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04-07-2006, 08:15 PM
Now, I played KotoR 2 befor eI played this one, and I know in that one, there's influence you can gain or lose with each character. In KotoR 1 however, is there any influence? I'm playing a Dark Side character. So should I be a complete asshole to every body? Or will there be things I miss out if I do that?

Also, is there any way I can change the alignment of my party members? Or do they keep thier alignment through the whole game?

Thanks for the help.

04-07-2006, 09:14 PM
KOTOR 1 does not have influence, if I remember correctly. However, things you say to your party members can and will directly affect the outcome of the game, so choose wisely.

You cannot modify the alignment of your party members.

Despite these "lack of features", in my opinion KOTOR is an awesome, wonderful RPG game. I thought KOTOR 2 was horrid. The plot sucked and the game was riddled with bugs.

04-07-2006, 11:18 PM
So it doesn't matter if I'm a total asshole to my party members, I won't miss out on any plot points? Like in KotoR 2 I know to unlock certain plot points you had to have a high influence with your party members.