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View Full Version : enemy database list

Bull Bizard
04-07-2006, 08:20 AM
I'm searching for a database of enemy status...
Is someone knows it ?
A kind of list with the HP of each enemy, against which weapon they're weaks and immune... The items they will drop and the %.
Is this list magicaly exist ??? :confused:
It would be nice.

Because I'm testing it puting enemy in a screen and trying every weapon on it to know but it's very long... :shakeno:

04-07-2006, 02:45 PM
There's the PureZC wiki, look under category ENEMIES (http://wiki.purezc.com/wiki/index.php/Category:Enemies).

Bull Bizard
04-08-2006, 03:31 AM
Thanks a lot Koopa !! ;)

Edit : I've downloaded all the list to read but it seems there is not all the data...
Wall master is not here... And by the way, I see in the tiles near the wall master ones, some other "wall master" like and a little one... Can I use it by any way ? Or it is just a tile ?

04-09-2006, 11:08 AM
The idea was to have wall masters, floor masters, and ceiling masters I believe. Only the wall master exists to my knowledge, though who knows what the next betas might bring ...

So yeah, I think they're just tiles.