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View Full Version : Mass Combo Copying.

04-25-2006, 10:41 AM
I'm generally the last one to keep suggesting something over and over again, but we all know that this is something which will help the more ambitious quest developers out there much, much more than "Roc's Feather" ever could. ;) (Heh.)

This topic comes in two parts: The combo page, and the Tiles page. Both will affect the combo page.

Essentially, what this would do, is, you can select one combo on the combo editor page, (Quest-->Graphics-->Combos.) ... and when you've selected that combo and pressed C to copy it to the clipboard, you can select any number of combos, then press V to paste that exact combo to all the combos you've just selected.

Right now, if we did this, it would only copy one combo, I do believe, to the upper left position. Or left/topmost, as it were.)

Another suggestion we've all been hoping for, and have probably seen suggested in some form in the past. I'm quite sure. It's just so very, very, very helpful.

This suggestion regards taking the previous suggestion, and translating a series of graphics straight from the tiles page into combos, using one combo as the template by which to apply the attributes to it.

Essentially, you'd make a combo on the combo page, then right-click on it, and choose the "Translate" option. (Or maybe "Mass Grab?") you'd then choose a rectangle of tiles. That rectangle would then be copied to the combo page, but all of them would have the exact same characterings (Minus the graphics!) of the combo you had copied them from.

... Now if you'll excuse me, the very act of typing this up has made me drool with anticipation. (Actually I just have to leave because I have class, .. but whatever.)

04-25-2006, 07:05 PM
I second both of these ideas. :D Another thing that would help on combo and tile pages would be a way to select individual combos/tiles, instead of FROM this combo/tile TO that combo/tile. Perhaps holding Ctrl and clicking would add individual combos/tiles to the selection?

Nicholas Steel
04-25-2006, 07:24 PM
these ideas are indeed extremely helpful...

these would make quest desining a more intuitive and a lot more enjoyable.

04-27-2006, 09:15 AM
Eh, not necessarily intuitive, ... ... well, ... I mean, maybe. o.o' I suppose one would be "prone" to cascading their combo selection down a tiles page by mass selecting combos then just hitting enter, and seeing large amounts of them appear on the combo page at once; ... ... ... Indeed, I suppose it'd be "natural" to assume such a thing. Sure. > >.'

Not so much enjoyable as "simpler and faster" though. ;) ... OKAY, OKAY, ENJOYABLE. Geez. XD :laughing:

koopa seems to like it, (Thanks man. :highfive: ) So I do very much hope that the developers will reply to this topic. :blah: I don't really suggest anything unless it's extremely helpful to quest designers.

EDIT: ... ... I wuvu koopa.

05-01-2006, 12:41 AM
Now this would help for making things like custom bosses and other large, moving objects. If we're talking tile/combo features to aid such usually tedious ventures, how about the ability to export individual tile and combo pages - and even maps - to files that can be imported into a different quest. You know, so we can create custom bosses in sandbox quests for testing, and plug them into a real quest when we actually get around to making one... er, I mean, have the rest of the area sorted out.