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04-27-2006, 12:42 PM
Well, Nintendo has changed the name of the Revolution to the Wii (http://revolution.nintendo.com/)

It's official: no penises allowed in Nintendo land. It's girly gay piddle diddle land now.

04-27-2006, 12:51 PM
Well... It's different, to be sure. I suppose that's what they were going for...

04-27-2006, 12:52 PM
This goes under the category of what el fuck?

fricking stupid

(reaction at Pure's chatroom)

<InfiniDragon> they changed the name of the Revolution
<ChroniclerC> No! Viva la Revolution!
<Jaivaz|School> The Soviet Revolution?
<WildBill> What?!
<InfiniDragon> http://revolution.nintendo.com/
<WildBill> They did?
<InfiniDragon> to "Wii" from what I've seen
<Jaivaz|School> ....
<Jaivaz|School> By the time this loads, I'll have read all of /.
<Kiske> "Wii"?
<ChroniclerC> Wii? FTW?
<Jaivaz|School> ...
<Jaivaz|School> Wii
<Jaivaz|School> What the fuck?
<Kiske> Oh gods the world is going to end, Nintendo's used a name dumber than "DS".
<Jaivaz|School> Already Wikipedia has an article
<ChroniclerC> Meanwhile, in hell, the demons are wondering what's with all the ice.

<Jaivaz|School> What the fuck is Nintendo smoking?
<Jaivaz|School> Did they go to Canadia and visit a farm or something?
<ChroniclerC> Whatever it is, I need to get some.
<Kiske> I want some too.
<ChroniclerC> Maybe it's the same thing the Katamari developers used.

wtf is with the page loading anyways?

04-27-2006, 01:00 PM
The Slashdot comments are really funny and derisive.

04-27-2006, 01:04 PM
It's wierd. It's crazy. It makes no sense at all. It makes it sound like Nintendo has gone completely ga-ga.

I'm still buying one. :shrug:

04-27-2006, 01:06 PM
Queue the jokes about the wee-wee's and wii-wii's.

There's some deep, dark, American GI Joe watching Transformer fan race car noise making gun fanatic within the murky depths of my soul that can't help but laugh at this stupid, childish marketing scheme.

I think the Wii looks fun as a videogame platform, but the marketing is nearly to the point where it requires you to not have a penis.My thoughts exactly. :p The name "Revolution" is such an infinitely better name for it.

I can see it now.

*Walks into a GameStop*
"Sir, may I buy a we?"
*Nearby mother/English teacher walks over to me...*

... I'm not looking forward to that moment.

04-27-2006, 01:14 PM
screw that, I'm still calling it the Revolution
no matter what

04-27-2006, 01:16 PM
I think it's mostly because 'ii' appearently means 'good' in Japanese or something. Well, we'll have the 360 and the Wii... what will the PS3's new name be?

04-27-2006, 02:02 PM
At least you can make some funny comments while talking about it..


"Hey, don't touch my Wii!"

"You wanna play with my Wii?"

"I wish I had a Wii..."

And so on..

04-27-2006, 02:04 PM
I guess I can't say "Join the Revolution" anymore.

04-27-2006, 02:09 PM
Bad to worse ....I'm hardly suprised

04-27-2006, 02:30 PM
Err, yeah....

Wow, that is an absolutely horrible name. They really should have done some focus group testing outside of Japan or something. I can't believe this name could make it through consumer testing, it just sounds so retarded. I don't care what it means or stands for in Japan, here and everywhere else in the world it sounds plain stupid. Revolution was an infinately better name for it and that is what I, and I'm sure every other non-japanese speaking person are going to call it regardless.

04-27-2006, 02:30 PM
Yeah...the name is pretty goofy. I was hoping they would call it something like the "N5" (being Nintendo's 5th home console) - that sounds much better. If there's enough backlash, maybe they will change it?

04-27-2006, 03:03 PM
Yeah...the name is pretty goofy. I was hoping they would call it something like the "N5" (being Nintendo's 5th home console) - that sounds much better. If there's enough backlash, maybe they will change it?

I was thinking the same thing. E3 is coming up in a week or two and hopefully enough people with make fun or complain about the name to the reps there that they'll rethink that silly name. Nintendo isn't that far out of the loop that they can't gauge the publics reaction to the name announcment, I mean it's being made fun of all over the internet.

Hopefully they'll seriously rethink it.

04-27-2006, 03:15 PM
What I don't get is, Nintendo does everything to be as stupid as possible and people are like, "I'm going to buy one anyway and just call it the Revolution in my head. OMG Nintendo is s0 c0ol!" But they will mercilessly insult the xbox or ps3 or whatever for the tiniest reasons.

No adult male with testicles wants to go into a store and spend hundreds of dollars on a "wee". It makes it sound like a trinket for baby girls. What a lame idea.

04-27-2006, 03:44 PM
Meh. I really don't care what it's called. It's not like this will change the content of the games or anything. :shrug:

That being said, they could have picked something better.

04-27-2006, 04:18 PM

How sad. Revolution was a much better name.

I'll proabably still get one though.

I can just picture this kind of situation:
Gamer 1: "Hey, man, I got a PS3!"
Gamer 2: "Nice. I got a Wii."
Gamer 1: "You gotta what?"
Gamer 2: "I said I got a Wii!"
Gamer 1: "Ok, then go, for crying out loud."
Gamer 2: "Go what? All I said is I got a Wii!"
Gamer 1: "If you gotta go, then go!"
Gamer 2: "Arrrgh, forget it."

Heh....Wii, indeed. I feel sorry for you, Nintendo. Unwise name choice.

(Haha, it's great to be back after a 4 or 5 month hiatus)

04-27-2006, 04:50 PM
I've been thinking about the name. Think about it guys- it's freaking brilliant.

OK, first of all, nobody (or at least a negligable minority) who was previously going to purchace a Revolution will change their mind because it's called Wii. The gaming community will, for the most part, be unaffected sales wise.

Now think about this: someone, with little to no gaming intrest, hears or reads about the Wii. It's intriguing, causing them to ask questions. They look into it, and possibly decide they like it. New sale.

Like it or not, the Wii WILL draw eyes for being so odd. This is publicity, and it's certainly going to help get information about the Wii out there a LOT. From a marketing perspective, it's really a great move.

04-27-2006, 04:50 PM
Nintendo isn't that far out of the loop that they can't gauge the publics reaction to the name announcment.

you sure about that? what was the last good idea they had?

04-27-2006, 05:01 PM
you sure about that? what was the last good idea they had?

Nintendo is making the upcoming Zelda in a non-cel shaded style and added Wifi play to Metroid Prime: Hunters - both changes were based on fan reaction. So, the public influencing Nintendo is not unheard of. However, I have doubts about them changing the console name, especially when it's launch is within several months.

04-27-2006, 05:16 PM
I've been thinking about the name. Think about it guys- it's freaking brilliant.

OK, first of all, nobody (or at least a negligable minority) who was previously going to purchace a Revolution will change their mind because it's called Wii. The gaming community will, for the most part, be unaffected sales wise.

Now think about this: someone, with little to no gaming intrest, hears or reads about the Wii. It's intriguing, causing them to ask questions. They look into it, and possibly decide they like it. New sale.

Like it or not, the Wii WILL draw eyes for being so odd. This is publicity, and it's certainly going to help get information about the Wii out there a LOT. From a marketing perspective, it's really a great move.

This is French for "Even though the name is cock suckingly stupid, I'm going to continue to be a fan beacuse I've painted my eyes over with cement."

04-27-2006, 05:22 PM
This is French for "Even though the name is cock suckingly stupid, I'm going to continue to be a fan beacuse I've painted my eyes over with cement."

People aren't going to stop being Nintendo fans just because they picked a goofy name for their next console.

Darth Marsden
04-27-2006, 05:36 PM
No, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Nintendo has called it something really stupid. Honestly, what were they thinking? Even if they do change their mind and call it something else, this is going to haunt them for years to come. Wii... Ugh.

But yeah, I'll still get one whatever. Thank god for online shopping.

Aegix Drakan
04-27-2006, 05:50 PM
[EDIT] Rant deleted

Darth Marsden
04-27-2006, 06:06 PM
Oh, I'm sure there's a petition somewhere. A quick google search didn't turn anything up, but give it a day or two.

04-27-2006, 06:41 PM
Revolution was the perfect name! and now they call it WII?!?!? what are they smoking, cause it should be totally banned for causing severe brain damage.

Of course Nintendo was going to change it. "Revolution" was a code-name. As was N64's "Project Reality" and GameCube's "Dolphin".

Only this time they went with a decidedly unorthodox name for a game console. Same way they're going with something unorthodox with the controller and such.

Seems like its an appropriate, if unappealing, move, considering the concept behind Nintendo's vision for their latest videogame system.

04-27-2006, 07:41 PM
I've been thinking about the name. Think about it guys- it's freaking brilliant.

This is what bothers me about this attitude. "Wii" may in fact be a brilliant marketing manuevre. It may raise their market share. The corporate suits might hit a home run. Sure.

But that doesn't mean it isn't completely ass poundingly stupid!

Jesus, why would you be such a fan of a company that even when they do stupid shitty things you are happy because their stock prices will go up... stock prices of stock you DON'T own. :rolleyes:

04-27-2006, 09:13 PM
This is what bothers me about this attitude. "Wii" may in fact be a brilliant marketing manuevre. It may raise their market share. The corporate suits might hit a home run. Sure.

But that doesn't mean it isn't completely ass poundingly stupid!

Jesus, why would you be such a fan of a company that even when they do stupid shitty things you are happy because their stock prices will go up... stock prices of stock you DON'T own. :rolleyes:

Hey, I never said the name wasn't stupid. It just makes some sense from a marketing perspective. No such thing as bad publicity and all that.

And I'm a fan because I enjoy their games. I won't defend every decision that Nintendo has ever made, but I still want to see them do well simply because I happen to enjoy their rather unique style.

edit: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200604/N06.0427.1154.38678.htm

GI's interview with a Nintendo Rep concerning the name. Thought it might be interesting.

04-27-2006, 09:27 PM
what kills me most is the whole "togetherness" aspect of it all ...firstly does my gamecube or anything else i'd play from nintendo even go online and even if so why would I wanna bother? i dunno ...nintendo is the last sytem i think of when it comes to togetherness unless they mean cram onto a couch with 3 other smellier people and play smash bros? Fuck them ...there i said it.

04-27-2006, 10:02 PM
what kills me most is the whole "togetherness" aspect of it all ...firstly does my gamecube or anything else i'd play from nintendo even go online and even if so why would I wanna bother? i dunno ...nintendo is the last sytem i think of when it comes to togetherness unless they mean cram onto a couch with 3 other smellier people and play smash bros? Fuck them ...there i said it.


04-27-2006, 10:12 PM
I love Nintendo. They make great games, I'm in full support of the revmote, think that it'll change the way gaming is played andplan to get one on day 1 because I believe it'll be a worthwhile investment.

That said, I ask Nintendo:


this name change is nothing but an ugh-inducing phenomenon. I'm not gonna shake this offf for a long while...

04-27-2006, 10:28 PM
Okay, I'll admit it, the name is terrible. On the other hand, I kinda like the concept behind it. I mean, think about it... EVERYONE knows Super Mario Bros. I don't know anyone who doesn't love that game to death. And I'm talking about people who would otherwise have absolutely nothing to do with video games. And Mario Kart... And Duck Hunt, of all hings. Everybody loves Duck Hunt. Point is, you can get everyone around a Nintendo system, gamers, non-gamers, whatever. So I think Nintendo is spot-on with their angle of togetherness and everything, even though the name is just God-awful.

04-27-2006, 11:14 PM
Hm... I am simply amazed that this actually suprises people. Granted, it really doesn't bother me, I'll be getting one either way, but come on. You should have seen this one coming. And you should also be used to it.

And I wouldn't count on the petitions changing anything... Nintendo has already satated that people need to deal with it.

Although, I would get a kick out of it if parent's groups all of a sudden decided the name Wii is too phallic to market to children.

04-28-2006, 12:15 AM
No adult male with testicles wants to go into a store and spend hundreds of dollars on a "wee". It makes it sound like a trinket for baby girls. What a lame idea. Oh, I seriously doubt that. :rolleyes:

If you ask me, it's the other way around. An adult male has to have some BIG testicles to go into a store and spend hundreds of dollars on a "wee". :D

"Wii" may in fact be a brilliant marketing manuevre. It may raise their market share. The corporate suits might hit a home run. Sure.

But that doesn't mean it isn't completely ass poundingly stupid!

Since when did "cool names"in a business become such a priority over making money?

Anyway, It's not just Japanese people who came up with the name. American people did too you know. Yeah, I know a name means everything, and people will be talking about this on the internet. But, its not bothering me one bit. I'm glad they called it Wii. Its such a crazy wacky goofball name that I wouldn't expect from anyone other than Nintendo. Come on, this is why I've come to love Nintendo, that they do crazy stuff that nobody expects, they do stuff different, they always stand out for what they believe in. Nintendo has put a lot of trust in us guys. They trust us that we will like their games. They trust us that we will like their new system, and they trust the name fits the system. It shocked me, but it doesn't change my opinion of the games, the system, or Nintendo themselves. It's not going to make me feel ashamed for owning a Wii becasue of its name. If some of you are worried about image (not saying you are), then you shouldn't have been playing Nintendo in the first place.

Plus I like the name because it gets most of you all squirmin' :D

04-28-2006, 12:30 AM
you sure about that? what was the last good idea they had?

Nintendo has had plenty of great ideas, but poorly executed alot of them. Forinstance the Virtual Boy, the Ninetndo 64 DD, the SNES CD-Rom.

This reminds me of how we were going to get the "Nintendo ULTRA 64". Then we got the same lame name as the japanese, Nintendo 64. Seriously, I could think of so many things better than Wii. I mean, GameRectangle would be better. ;p Ok maybe not. Really, Wii? I mean I don't think it's gay, I just think it's like, huh? I mean not that we've had any really good console names lately but I find that just slightly less boring than the rest. And not nessisarily in a good way. They should one up M$ and call it the Nintendo 1080.

04-28-2006, 12:39 AM
Idiots would plug the Nintendo 1080 into a HDTV thinking it was 1080i. That could work.

04-28-2006, 02:24 AM
Wii (http://funnyjunk.com/pages/squirrel.htm)

You people are getting too bent out of shape over this. Remember when it was cool to think that the "Xbox 360" was a dumb name (http://www.somethingawful.com/firemancomics/consolewar2.htm)? In two weeks nobody is going to give a shit.

04-28-2006, 08:45 AM

04-28-2006, 09:13 AM

I laughed

An insightful blog post I came across (http://blog.wired.com/games/index.blog?entry_id=1467976)

Oh, and you guys do realize that the PSP has twice the room for humor, right? I'm begining to like "Wii". Not because I think it's insightful or anything, but because it's pissing so many people off. Anything that can manage to do that more than me is OK in my book.

Aegix Drakan
04-28-2006, 09:26 AM
ok, I'm sorry for my stupid sounding rant earlier. I just overreacted because I am a hard-core nintendo fan, and I was afraid that by using the name Wii, it would turn off the casual gaming community, and cause nintendo fans to be ridiculed for supporting such an odd sounding system.

sorry if I sounded like a moron earlier. the new name isn't actually that bad. also, I'm under a lot of strain from the five or so end of term projects I have to do.

04-28-2006, 11:17 AM

It makes sense... but dear god... Ick...

04-28-2006, 11:25 AM
I laughed

An insightful blog post I came across (http://blog.wired.com/games/index.blog?entry_id=1467976)

I'm begining to like "Wii". Not because I think it's insightful or anything, but because it's pissing so many people off. Anything that can manage to do that more than me is OK in my book.

I read that same blog earlier today. One part that I didn't even think about was how you will not be able to confuse Wii with names of any other consoles - I've been into game stores and heard people say "I need this for the Game Station", or some other mix of console names.

04-28-2006, 12:54 PM
Oh God, I have too. I can't even tell what people want anymore, and they look at me like I'm stupid. "Where are the games for that Gamebox" Not to get off on a tangent, but people even get the system and the games mixed up.

"Where are you Gameboy games?"
"Right here"
"No, your games"
"Right here"
"No, not those, you know, the games" *acts like they're opening an GBA SP*
"Oh, you mean the system itself!"
"Yeah, the games"

Wii is so much more distinquishable. If I have Wii, then I'll know what that person wants, plus, the name is going to stick in people's heads so much longer.

Which category do you fit in?
People who hate it because they hate X
People who hate it because it is not good
People who like it because other people hate it
People who like it because they are "above the fray"
People who like it because they like X.

This made me laugh

04-28-2006, 01:06 PM
Buzz is king, and at this point even the Gelgameks are talking about Nintendo.

And am I the only one that thinks it sounds Latin (as opposed to phallic)?

04-28-2006, 01:21 PM
I read that same blog earlier today. One part that I didn't even think about was how you will not be able to confuse Wii with names of any other consoles - I've been into game stores and heard people say "I need this for the Game Station", or some other mix of console names.

Exactly. Now people can go into game stores and say "I need this for that system with the really gay name. You know, the penis one."

04-28-2006, 01:41 PM
Exactly. Now people can go into game stores and say "I need this for that system with the really gay name. You know, the penis one."

I take it you'll be one of them? Grow up man.

04-28-2006, 01:44 PM
Okay, I've calmed down some since I hard this abortion of a name. I still think it's stupid, but I *think* I see where they're coming from.

Still though, man...

04-28-2006, 05:32 PM

Link 101
04-28-2006, 08:45 PM
Whine, moan, whine moan. It's just a name. Why waste your time whinning about something so much as a name, and to make it worse, a name for a game console. C'mon, IT'S ONLY A N-A-M-E! I swear, people make a big deal out of nothing.

04-29-2006, 02:02 PM
No one is wasting much time. They just saw this post and decided to let their opinion be known like everyone else. It's not like anyone is trolling the thread 24/7.

As I said before, I can remember when we were going to get the "Nintendo Ultra 64" which looked bad ass. Then we end up with just the boring Nintendo 64. I don't hate the name cause of any penis jokes, I don't like how its just "Wee". It's too short, and to me makes no sense. Anyone that's actually thinking the name is "gay" must be angry because they don't wanna buy a system that doesn't seem tough or something. I just think it's uh... too thoughtful?

The name should be overshadowing the system itself you know. Now people just talk about the name, and not so much about the console or the games. That's horrible.

04-29-2006, 05:14 PM
Which category do you fit in?
People who hate it because they hate X
People who hate it because it is not good
People who like it because other people hate it
People who like it because they are "above the fray"
People who like it because they like X.
Add a new category: People who don't give a fuck.

Sure it sounds stupid. But I'll reserve my judgement on the system until I've actually tried it.

04-29-2006, 05:47 PM
Whine, moan, whine moan. It's just a name. Why waste your time whinning about something so much as a name, and to make it worse, a name for a game console. C'mon, IT'S ONLY A N-A-M-E! I swear, people make a big deal out of nothing.
Seriously guys, you don't need to cry for a NAME, N-A-M-E!, it's just a NAME! at least Nintendo cares to find ORIGINAL NAMES. Nintendo's main purpose is to INNOVATE. Microsoft and Sony's main purpose is to GET MONEY, they won't care if their console's name only changes from one to three letters.

04-29-2006, 06:11 PM
In the end, Nintendo's main purpose is also to get money. Anyone who's in business has the same goal.
They do seem to have limits that say, SCE and MS don't have, but still, in the end, they think the Wii is going to earn them money.

04-29-2006, 11:22 PM
The name isn't going to affect the Nintendo fanboys from buying it. However, for those who have never had a console and are trying to choose their first one, they may not consider the Nintendo Wii. It would probably be smarter to name the system something more universal that everyone will enjoy, but overall it won't hurt Nintendo enough to warrant a name change.

Thank of it this way. Strip away the word "Nintendo" in front of it. Do you want to buy a Wii? Judging from only the name and nothing else, probably not. However, those who look at the system will be able to decide if they're getting it or not. I decided a long time ago I'm not getting it. Changing its name isn't affecting my decision at all.

By the way, I would buy a Nintendo Vagina.

04-29-2006, 11:25 PM
I spoke to a clerk at EBgames today about the Wii. It didn't seem strange using it in a conversation with someone who knew what it was.

04-30-2006, 03:41 AM
That's because you're adult about things like most of us. I don't think it's at all weird. I just think the name is too quick to say. Also the penis jokes and all that overshadow the ACTUAL system which is what counts. That's why I think a less odd name would be better in that way. But from an advertising point of view, this is great free publicity.

04-30-2006, 01:35 PM
At first when I looked at the name "Wii" I wasn't too fond of it. But after hearing a Gamestop employee use the name, it's not really all that bad. A name isn't going to change my mind if I'm going to buy it or not. What would change my mind is if all the games were as bad as people make the name out to be.

And making sex jokes out of names aren't really that uncommon. Think about it: "Gaycube," "Gaystation," "Sexbox." Fanboys are going to bash the system/company in anyway possible. It's like a overly-religous person except it's more like "lolz teh gaycube phail'd/10" instead of "Gays have failed the Lord and will go to Hell."

Hell, it's more creative than Playstation or Gamecube. And adding a random 'X' to anything can make it sound cool.

I'm still getting one (which is probably all I'll be able to afford with gaming systems coming out at $500).

04-30-2006, 02:21 PM
Heh, what really freaked me out was a friend of mine who wasn't really a gamer making a comment that she had read a blog entry I had written about the Wii. Kinda freaked me out, honestly, because I had to sit there for five seconds scanning my memory to figure out what the hell a "Wii" is. I mean, I like it written out, but honestly, I just found it disconcerting to be used in conversation, especially when I had not expected it to be mentioned.

04-30-2006, 03:37 PM
Now that I think about it, Wii is the most creative name for a video system yet. There hasn't been a name this creative since well, The Odyesey.

05-01-2006, 12:09 AM
Now that I think about it, Wii is the most creative name for a video system yet. There hasn't been a name this creative since well, The Odyesey.

Actually... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Odyssey)

By the way, I would buy a Nintendo Vagina.

The zing here is way too obvious.