View Full Version : Tresure chests

04-14-2006, 02:16 PM
Does anyone know how to make unlocked treasure chests? I have instructions to make a locked one, however, when I test it out, it opend up like a lock block, but changes to a brick wall (in sidescrolling areas). And also, I don't get the item at all. (and yes, i set the undercombo to an open treasure chest) If you know how to mahe either, post a reply.

04-14-2006, 02:20 PM
The Lock Blocks don't transform into the Under Combo, they transform into the Next combo. ;)

04-14-2006, 02:22 PM
If you set this as a lock block, you need to make the combo directly after it(to the right) the open chest. As far as putting the item in it, you need to put the top of the chest on an overhead layer with the item inside the chest. The overhead layer will hide the item until it is triggered by the lock block combo. Make sure you also create the top as a lock block copy cat.

04-14-2006, 05:27 PM
If you set this as a lock block, you need to make the combo directly after it(to the right) the open chest. As far as putting the item in it, you need to put the top of the chest on an overhead layer with the item inside the chest. The overhead layer will hide the item until it is triggered by the lock block combo. Make sure you also create the top as a lock block copy cat.
I never needed to use layers to hide items in my treasure chests. :shrug: You can just set up 3 combos in a row, the lock block which is the locked chest, then the slash combo which is the closed chest, and finally the open chest. Then, just place the Armos -> Item flag over the chest, and when you slash the chest open (after unlocking it), the room's Special Item will appear. You just have to set the special item by going to Data -> Room Type, then setting it to Special Item, then Data -> Special Item, and setting that to what you want to appear in the chest.

04-14-2006, 06:50 PM
If you do it the way I said it opens straight into an open chest with the item in it. Your way requires you to unlock the chest first then slash it to get the item. It works, yes, but a little excessive.
It's all personal preference. Although the big chests you have to do the way I said or it just doesn't work right.

04-14-2006, 07:11 PM
Ohh, whoops, I didn't see that part. Sorry.