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View Full Version : How do I set up the new enemies with the enemies rule checked? Like Goriya 3.

05-22-2006, 05:25 PM
In other words, where are the tiles that all the new enemies use? I know that they are near Ganon's tiles.

05-22-2006, 05:42 PM
Oh, the new enemies added in 2.11. Simple enough:

Indeed, they're all set directly after Ganon's tiles on page 32 or something. (31, 33, ... whatever. Find the ganon tiles. :p ) The Goriya 3 tiles are:

Walking: The very next row after Ganon's tiles.
Ready: Row after that.
Firing: Row after that.

Leever 3 is the row right after that.
Rising slowly: Row after Goriya 3's Firing.
Almost risen: Row after that.
Fully Risen and spinning and stuff: ... Yep, row after that.
Then you've got the magic Octoroks, but those aren't implemented at the moment. ("Moment" = 2.11 Beta 10b.)

05-22-2006, 06:28 PM
WOW, why didn't I know these could be added?
I thought they weren't implemented yet, and making a post about Goriya 3's got me no answer.
What csets do they use?

05-22-2006, 10:28 PM
WOW, why didn't I know these could be added?
I thought they weren't implemented yet, and making a post about Goriya 3's got me no answer.
What csets do they use?
Cset 9...Well, I'm pretty sure they do.

05-22-2006, 10:48 PM
Yep. Cset 9 across the board for these new enemies. Honestly, thank god for Cset 9. It's a blessing. XD First the level-specific keys can use Cset 9 effectively, now these new enemies can have different clothes (Or whatever.) depending on which Dmap they are, ... .. Man. So awesome. I wish we could have ANOTHER LD Cset.