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View Full Version : For you religious folk...

War Lord
04-29-2006, 05:09 AM

Here's a real gem I recorded on Public Access TV back in the 90's. I recently found the tape and want to share it with you all. If you like your religion peppered with profanity, "The Spirit of Truth" is the man for you. He does it all; reads from a giant phone-book size Bible, takes phone call and curses out callers with opposite opinions than his. This has to be seen to be believed. WARNING!!!: This man loves to drop the F-bomb! Enjoy!
This was taken from a los angeles public access program in 1997. This is the only recording I have of him. I saw his show one week later, but he was very subdued, and didn't curse. Then I never saw him again. I should have recorded the subdued version of him, but unfortunately, I didn't. I really don't know anything about this guy. I've researched this on the internet, but have never found any information. I even called the number on the screen back in '97, but never got through. What can I say, the guy remains a mystery.
This video was originally 13 minutes, but the rest is filler and doesn't add any impact to the piece. This is 8 minutes of the best stuff. Sorry that I don't have more.

Glenn the Great
04-29-2006, 11:09 PM
I have not seen this since I am not taking the time to register an account so I can view it. From what I see after reading the description though, it makes we wonder how effective that kind of delivery would be in reaching out to people who think they are too cool for Christ.

I feel that some people might be put off by religious messages because of the aire of "super cleanliness" that is given off by the ones giving the message.