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04-05-2006, 07:16 PM
Anyone here play UT2k4 online? I like to play Onslaught maps, and it is always more fun to play with people you atleast kind of know opposed to complete strangers, many of which go solo to get killed, or do ignorant shit getting you and them killed.

What maps do you guys like? I like alot of maps, mostly anything besides what comes with the game these days. I'm tired of maps like Torlan, which I played to death with the demo and later the full version long before I could play online. I like some of the new vehicles too, like that Citcada or that artillery shelling vehicle. The massive chaotic warfare just kicks ass. I don't like death matches very much, but capture the flag and assault are fun.

So, any players out there?

04-05-2006, 07:27 PM
My favourite Assault map is the Artic one... Can't think of it's name offhand.

I'm more of a CTF player, though. Mostly because there are few ONS servers in Australia, and also, because 9 times out of 10 ONS loses it's fun because of pathetic teammates (Going straight for the enemy core without linking nodes, flying around aimlessly in Raptors, etc.)

04-05-2006, 07:53 PM
I actually really like this game, and I've played it extensively, but only the single player mode since I have a cracked version that can't access the net.

I never have the video card cajones to play the newest versions so I never really got into online play. I'd like to, but I have an orc warrior I'm busy leveling up.

... that and twenty tons of homework. =(

04-05-2006, 08:39 PM
I used to play it. Me and a group of other people that I met several years ago on the net. We grouped together every week to play for several hours. But now we all switched to Call of Duty.

Games is pretty awesome though. Would love to get my hands on UT2007, and its map editor.

Dart Zaidyer
04-05-2006, 10:15 PM
I have UT2004. I'm not completely worn out on the stock maps, though... Just the ones that everyone is always playing to death.

A lot of the Editor's Choice and various official/community bonus addons have some really great maps. However, I have yet to find a clear favorite for Onslaught... Most people just make them extra-huge and they start to blur together in my mind. I prefer maps with a clear strategy.

04-06-2006, 12:20 AM
I know what you mean about the teammates goki. But I haven't had too much of complete idiocy. About the servers, I'd think with broadband in AUS you'd have no problem getting on a server over here.

Beldaran, I think that you can play online, but you cannot see the server list, and maybe if the game uses the UTStats you can't join. But still, there are probably alot of servers you could play on, IF you know the IP address and connect manually through the console. I never tried, I own the game legit because I really like UT.

Dart, have you tried making your own maps? That's certainly fun to toy with. And ONS maps are supposed to be huge for warfare, but I know some seem over the top. However with link node teleporting that's not so bad. Unless you're busy driving around the tank, not the best long distance travel vehicle.

I know how to make levels, but I've never really done more than toy with them. It's hard to compete with professionally done maps.

04-06-2006, 07:20 AM
You can get onto US servers, but usually with a ping of at least 250, but usually 300+. I'd prefer Aussie servers.

04-06-2006, 11:36 AM
I know how to make levels, but I've never really done more than toy with them. It's hard to compete with professionally done maps.

Thats the truth.

Back in the day, I could probably whip up a pretty decent UT(99) map, but since the involvement of Static Meshes in 03 and 04, I'm just not that great using 3D Studio Max. I've seen maps that consist primarily of static meshes, I can't keep up with that.

04-06-2006, 01:57 PM
Ya static meshes can be used to make the entire level if you want. But I find alot of them not very nessisary and just eye candy. Eye candy that makes my video card scream. I really need a new one, as this is damn near the bottom of what is required, Radeon 7200.

The thing that gets me is that most static meshes don't add anything to how the level plays, other than bridges and stairs/catwalks. I remember opening one level up and seeing how all the walls and such were just giant rock static meshes.

04-07-2006, 12:35 PM
I never got around to buying it because my old system couldn't handle it very well but now that I have my gaming rig setup I am using a cracked version of it. I found something so I could play online but I have been blowing through the single player right now.

Darth Marsden
04-07-2006, 02:08 PM
I got UT2004 but didn't really like it that much. It's not bad, I just prefer the original UT and it's double Enforcers.

04-07-2006, 02:24 PM
You can get double assault rifles if you want though. Plus really, in my opinion the vehicles in ONS are what make UT2K4 so much fun for me anyway.

biggy, I'm still using an ancient Radeon 7200 from the year 2000. It amazingly runs UT2k4 quite playable. Howver some custom maps have alot of trouble, plus the eye candy isn't cranked up all the way.

04-07-2006, 02:48 PM
You can get double assault rifles if you want though. Plus really, in my opinion the vehicles in ONS are what make UT2K4 so much fun for me anyway.

biggy, I'm still using an ancient Radeon 7200 from the year 2000. It amazingly runs UT2k4 quite playable. Howver some custom maps have alot of trouble, plus the eye candy isn't cranked up all the way.

Onboard video pre 2000 on a piece of shit gateway.

Now I am running an AMD 3500+ with a gig of corsair and a 6800GT until my next paycheck when I buy a new ATI card.

04-07-2006, 05:37 PM
I've got the 7800GT. Works great with UT2004.

04-07-2006, 09:09 PM
I was considering the 7800, GS I think it was. Cost too much, I'll be going with an ATI X800 I think. UT2k4 is all I run anyway.

04-08-2006, 11:09 AM
Sadly, this game was a case of where I played the demo to death, picked up the full game and didn't play it as much. :)

I still play a round from time to time, but until recently the only reason I had it installed was Red Orchestra, and with Ostfront coming out on Steam I couldn't justify all the space it took up. :(