (misspelled a few, too...curse my spelling...)
Africa: 19%
Asia: 44%
Middle East: 41%

05-28-2006, 01:44 AM
USA: 48/50.
Central/South America - 16/20
Europe - 32/45
Africa - 24/53
Asia - 23/32 (or 24, if you count "Burma" for "Myanmar")
MidEast - 15/17

05-28-2006, 01:51 AM
Yeah the Burma almost got me, but it didn't matter in the end because I tried spelling it Myanmar anyway.

Also thanks for this, I'm a huge geography geek so I'll be boppin' around the main site for awhile.

05-29-2006, 02:54 AM
US: 46/50 I actually knew the others but couldn't spell them.
Central/South America 10/20. I know very little.
Erupoe: 23/45. I know even less.
Asia 18/32
I took about 3 minutes for each.

05-29-2006, 03:37 AM
17 / 20 in South America 71 sec. no surprise there :p
and an actual surprising 41/50 on US