View Full Version : I preordered my Wii today.

05-20-2006, 01:11 AM
I'm the 534th Preorder for the entire country (at EBgames at least, and i'm surprised that without a launch date or price, there's that many). The EBgames clerk also told me that Nintendo Australia are hearing speculation of the price being as high as AU$599, around $430US. So you guys might be looking at a launch of $399US, which is more than the Xbox 360 core system over there, right? If no, Nintendo are shooting themselves in the foot. It's my understanding that these in-store reps are let in on nothing, though, i just thought i'd fuel some speculation of the possible high price range.

05-20-2006, 01:42 AM
my 360 was 430 after taxes

05-20-2006, 01:50 AM
If Australia is anything like the US, employees just spurt off whatever is fed them by their superiors, which is often baseless speculation. I believe Nintendo has confirmed a 250 (US) price tag on the Wii.

05-20-2006, 01:52 AM
That's AU. No matter what the price is here, you are gonna pay more than someone in the US. You will probably pay whatever the cost of the GameCube was at that time or somewhat more. The Wii isn't really a power system or does it have any very expensive components. It's unlikely it will cost more than the GC did, or if it does then not by too much.

05-20-2006, 02:15 PM
I wish Nintendo would go ahead an announce a release date and price point, so I could go ahead and preorder mine. I've heard that what they're going to do is try to release about a week before the PS3 to try to cut into Sony's sales, which would explain why they haven't given a release date yet. Knowing Sony, as soon as Nintendo announces their release date, Sony will move theirs before Nintendo if at all possible.

05-20-2006, 05:41 PM
They can go ahead. I think Sony is going to have enough supply problems as it is.

05-20-2006, 05:59 PM
I'd imagine it will take a while for Sony to get up on stock on the tilt sensors for their controllers, you know, even though they were thinking about the idea before Nintendo.

05-20-2006, 06:00 PM
Im afraid I will have to do what I always do on these big releases. Wait for a friend to buy one and then mooch off of theirs.

05-20-2006, 06:12 PM
I'm the 534th Preorder for the entire country (at EBgames at least, and i'm surprised that without a launch date or price, there's that many).

Hmm, really? Gamestop/EB aren't suppose to be taking pre-orders on those systems yet. We got an email telling us that PS3 reserves would not be taken until after the manager's conference this year, which is held in September. They didn't want to same problem they had with Xbox 360s. They've done told employees to stop taking reserves on things that aren't in the company's database, and the Wii isn't. You can reserve games for the systems but not the console itself.

My luck, its just Gamestop. It seems like EB gets all the "special" treatment since the merger, and GS employees get jerked around. :whap: Just an observation.

05-20-2006, 06:25 PM
The Wii was in their system though. They didn't seem to have any trouble in reserving it. I don't mind, at least i'll 'definately' get one on day one.

05-20-2006, 07:04 PM
Well, isn't that just grand. Gamestop got screwed over again. I hate you Gamestop. *shakes fist*

05-22-2006, 09:19 PM
I want one but not bad enough to preorder it now. With no price point and no release date I'll end up paying whatever whoever I order it from decides to charge.

I'll get it when I can walk into a store and ask for it and get it for the price it should be instead of the inflated preorder price, unless there are some nifty goodies that come with a preorder.

My guess is $200-250 on the price. $300 is my 'Buy it now' ceiling, any higher than that and I'll just have to keep playing DS and MUDs.

05-23-2006, 11:54 AM
The Wii was in their system though. They didn't seem to have any trouble in reserving it. I don't mind, at least i'll 'definately' get one on day one.

That's what a bunch of people who preordered an Xbox 360 said....

05-23-2006, 02:13 PM
Well, I called an EB to reserve it, and they said its not in their system. I'd say they took what we call a "generic reserve". If the game isn't officially in the system, put in 990000 and type in the name yourself. We use to do that all the time. All you had to do was name something, and we could reserve it But they told us to stop. Apparently, employees were making games up so it could raise their numbers.

05-23-2006, 08:02 PM
That's what a bunch of people who preordered an Xbox 360 said....

Hence my use of quotations in 'definately'.

05-26-2006, 05:54 PM

Article says that Nintendo has announced that the Wii will cost no more than $250 here in the US. So I think that EBGames clerk was blowing smoke out his ass.