View Full Version : shops:new

04-20-2006, 11:27 AM
i tried what everyone told me to try but nothing worked...so can someone please give step by step instructions on how to get shops to work and people to talk it is really confusing .

04-20-2006, 12:09 PM
Okay. This is gonna be long, but here we go.
A lot of this can be found in tutorials like Alphadawg's, but tutorials are a little harder to come by lately. Anyway...

When you're first starting to use shops, the easiest way is to set it up the same way the first LoZ did. In the first LoZ, you always used screen 80 and you set up the shop specifics on whatever overworld screen you entered that shop from.

Let's say you're trying to make a shop that sells bombs, the blue candle and the magic shield. On an overworld screen, put a door or cave onto the screen. This door or cave combo should have the combo type "Cave(walk down)" or "Stairs" or something similar. Now go to the Data menu. Push "Tile Warp." It should be set to "Cave/Item Room." If it is, leave it and everything else on the tile warp menu alone.

Now, when the player walks into that cave, he'll walk into a shop that looks like it is on screen 80. Let's set up that shop.

First, we'll decide what the shop should sell. Go to Quest->Misc Data-> Shop Types. Each number in the Shop Types menu represents a different item setup for a shop to sell. Go ahead and pick the first unused number, probably 0. You'll see three spots to choose an item to sell and set the price for that item. For this example, click the first drop-down box and choose "bombs," click the second drop-down box and choose "blue candle," and in the third drop down box choose "Magic Shield." Now above each item set whatever price you think is fitting for that item.

Now we'll set up the warp to the shop. We already checked to see that the tile warp for the screen went to "Cave/Item Room" and left everything else alone. Go to Data-> Guy and set whatever guy you want. Go to Data->Strings and set what you want the guy to say when you enter the shop. Go to Data->Room Type and set it to "Shop." Go to Data->Catch All, which should now say Data->Shop Type, and set the number for the shop type. This is the number in which you set the items and prices earlier, probably 0.

*You can set whatever Guy and String you want, but if you don't have a guy and string then the shop won't work.

That should be it. All that's left is to playtest it and see if it works! ;)

One more thing, though, in case you're curious. The "Cave/Item Room" warp type is unique. It ignores the destination you set in the tile warp menu, which is why it doesn't matter what screen or dmap you set when you use it. It always sends the player to a shop or whatever on screen 80. Setting up shops that do not use the Cave/Item Room type is in many ways a different process.

04-20-2006, 12:10 PM
i tried what everyone told me to try but nothing worked...so can someone please give step by step instructions on how to get shops to work and people to talk it is really confusing .
For shops, set your Guy, String (optional), Room Type (Shop or Potion Shop), and Shop Type (look under Misc Data>Shop Types for the numbers). To make people "talk", use a message string! Or, use combos of letters and speech bubbles.

04-20-2006, 02:06 PM
thanks ive been looking for that info forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!