View Full Version : What's the most you'd pay for a game?

04-23-2006, 03:10 AM
What is your limit on how much you'd pay for a game? Not just going to a store and buying a new game for a current platform, but also for those of us whom collect things. And what is the most you've actually paid for a game? This includes buying a whole game system just for one game ofcourse if you only played that single game for a good amount of time.

Forinstance, I really want to play the new arcade game Metal Slug 6. But the last time I saw it for sale the kit cost 1000$! Ofcourse we are talking arcade games which are pricey when new. I did recently pay 50$ for an original Metal Slug X arcade cartridge for NeoGeo MVS which isn't a big deal but it is from 1999. I also paid 50$ for Mortal Kombat II the actual arcade hardware. I am considering now spending possibly 500$ to buy a Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet (the whole machine). Yes, I would pay 500$ for the original MK from late 1992 early 1993. However it is actually a system which I could then put my Mortal Kombat II in, as well as other games. The real trick is finding somewhere to put it, and getting it there! =)

This is just something I've been thinking about esspecially since I had been thinking about trying out that World of Warcraft. Just how much would you or have you really paid to play a game?

04-23-2006, 03:58 AM
I paid 400 dollars total for a game($60) with the controller($300) and fliptop($40).

04-23-2006, 05:50 AM
Games down here (New releases) have a RRP of $100AU ($75US or thereabouts). That's my absolute upper limit.

Darth Marsden
04-23-2006, 06:36 AM
PC or Gamecube games - £20.
GBA Games - £15.

Next generation (Revolution) - £30, but only if it was really, REALLY good.

04-23-2006, 12:23 PM
$40 - New Releases that I REALLY *need*
$32 - Mid Releases that I think I'd like.
$15 - Old Releases that I've wanted to play before but couldn't since it was too expensive.
$06 - Old Releases, older than 9 or 10 years.

Those are maximums, mind you. I've never paid for anything greater than $40.

04-23-2006, 12:51 PM
I would pay a couple grand for a Galaga or Pacman cabinet, but I don't have kind of money.

I think that we are overlooking the large costs of systems themselves. You can say that I paid $50 for Civ4, but consider that I paid like $500 to upgrade my $1000 PC all in the name of games. So clearly there is no expense I won't go to for some gaming goodness.

04-23-2006, 01:30 PM
I am willing to pay full price for new games that I really want. For instance I payed $50 each for RE4 and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes since I bought them immediatley after they were released. I'd be willing to pay that and maybe a little more for a non-handheld Zelda.

In the past I've payed between $70-$90 for SNES and N64 games, specific ones that comes to mind are Chrono Trigger and Ocarina of Time, both of which have been worth every penny.

04-24-2006, 01:20 AM
If I really want the game, I'll pay the full $50. If I want it, but don't feel like paying $50 for it, I'll wait until it goes down in price.. it depends on the game, really.

04-24-2006, 02:07 AM
if it's a game I've been looking forward to, $60 at most. however, $50 is usually how much they cost, and that's how much I usually pay

04-24-2006, 06:34 AM
For a game that just came out, I'd pay around $60 at the most. Usually they're $50, but I've seen some new releases come out at $60.

As for older games, the most I'd pay would be $50, depending on what game it was. I got Chrono Trigger for $28, Breath of Fire 3 for $30, and Silent Hill 2 for $25.

04-24-2006, 12:43 PM
I preordered Majora Mask and bought the expansion pack at the same time, so that cost me about $100. Thats definately my limit.

And I wouldn't spend that much anymore.

04-24-2006, 01:10 PM
I think I paid about $40 for Super mario 3 for GBA. Definately my limit.

04-24-2006, 02:14 PM
I hardly get any new games anymore, but if the order for Brave Soul goes through, the most I ever hope to pay (including shipping) is $45. Regular PC games I'll pay up to $25, maybe $30. Used console games I'll pay up to $20. And as for new games, maybe $30. :shrug:

04-24-2006, 03:24 PM
Up here, games usually run at about 45-55$. New releases or not. But I have seen some that were upto about $60. These are DS/GBA games mind you.

Game Cube games are usually about 60-70$. Again, I've also seen some up around $80.

If I have the money, I'll pay the price if its a game I really want. Which it usually is. But I rarley have any money so I depend on Birthdays and Christmas to get games.