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View Full Version : Skulltulla System

04-07-2006, 12:07 AM
It'd really be nice to have a skultulla system. It would be relatively easy to implement other than a counter in the editor.

First of all, you would need an enemy to carry the skulltulla, so you need either a combo or an enemy.(which you have to place) In the enemy list you would have "Skulltulla (gold)," (you would also have "skulltulla" and "skullwalltulla") and zquest would assume that it carries a skulltulla token (gold skulltulla)(I assume you can only collect them once)

In the items, it shows "skulltulla token" in there somewhere. Along with this, you would need a skulltulla counter somewhere on the subscreen. With the counter it would be nice to also have a screen flag and fill in space so you can say that you can't warp (or go off a certain edge) unless you have a certain number of skulltullas. This could possibly be a room type too.

Now for the hardest feature: The counter that tells how many skulltulla's you have put in your quest so far; so it checks all the maps for rooms with gold skulltullas/tokens. This might take some time to process, so perhaps there is a scroll down option or a hotkey for this.

04-07-2006, 03:54 PM
It'd really be nice to have a skultulla system. It would be relatively easy to implement other than a counter in the editor.

First of all, you would need an enemy to carry the skulltulla, so you need either a combo or an enemy.(which you have to place) In the enemy list you would have "Skulltulla (gold)," (you would also have "skulltulla" and "skullwalltulla") and zquest would assume that it carries a skulltulla token (gold skulltulla)(I assume you can only collect them once)

In the items, it shows "skulltulla token" in there somewhere. Along with this, you would need a skulltulla counter somewhere on the subscreen. With the counter it would be nice to also have a screen flag and fill in space so you can say that you can't warp (or go off a certain edge) unless you have a certain number of skulltullas. This could possibly be a room type too.

Now for the hardest feature: The counter that tells how many skulltulla's you have put in your quest so far; so it checks all the maps for rooms with gold skulltullas/tokens. This might take some time to process, so perhaps there is a scroll down option or a hotkey for this.
I like that! Of course, you'd HAVE to be able to change the looks of the token and enemy so it can be ANYTHING you could think of.

05-03-2006, 03:34 PM
Considering Bombs, Super Bombs and Arrows are now Attached to their respective items, We essentualy have 2 open slots for new counter types in future revisions of the Subscreen. Why not make "Token" one of them?
The could be used as a "special" currency to spend in special shops or open doors in much the same fashion as the Lvl. 9 entrance.

05-06-2006, 11:51 AM
We would also need to have things such as secrets on ANY room that can only be triggered when you have a certain amount of Skulltula tokens. Y'know, to make the house of Skulltula.