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View Full Version : Combo Alias + Relational Mode = :-D

04-12-2006, 02:55 PM
... ... That was the crumbiest title I have ever... ...


Anyway, ... Some people and I were speaking in #PureZC, and we were thinking. Would it be possible to use the layering effects of Combo Aliases (How it automatically pastes it to layer 1 (Or the applicable layer.) when you lay it on the screen.) with the relational mode, such as floor borders and such, to paste floor borders directly onto the main game screen, onto the floors, specifically, without having to do it on the screen of layer 1 itself? This could save so much time. (Having to refer back and forth between the two screens to get the positioning right.)

Thoughts? :p Personally, this is something I've always wished for, and with obvious applications. Man. So incredibly useful and time-saving.

04-12-2006, 03:03 PM
i'm kinda confused--all you have to do is switch to layer 1 (or whatever layer you want the border on) via the radio buttons in the bottom panels below the screen and then switch to relational mode. You don't have to go to the layer's screen itself.

So i'm not quite sure what your suggesting because relational mode does work on layers.

04-12-2006, 03:14 PM
... ... ... *Enters a brief period of completely insane incoherent ramblings*

... ... Oh my god, I hate you. XD *lol* Okay, so it works. :blah: We can close this thread now. XD

I mean, I always thought that those ... actually, I thought those were just leftovers from a previous beta or something. ... Thanks for clarifying that! :D