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View Full Version : Leaving for Summer Camp

05-25-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm leaving for MDA Rainbow Camp on Saturday, and I'll come back home next Friday. It's my last year, and I've been going since I was 10... 21 is your last year to be a camper, and I am unable to be a counselor or I would want to.

So anyway, is anyone else doing Summer camp this year? Do you have any interesting camp stories to share?

05-25-2006, 02:34 PM
Nope, I'm spending my summer working.

Well, I am supposed to go to Independence Fest one weekend, which should be fun. Camping + alcohol + 20 live local metal bands = great fucking time.

I have no idea what I'm doing on my vacation.

05-25-2006, 02:37 PM
It's not that I hate summer camp, it's just that I only got to go twice in my life and it was one of those camps for kids with learning disabilities who also had social problems.

On the bright side, I was gone for 6 whole weeks overnight, and most kids I know never got 1 and a half months away from their family. Too bad I was only able to go 2 times, and the second time I was actually like the oldest one there.

05-25-2006, 03:29 PM
I used to go to 4-H camp out at Camp Ohio. Good times.

05-25-2006, 03:36 PM
I went to band camp for a week every summer for 5 years in a row. At Camp Ohio. That was fun :p

05-25-2006, 06:12 PM
I went to band camp for a week every summer for 5 years in a row. At Camp Ohio. That was fun :p

Band Camp eh? I bet you have lots of sexy stories to share...;)

On a related note, I used to go to camp like every summer. I went to this one camp though, and it was a living nightmare. We had to go to church 2 times a day, the water slide wasn't working, our cabin got infested with ants and I got an ear ache. The only good thing was that my cabin won a "make your own sunday bar" for being the first cabin to be quite every night. Te make your own sunday bar only lead to a stomach ache.

05-25-2006, 06:48 PM
Rainbow camp is your summer legacy at AGN, Monica. Do take some pictures for us to enjoy. :) Enjoy the week. ^_^

I'll be volunteering in a physical therapy building for the summer. Good to get some practice in.

05-25-2006, 07:07 PM
Rainbow camp is your summer legacy at AGN, Monica. Do take some pictures for us to enjoy. :) Enjoy the week. ^_^

I'll be volunteering in a physical therapy building for the summer. Good to get some practice in.

Awww lol thanks, BH4, I think I'll get a Digital CD back with my throwaway cameras and I'll try and post from it. :)

I have lots of fun at Physical Therapy, they are so nice there. Hope yours is the same way. :)

05-26-2006, 05:05 AM
I keep a tent in the back of the cougar and every now and again i'll grab a bottle of makers drive outta town for no better reason to just go and and stumble around in the stars out ocala (local national forest) way ...I can't tell you what good a little time alone in the woods with some herbfor thinkin and some booze for drinkin can do for the soul =) Last time I was at summer camp was 15 so I guess this is the closest i can get ...Random camping trips alone or with friends is the way to go just be sure to roll prepared ...communications, equipment etc.

Lone Wolf
05-26-2006, 05:37 AM
I went to band camp for a week every summer for 5 years in a row. At Camp Ohio. That was fun :p

Band camp? Anything interesting/sexual with a instrument happen? :P

I myself would prefer to go on a trip somewhere then a camp. I went to a school camp awhile back, I hated it.

05-26-2006, 07:07 AM
I'm actually spending the next several weeks helping to set up materials for other people's summer camp. It's a CS program, lots of programming and such. This is my last major project as an undergraduate.
Naturally, I put off my work for the week too long, so I'm rushing to get it done before noon or so. Honestly, I'll be quite glad when it's all over. This was what was easily available, not something I really wanted to do.