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View Full Version : James Quest 3?

05-03-2006, 09:45 PM
I've been debating it, and have been thinking of other things a story for it, but what would people think about James Quest 3? Should it be made, or buried into a hole forever?



05-06-2006, 04:26 PM
I haven't got around to playing either of your James quests, but I remember, about four or five years ago, playing a quest you made that had the first quest overworld. I remember playing it, but I never got to finish it. Do you still have that quest? If you do could you submit it to the database or post a link to download it? I liked that quest as much as New Quest, and that was one of my favorite quests.

05-16-2006, 05:18 PM
Make it. I can't speak for others, but I loved the first two.

05-20-2006, 03:51 AM
I loved the first 2 also, although the only one I've beaten is the 2nd one, and even that took like 800+ games and help from nightmare.

80s Knight
05-20-2006, 05:55 PM
I say make it

05-21-2006, 05:25 PM
I say you make it. I had lots of fun beta testing your first one. And the second quest, when I got around to playing it, was innovative too! To be honest, I've enjoyed all of your quests to date that I've played, including the finished Demo quest....so I'm sure that a James Quest 3 would be an excellent addition to the ZC community.

06-03-2006, 12:33 PM
Just thought i'd add a bit. I remember when I heard about James Quest 2 and it being an extremely hard quest, I remember thinking it was going to be one of those impossible quests (i.e. first dungeon room with 7 blue darknuts, and small corridors to maneuver) that some people make.
But when I played I was impressed with the difficulty, it was well executed so that it was doable with the right strategy, and provided an interesting challenge, not just in action, but figuring out what to do. I don't think I finished it (though I do think I got all 8 pieces of the triforce).
So yeah, I say go for it. Would be interesting to see what new surprises would be in store for the 3rd installment (especially with the new features available with 2.10 +)