View Full Version : Tiles

Van Halen Man
04-26-2006, 05:56 PM
I have 2 questions.
1. Is there a way I can load tiles from a different tilestet to a quest that I started with a different one?
2. What is the quikest way to recolor tiled I downloaded so it will fit one of the paletts?

04-26-2006, 06:05 PM
Press "R" while grabbing, this will make the image colors match to the closest color in the current pallete.
NOTE: It is likely that it will cause ZQuest to crash, save your quest before testing this!
Using one of the betas will make much less likelier for ZQuest to crash.


Look in Freedom's signature.

Van Halen Man
04-26-2006, 06:24 PM
Ok thanks I'll try that. And what do you mean, look in freedom's signature?

Van Halen Man
04-26-2006, 06:29 PM
Yeah it worked perfectly. THANK YOU!:D