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View Full Version : Ever Won Big?

05-17-2006, 11:05 AM
Have you ever won something so rare that you couldn't believe it? Winning the lottery, an XBox, a car, ... etc.

I remember this one summer when I was with my aunt in the Palisades mall in upper New Jersey, I think. (Might've been lower New York. I barely remember.) (Either way, it's quite possibly the second biggest mall in America.) We were in the arcade on the fourth floor. We were trying our luck at those gambling machines, since my aunt had a veritable myriad of coins left over from a previous trip to the mall. I went up to a machine which had a lot of coins in it. It was a tube with which you slide the coin into to watch it roll down into one of five dump trucks. Any truck you hit would dump their coins. The coin I had inserted had managed to find its way through the tube down into the truck with the most coins, (A HEAPING Amount. Absolutely huge.) ... ... I won the whole lot of them. Every coin dumped into the bank down below. The heap of coins even spread out into the trucks on either side and dumped their coins as well. I won the entire roll of tickets that came out of the machine, plus the roll they had next to it.

Do you know what eight thousand tickets were able to buy?

Four hundred rubber erasers.So I gave all my tickets to some little enthusiastic kid and let him do with them whatever he wanted.

This isn't so much me winning something, but my father. He was in the Javitz center in Manhatten in a work-related meeting. He was sitting in on a meeting where they were raffling off an iPod mini. You had to give in your business card at the end of the meeting. My dad wasn't going to enter, but near the end, he decided there wasn't any harm from it, so he gave in his card last. When the raffle was over, his card ended up on top, since it was on the very top of the pile of cards, and was therefore chosen. So I got an iPod mini for my 19th birthday. :P (Oh, it's long since dead. Be sure to charge your iPods effectively, people. =/ )

Ever won anything big?

05-17-2006, 11:07 AM
I won a $20 Gift Certificate once.

Oh, and we all know ctrl-alt-delete is going to come in a trump us all with the fact he won $500 worth of Xbox stuff one month, then a few months later won a BMW Mini-Coop.

05-17-2006, 11:14 AM
Yeah, I kinda had that in mind during the entire time I was typing up this thread. :p XD I'm still awed and shocked from that. I'm glad he won them. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Kudos on the $20 gift certificate. What'd you spend it on?

Oh yeah... ... 8th grade, summer. The library had a reading contest. The person who read the most books would get a CD player. I won the CD player with 132 books. (I read -all- of the Animorphs, one after the other. fsking awesome series. I miss them.) They also added on a set of headphones and a Top Ten CD of Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was my first music CD.

05-17-2006, 11:37 AM
I won $500 worth of XBox stuff one month and then a BMW Mini Cooper Convertible a few months later...


I have also won an MP3 player, two DVD players, an OU pendant with real rubies in it, a backpack and a lunchbox in first grade...etc.

Working on Powerball next.

05-17-2006, 11:51 AM
I won $500 worth of XBox stuff one month and then a BMW Mini Cooper Convertible a few months later...


I have also won an MP3 player, two DVD players, an OU pendant with real rubies in it, a backpack and a lunchbox in first grade...etc.

Working on Powerball next.

Go buy your self a camera if you don't have one already, take pictures of the shit with your username in the picture and post it.

I won some movie a long time ago from nickelodeon I think it was when I was a kid.

05-17-2006, 11:53 AM
Go buy your self a camera if you don't have one already, take pictures of the shit with your username in the picture and post it.

I won some movie a long time ago from nickelodeon I think it was when I was a kid.

I know for a fact the xbox and car are indeed real.

05-17-2006, 11:54 AM
I won $500 worth of XBox stuff one month and then a BMW Mini Cooper Convertible a few months later...


I have also won an MP3 player, two DVD players, an OU pendant with real rubies in it, a backpack and a lunchbox in first grade...etc.

Working on Powerball next.

My, my. Aren't we a lucky one? The most I've ever won was.........
Hmm....I don't think I've every really won anything worth mentioning.

Anyway, hope you hit it! Gonna share with your buds here on AGN? :D

05-17-2006, 12:03 PM
I know for a fact the xbox and car are indeed real.

If we have a known member vouching then I take my statement back.

I just won something. A nine hour shift and maybe a new job. That and a cookie. Everyone likes cookies.

05-17-2006, 12:17 PM
If you want pictures, you will have to wait on the car.

Right now, I am getting free service done on it with its warranty. I needed my windshield wiper fluid refilled, and any time I take it up there they wash and vacuum it for free. Also, my brakes are locking up because I drive it 900 miles per hour, so they are fixing those too.

I would have gotten pictures up a lot sooner, but I have been dealing with some family problems...I will save those stories for another day.

While I am taking pictures of the Xbox stuff, somebody give me somewhere to upload them without me having to register and all of that bullshit.

05-17-2006, 12:19 PM
I won a christmas tree once. But we already had a christmas tree, so we gave it away.

05-17-2006, 12:29 PM
If you want pictures, you will have to wait on the car.

Right now, I am getting free service done on it with its warranty. I needed my windshield wiper fluid refilled, and any time I take it up there they wash and vacuum it for free. Also, my brakes are locking up because I drive it 900 miles per hour, so they are fixing those too.

I would have gotten pictures up a lot sooner, but I have been dealing with some family problems...I will save those stories for another day.

While I am taking pictures of the Xbox stuff, somebody give me somewhere to upload them without me having to register and all of that bullshit.

You got spam mail.

05-17-2006, 12:33 PM
I am actually a million dollar lottery winner.

05-17-2006, 01:37 PM
If you want pictures, you will have to wait on the car.

Right now, I am getting free service done on it with its warranty. I needed my windshield wiper fluid refilled, and any time I take it up there they wash and vacuum it for free. Also, my brakes are locking up because I drive it 900 miles per hour, so they are fixing those too.

I would have gotten pictures up a lot sooner, but I have been dealing with some family problems...I will save those stories for another day.

While I am taking pictures of the Xbox stuff, somebody give me somewhere to upload them without me having to register and all of that bullshit.


05-17-2006, 02:19 PM
When I was in grade5, my school was raffling off a giant chocolate bar, it was like 6 pounds of chocolate, because of the end of the chocolate bar selling campaign. The day of the raffle also happened to be my birthday and I won the chocolate bar. When I mentioned it was my birthday, the whole school sang happy birthday to me.

05-17-2006, 04:32 PM
I won... a CD player once... cant remember from what

05-17-2006, 06:18 PM
I managed to win a 3 foot chocolate rabbit when I was 7 or 8 for easter. That was really awesome. That's about the extent of what I've won, though..

Speaking of that Dump Truck Game, every time we go to an arcade with that game, my dad always manages to hit it big. Not hitting three trucks, mind you, but still hitting the one with the most coins. It really is a good feeling when you make the machine run out of tickets, so somebody has to get a clerk to refill the machine. :)