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04-28-2006, 04:33 AM
We need a block hole block trigger comination that allows you to trigger secrets so you can change the warp from A to B when Link pushes the statue in the hole.
This way when link jumps in the hole without pushing the statue in first, he goes to one screen and when he pushes the statue in first before jumping he goes to another.

In short, pushing a block on a block hole (flag 91) also triggers secrets.

04-28-2006, 09:50 AM
So, in short, a solitary secret? ... One which would trigger a single secret without disturbing others? This sounds like a job for the singular inherent flag to me. o.o'

Though, I'll admit, I don't know all that much about them, having not even used them yet.

04-28-2006, 11:09 AM
no, I didn't say a solitary secret, and how do you stack a singular flag on another singular flag when neither one is a combo itself?
How do you join together block trigger and block hole?

04-28-2006, 05:53 PM
no, I didn't say a solitary secret, and how do you stack a singular flag on another singular flag when neither one is a combo itself?
How do you join together block trigger and block hole?
Currently, you don't. Inherent block triggers still allow the block to be pushed after it's been pushed onto the trigger. Only, afterwards, the undercombo overwrites the combo with the inherent trigger, so the trigger can't be set off anymore. :shrug:

Anyway, this would be a cool thing to see, because then it'd allow for puzzles like the one in the ice dungeon of ALttP, where you have to push the block from the upper floor to the lower one to trigger a switch. :p Although, to get this to work, I think all we need is for either block trigger or block hole flags to work inherently. Of course, allowing block holes to count as triggers would probably be useful in puzzles as well, so, maybe a screen flag to count block holes as triggers?

04-28-2006, 06:35 PM
Currently, you don't. Inherent block triggers still allow the block to be pushed after it's been pushed onto the trigger. Only, afterwards, the undercombo overwrites the combo with the inherent trigger, so the trigger can't be set off anymore. :shrug:

Anyway, this would be a cool thing to see, because then it'd allow for puzzles like the one in the ice dungeon of ALttP, where you have to push the block from the upper floor to the lower one to trigger a switch. :p Although, to get this to work, I think all we need is for either block trigger or block hole flags to work inherently. Of course, allowing block holes to count as triggers would probably be useful in puzzles as well, so, maybe a screen flag to count block holes as triggers?

I actually already did this in the 2.10 (Robinhood demo), and it works even better in the 2.11b10b, but you have to place the block right at the edge of the pit that it's to be pushed off of, that's why I want a block hole/trigger comination, so the block can be over in the middle of the floor so the "trick" isn't so noticable.

04-29-2006, 07:12 PM
Yeah, I figured it was currently possible, just, only with a "push once" block. Actually, that's how it was in ALttP anyway, so, lol. But yeah, this trigger would help.

Radien ZC
05-18-2006, 12:11 PM
Currently, you don't. Inherent block triggers still allow the block to be pushed after it's been pushed onto the trigger.

Is this a new addition in the latest beta? Have you tested it out? I kinda doubt that's the case.

In beta 184, pushing a block over a block trigger causes it to become unpushable. This was a mild annoyance for me, because I have a block trigger puzzle where the player needs to figure out where the blocks need to be pushed without any trigger graphics to guide them. As it stands in 184, you can determine which spots are block triggers simply by finding a spot where the block stops moving.

Anyway, I can't see any simple way for them to program blocks that can be pushed OFF of triggers, because pushing a block onto another combo causes it to "overwrite" the original combo, regardless of what it is. Depending on the under combo, you might end up with a different block-trigger-flagged combo than when you started.

I would post about the original topic, but I don't yet know how the Block Hole flag works. ^^;

05-23-2006, 09:14 PM
...Eh? I don't know what you're talking about, Radien. ^_^; I was saying that currently, if you assign a block trigger to a combo, inherently, it will NOT stop the block from being pushed after it's pushed onto it. It overwrites the combo with the inherent trigger flag, you know. I wasn't suggesting a way to allow trigger combos to let blocks continue being pushed afterwards. :p