View Full Version : Slash and Double Magic?

04-06-2006, 10:29 PM
I was planning out a bit more for NeoFirst, and the issue of the Slash, Magic Double, Nayru's Love, Farore's Wind, and Din's Fire came up.

Basically, I came up with the following ideas, and wanted your input:

Magic Double: Attained in the mystic forest, in a house on a cliff. All you'd need is to fetch a magic crystal, which, I suppose could be gotten from just about anywhere. :shrug: I'm thinking of making it one of those "Find the mushroom(Letter.) in the forest, show it to some guy in a shop back in town, and he can sell you stuff like magic, potions, a crystal, etc, then you bring it back to the guy and he teaches you 2x magic" sort of things. Of course, I'll be sure to make it look like he's electrifying Link. :p I've got some handy Lightning tiles and a platform. I just can't help but use them. ^_^'

Slash: A bit more complex than the last. The slash house is actually also found in the Mystic Forest, to the southeast of the Magic Doubler's house. There's this old man who you can speak to, who will tell you to find these four switches scattered around the land, press them, and report back to him so he can teach you slash. He then walks off out of the room, shuts the door behind him, leaving you to fend for yourself in the quest. (Yeah, he actually walks out of the room. Done with Freeform combos.) So you'd find these four switches in caves around the world, press them, and they'd trigger the things to be set. I just have to figure out how to make it appear as if one obstacle at a time has been pressed, ... Like, ... how you can step on them out of order, and it'd show each individual obstacle having been moved with each switch. That, I'm not looking forward to. Oh, and this cave where you learn slash, where the old man walks to, .. You need to blow up a rock, then burn some vines or something beneath that rock to get to the cave where the old man went to.

Now, Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, and Nayru's Love are interesting, in that you get to visit a Fairy fountain and take a challenge to obtain the item. It's free, as you get it as soon as you accept, but you have to escape using that item. I guess you could use other items as well, but you probably wouldn't have a use for them in such a puzzle.

Din's Fire: I guess you'd be using the invulnerable time of casting the spell to avoid some traps that will be passing right through you as you cast it onto the torches. I don't know. I'm the least sure about this one.

Farore's Wind: You'd be using quite a few "continue points" here, I guess. You'd case Farore's Wind on a patch of land, and depending on which patch of land you're in within this test, that's where you're warped. It's a teleport maze. I just have to figure out how to get it to work. :shrug:

Nayru's Love: Ironically the easiest of all of these to perform. You'd cast the spell, the wade across quite a few damage combos or something. You'd need to position yourself perfectly as well, as if it runs out of time, or if you stumble into the void, you'll obviously be quite dead.

Thoughts, everyone?

04-07-2006, 01:39 AM
For Din's Fire, I say play up the mass destruction aspect of it. That's really the main thing it has going for it. Drop Link in a room with no way out and fire triggers (not necessarily visible) somewhere in the corners, where they can't be reached any other way. When they're set off, just make the whole place go up in flames. Lots of damage combos and fallen pieces of architecture and such blocking off paths. You'd want to be sure the boots weren't available yet, though...
I don't know. It'd be pretty hard to do well, I'm sure, but it would certainly look cool.

The first thing that comes to mind for Farore's Wind is that you could have a room where you need a key, but to get one, you have to go through a door which closes behind you and won't open. That's not especially interesting, though...
I'm not entirely sure of what is and isn't possible, really. Perhaps you could do something similar with switches? Hit a switch and teleport back to an earlier point in the maze, and find a completely different path is open there?
Hm... Would it be possible to set up a screen that's divided into two parts such that if Link walks through one part of the screen and later uses FW, he's teleported to the other part?

04-07-2006, 09:19 AM
Hm. You know, you're right, Saffith. o.o That'd be a great puzzle, ... to be teleporting back to a "hub" area where you'd go off triggering doors and secrets. Very cool. :)

As for the Din's Fire, I'm sort of planning on having something "dark" themed, as the player will more than likely have to defeat certain invisible enemies to progress to the next task. It'd be easier if they couldn't see the enemy at all when they did so. Destruction just doesn't seem like the sort of thing Din's Fire would be used for. It seems more like a defensive measure than anything else, but that's just my own skewed opinion really.

04-07-2006, 06:49 PM
I think the Nayru's Love challenge should be as so:

Place Link in a room with MANY strong enemies, so they'd HAVE to use Nayru's Love. Put a FEW damage combos as well. Just remember that even with Nayru's Love on, he'll still get knocked back.

04-11-2006, 09:39 AM
I think the Nayru's Love challenge should be as so:

Place Link in a room with MANY strong enemies, so they'd HAVE to use Nayru's Love. Put a FEW damage combos as well. Just remember that even with Nayru's Love on, he'll still get knocked back.

Hm. ... ... Interesting! O_O I had planned on the player using as little of anything else as possible, (Sword, Boomerang, Hookshot, etc. Only their newly acquired Din's Fire/Farore's Wind/Nayru's Love.) but if necessary, maybe they could fight their way out for more magic jars as well. :shrug:

08-21-2006, 11:10 PM
Magic Double: Attained in the mystic forest, in a house on a cliff. All you'd need is to fetch a magic crystal, which, I suppose could be gotten from just about anywhere. :shrug:Traditionally, Doubled Magic is given by either Great Fairies or multiple-personality Vires. Change the fellow to one of those and you'll have my vote (Maybe also change the crystal to a Stray Fairy?)

Slash: A bit more complex than the last. The slash house is actually also found in the Mystic Forest, to the southeast of the Magic Doubler's house. There's this old man who you can speak to, who will tell you to find these four switches scattered around the land, press them, and report back to him so he can teach you slash. Ehh, I don't think Slash is that good a power to require a round-the-world search (even if the switches are accessible with minimal equipment.)

08-22-2006, 08:43 AM
I say slashing, I think every quest should have that

08-22-2006, 10:54 AM
... Yes. And it will. Eventually. :p Then again, Slashing was first seen in ZC 1.92 Beta 182, so, I see no reason why not to give it to the player at the start. :shrug: The double magic feature was probably seen even earlier. (Yeah, when was that developed? o.o )

The thing is, I really want to use a system of manual lowering of individual gates for a quest somewhere, to show off exhibit the room state carryover feature. (Events.) That's what we need to be doing.

08-22-2006, 11:36 AM
We've already got the boss warp in Forest Temple, which relies on room state carryover, might I mention.