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04-25-2006, 10:06 AM
Interesting question, really. People claim that your brain really needs a solid breakfast, lunch, and dinner to get your body running at its peak performance.

Do you find this to be true for you?

I might eat a light breakfast, but then I need to race to school. I generally don't eat all that much (If anything at all.) during the school day, in fact. Usually nothing whatsoever. I then get home at around 6:00 or so and have a small dinner. Does anyone else eat that lightly while in school, or at any other point in their week?

It's also said that a good nights sleep is very important for you, and that after you sleep, you'll awake "refreshed" and such.

Personally, I find that to be sort of untrue for me. When I get six to eight hours of sleep, I almost always wake up extremely groggy, and remain that way for most of an hour. However, if I've not had a good night's sleep, I wake up very easily, and become cheerful and "perky" for the majority of the day. Any sleep that I get at all that night will maintain that state of being. It's very ... strange. ._o'

04-25-2006, 11:31 AM
Sleep? jesus... I hate sleep time...

As soon as I lay down I have to pee, as soon as I pee I get thirsty so I take a drink, as soon as I take a drink I have to pee and can't even try to sleep till I do... Then when I do I have to take a drink again.

I wake up to check the doors are locked at the house and if I can see the car in the drive way, then I go pee, then I have to take a pee then yadda yadda...

Oh yes, Also if A weird noise occurs I have to wake up and turn off the fan (oh yes, I can't sleep without a noise like a fan or a washing machine that drowns everything out). Anyways, when i wake up I'll sit there and listen to see if the noise comes again and if not then turn the fan on and sleep!

Needless to say I get maybe 4 hours a sleep at night and thats if I goto bed early. I took pills for OCD when I was younger and its probably what this is hah. back then I used to have to cover all the outlets in my room and etc... quite funny.

04-25-2006, 11:52 AM
My eating habits? Well depending on the day I either eat not enough, or too much. I like to eat, so when I am out I am constantly snacking on jumk food. Recently I've decided to try harder to avoid caffinated pop, mainly because if I don't concentrate, I end up drinking far more than I really should(although it's nothing compared to most people I would say). Anyway, my eating habits are pretty poor, as anybody who has seen my picture can attest to. I also don't get enough exercise, although it's not like I hate to move arround or anything.

As for my sleeping habits, which are also pretty bad, some nights I tend to stay on the computer untill about 2 in the morning, then I usually do my washroom thing and take a quick bath to ensure my anal hygene is spotless(I don't think I need to expand on that one). Then I take all my water bottles that I've used during the day and fill them up and freeze them, and maybe take a fresh one out and have it defrost so if I ever wake up, I got ice cold water. As for sleep, sometimes I can't fall asleep, maybe because I am thinking about somthing or I have a raging boner which really makes it hard for me to sleep untill I do somthing about it. When I do sleep, sometimes I wake up occasionally during the night, er morning. On a good day I sleep in untill about 10 or 11 AM, but on days where I am really tired, I sleep clean through untill 1 or 2 PM. Since I am currently unemployed and collecting disability insurance, I don't have much to do except go on the computer. When I decided to improve my life, things will be different.

Also, when I sleep, it has to be almost total darkness, and I have to have the radio going, although I can sleep with no noise too. It's mostly light, and random noises that bother me. Heck, even a dripping faucet is okay, because at least I know what it is, and can predict the rythem. A cat playing with a plastic bag, however, would totally bother me and would make me more inclined to find it and take the bag and maybe shoo it untill it's out of earshot.

04-25-2006, 03:21 PM
I find that if I don't eat anything in the morning, I feel faint at school and I'll get really hungry around 10:00. At school I usually eat at lunch hour and then maybe after my last class, then I come home, eat a snack and go do something. A few hours later its time for dinner.

With sleep, no matter how much I get, I'm always tired. I could sleep for 12 hours and still need a nap in the afternoon.

Aegix Drakan
04-25-2006, 03:26 PM

small, quick breakfast.
a small lunch (more like a snack actually)
and a decent sized supper.

Needless to say, I'm really skinny


Unless there is some important event going on, I always get in my 8 hours of sleep.

My record for staying up is about to 2:45 Am. I was at an overnight gaming party, and I decided to go to sleep because I was doing DDR...and suddenly the arrows didn't make any sense.

04-25-2006, 06:43 PM
Eating (on a school day)

Breakfast: Usually a bowl and a half of cereal. Maybe a glass of milk if I'm thirsty.
Lunch: School meal consists of daily special, salad, apple, cookie, and milk.
Afterschool Snack: Maybe chips or a sandwich.
Dinner: Usually a serving or two of meat, a vegetable (brocolli, salad), and usually rice or some kind of potato.
After Dinner Snack: Another bowl of cereal or a poptart.

With the way I eat, I'm amazed I'm not overweight. >_>

Sleeping (school day)

I usually go to bed at 10:30, but sometimes I don't actually get to sleep until 11:30. I usually wake up at 5:20 to get ready for school.

Sometimes if I'm tired, I'll take a nap after school (or during, depends if I can sneak one in or not).

04-25-2006, 07:14 PM
Sleep? jesus... I hate sleep time...

As soon as I lay down I have to pee, as soon as I pee I get thirsty so I take a drink, as soon as I take a drink I have to pee and can't even try to sleep till I do... Then when I do I have to take a drink again.

I wake up to check the doors are locked at the house and if I can see the car in the drive way, then I go pee, then I have to take a pee then yadda yadda...

Oh yes, Also if A weird noise occurs I have to wake up and turn off the fan (oh yes, I can't sleep without a noise like a fan or a washing machine that drowns everything out). Anyways, when i wake up I'll sit there and listen to see if the noise comes again and if not then turn the fan on and sleep!

Needless to say I get maybe 4 hours a sleep at night and thats if I goto bed early. I took pills for OCD when I was younger and its probably what this is hah. back then I used to have to cover all the outlets in my room and etc... quite funny.

WOW. I do exactly the same thing. I'm pretty OCD, and it is reflected in my lousy, distracted, and irritating sleep habits. Ditto on the water issue. I absolutely cannot go to bed without chugging a glass of water. Then, of course, I have to pee like an hour later. Peeing makes me want more water. Rinse and repeat. Also, I leave my computer on so the fan noise will drown out the little shit noises that are inevitable at a college apartment complex. I check my locked doors like three or four times, and sometimes I need to go outside and make sure my car is locked. I really don't get enough sleep, which sucks because I tend to nap during the day and I waste productive time.

04-25-2006, 07:37 PM
My eating habits are different every day. Usually I don't eat breakfast, but after that it depends on how I feel or how much I did outside.

My sleeping habits are just as erratic. I can never seem to go to sleep. Ever. I usually end up falling asleep at 12 or 1, which sucks when you have to get up at 6:00 for school. After two or three days of this I'll fall asleep as soon as I get home (2:00) and wake up around 7. Then the cycle continues. I could really use some type of sleeping medication or something. I'll just lay in bed staring at the ceiling for hours sometimes. It sucks.

04-25-2006, 10:08 PM
I never was a good sleeper until around 17 when I was put on an anti-depressant that seriously impeded my ability to sleep.

I was givin a new anti-depressant that, as a side effect, causes severe drowsiness and stimulates appetite. The sleep that results is probably the most restful, peaceful sleep I've ever had.

Of course I think I've become dependant on this medication, as without it, I won't actually be able to sleep for a full day, at which point I might find myself drift off for a few hours at a time. I feel like shit after waking, and feel even less rejuvenated than I did before sleeping.

04-26-2006, 12:08 AM
I can't eat when I first wake up. I always feel slightly nauseous in the mornings. If I don't immediately brush my teeth after waking up, I'm liable to vomit.

I wake at 10am, at work by 11am, eat a piece of fruit or a small salad around 2pm. If I get hungry throughout the day, I'll eat some jerky or a granola bar (one of those nature valley ones, they kick ass!). I only really eat one meal around 11pm or 12am, usually a salad and some meat of some kind. I only drink water throughout the day, but a juice at dinner is ok.

I like to stay away from processed foods of any kind really. Anything that I can't pick or kill myself is pretty much off limits (yes, this means no twinkies :( ). I'm usually in bed by 2am, giving me a solid 8 hours sleep. I'm definitely groggy in the mornings, and will sleep clear until 2pm on my days off. 12 hours is optimal. Only then do I wake up clear-headed and refreshed. I'd sleep even more if I could get away with it, but my body simply won't allow it.

04-26-2006, 03:54 AM
Well seeing how i'm online at 2am I tend to sleep late. It varies by day. As for eating I eat little but snack often.

Darth Marsden
04-26-2006, 05:36 AM
I don't tend to eat all that much. I rarely eat breakfast, around mid-day I'll sometimes eat a couple of sandwiches, and I don't normally have dinner either. I do tend to eat snacks though, so that's probably why I haven't starved to death.

Sleeping wise, I find it very difficult to nod off if I don't have some sort of music on. Otherwise I get about 6-8 hours sleep and wake up sounding like Darth Vader.

04-26-2006, 06:26 AM
I have my "lunch" at work at 6am every morning. Unfortunately, its never healthy because we don't have many healthy meals at our store. :shrug:a

04-26-2006, 10:18 AM
I can predict that from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, all I'll have is a single drink of water to tide me over.

And I've already had it. :sweat:

Eh. Hunger is the greatest sauce of them all. ° °,

04-27-2006, 08:50 AM
I have absolutely horrible eating and sleeping habits at the moment. As a result I don't feel to good physically at the moment. Hopefuly I can fix things over the summer.