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05-04-2006, 08:31 PM
Ive finally found where to get the green tile but when I put it on the place where i wanted it and the square was marked green my character still wouldnt start there still...if anyone can help me please do :D :D

05-04-2006, 08:35 PM
I really can't think of what the problem could be. He's appearing in the correct screen number of the map, correct? And you've got the green square placed where you want it on the screen on which you want him to start, correct? Hmmm... What's the Dmap type of the starting Dmap?

05-04-2006, 08:38 PM
im not sure what are all of them?
all i know that its on the outside map not a dungeon

05-04-2006, 08:41 PM
Well, this will be kind of a silly question, but, did you save after you placed the green square? I'm not sure whether or not ZQuest counts placing those as a change, so if you just chose quit from there, expecting it to prompt you to save and quit, it might not have.

05-04-2006, 08:45 PM
well i did some map the the green starting point. then i did some more and saved. it shows that the green things where i want it to be but it still wont work :/

05-04-2006, 08:46 PM
im not sure what are all of them?
all i know that its on the outside map not a dungeon
There are 4 DMap types:
and BS Overworld

Overworld should ONLY BE USED FOR OVERWORLDS. But that's obvious. I can't say that your Overworld HAS to be an Overworld DMap type (either normal or BS), since some quests take place inside a HUGE dungeon...
Dungeon DMap type is for Dungeons and Caves only. Same goes for Cave Type. They're alike in almost every way, but here's the differences:
Dungeon DMaps push Link a few tiles when he enters a room. Cave DMaps don't. Cave DMaps have permanent secrets. Dungeon DMaps don't. Dungeon DMaps can use Shutters, One-Way shutters, Locked, and Boss Locked doors. Cave DMaps can't. Dungeon DMaps ALWAYS have the outer edge on an automatic layer between 4 and 5 unless the Freeform dungeons rule is on. Cave DMaps don't do this AT ALL.

BS Overworld type is the same as Overworld type, only it's the size of Cave and Dungeon DMaps, and you can mark important places to go to...

Oh, and go to Init. Data and click the last tab. Click the dropdown box and choose the DMap you have your starting screen on. You may have set the DMap to the wrong map, or you might've placed the continue screen on the wrong one.

05-04-2006, 08:51 PM
what if i did the wrong one? if so can do i have to make everything all over again?

05-04-2006, 08:53 PM
what if i did the wrong one? if so can do i have to make everything all over again?
If you chose the wrong dmap to start on, go to Init. Data and do what I told you to do there. If you chose the wrong screen, go to Quest>DMaps and choose the starting DMap. Then, look at the little map they show you. Look for the screen you want to start on, and type the coordinates in the Continue box. Hit okay, then done, then save...

05-04-2006, 08:54 PM
Nah, changing Dmap types is simple. Just go to "Quest -> Dmaps" and choose the one you need to edit (your starting one is probably number 0), then where it says "Type," change it to whichever type you need to. It should probably be either Overworld or BS Overworld, though.

05-04-2006, 08:55 PM
i dont understand

05-04-2006, 08:57 PM
alright found it ty :D

05-04-2006, 08:59 PM
Just a word of advice here, try not to double post. That is, post right after you've last posted. :p People tend not to like that. So, yeah, if you have something to add, just edit your last post (if you're the last person to post in a topic I mean). ;)

05-04-2006, 09:00 PM
okay should i put the x cordinate first or the y
x=left to right y= up to down

05-04-2006, 09:08 PM
The number on the left of the map (as in, the Y coordinate) goes first, then the number across the top (the X coordinate).

05-04-2006, 09:28 PM
You can get Alphadawg's tutorial here

and in my sig the link to my page has other tutorial links and information.

05-04-2006, 09:30 PM
I just found a bit of a bug. I was having this same problem, and was clicking around all the buttons down there to see what was keeping me from placing the starting point. Well, it turns out that when I clicked the flag icon, I could place the starting point. So how do I place flags? Click off to the right of the flag icon, and you can now place flags.

05-05-2006, 04:12 PM
I just found a bit of a bug. I was having this same problem, and was clicking around all the buttons down there to see what was keeping me from placing the starting point. Well, it turns out that when I clicked the flag icon, I could place the starting point. So how do I place flags? Click off to the right of the flag icon, and you can now place flags.
Are you using 2.11 Beta 10b? If not, get that one instead. It's fixed there. And DON'T post beta version bugs here. Post them in the beta forums...

05-05-2006, 04:23 PM
Somewhere around beta 5 or 6 has that incorrect flag bug. *gets ready to post* Wait, you're using 2.11? I've told many people this, and I'll say it again. You shouldn't be using 2.11 for making quests. Use 2.10, which is less buggy than the still-in-development 2.11. Version 2.11 will be better in its official release.