View Full Version : NeoFirst Overworld Map:

03-29-2006, 05:13 PM
I have a working map of the overworld that I'm drawing in my spare time while I'm at school. However, until then, this map will have to suffice. =/

(Holy cow these things are hard to read and maintain. @_@' )


L = Link's starting position
D = Forest Dungeon
D = IceFire Dungeon
<D> = Final Dungeon
m = Maze
s = Save Point

Obviously, that's not it. That's just the -BASIC- design that I had in mind. In the upper left and lower left corners, (Basically the entire left few screens of the map.) are composed of a dense, mystical forest. the entire central column is composed of a combination of plains, hills, towns, etc. The "usual" stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mostly for hiding HCP's. :p The lower right corner will be VERY mountainous, with possible rivers and lavaflows. I plan on having a flaming area somewhere near the edge too. The upper right area is the charred zone. The music is calm, but eerie around those areas. It'll house the remnants of the Temple of Light.

Ignore this map. I worked hard on it and don't want to erase it. :sweat:
0|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
1|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
2|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
3|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
4|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
5|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
6|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|
7|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|... .|....|....|....|....|....|....|

03-29-2006, 06:22 PM
Nice overworld, BH4. It could do with 1 or 2 more Save Points, though.

03-29-2006, 07:00 PM
Are we really limiting ourself to one standard-sized overworld?

03-29-2006, 09:04 PM
pika: I have more on my paper map I'm drawing. ;) I'm just too lazy to put them in on the ASCII map. :sweat: It's literally a period-hunt to track down the period I need to change to put one in. :p I have the dungeons laid out, and until I can get the map itself scanned, this is what you get.

C-Dawg: This quest will be released with 2.11's release. We're being timed. You do the math. :p Of course, if you want to construct two or three overworlds in the DoR Set by Tuesday, by all means, ...

03-29-2006, 09:15 PM
pika: I have more on my paper map I'm drawing. ;) I'm just too lazy to put them in on the ASCII map. :sweat: It's literally a period-hunt to track down the period I need to change to put one in. :p I have the dungeons laid out, and until I can get the map itself scanned, this is what you get.
Oh, okay.

03-29-2006, 10:37 PM
Oh, okay.... ... :odd: ... You don't need to do that, you know. :p Two word posts that merely confirm what the other person had said are rarely useful. :sweat:

I'm going to try to finish the map off tomorrow, and possibly scan it tomorrow night. We'll see though. It's an awful quality map. @_@'

03-30-2006, 10:29 AM
Are they planning release on Tuesday BH4? Or is that when you want it done by?

03-30-2006, 12:01 PM
Are they planning release on Tuesday BH4? Or is that when you want it done by?Tuesday is just a stress day. This should all be done as soon as possible. Our deadline is as close to <TODAY> as possible, to allow for bugtesting and such.

03-30-2006, 05:02 PM
... ... :odd: ... You don't need to do that, you know. :p Two word posts that merely confirm what the other person had said are rarely useful. :sweat:

I'm going to try to finish the map off tomorrow, and possibly scan it tomorrow night. We'll see though. It's an awful quality map. @_@'
Really? I didn't know that two-word posts meant that. I can't wait to see the quest. I hope it turns out good!

03-30-2006, 06:42 PM
Hey, would it be possible for you to give us a screenshot? That is, if you are creating the overworld yourself BH4.

Or was that just a general layout?

03-30-2006, 06:51 PM
Hey, would it be possible for you to give us a screenshot? That is, if you are creating the overworld yourself BH4.

Or was that just a general layout?
I think they are just planning it, this quest will need a lot of planning. ;)

03-30-2006, 08:35 PM
Dang. I got here late.
Nice overworld though, BH4.
I could be a bug tester though.

03-30-2006, 09:18 PM
Shoot. This is supposed to be INCLUDED with 2.11? It's at least going to be re-opened and saved in 2.11 first, isn't it? You know, so any bugs in the final 2.11 beta will be fixed with the 2.11 full release?

03-31-2006, 09:20 PM
I had an excellent idea that would also showcase regular 1st quest integrity. Have a warp ring at all of the save points. Thus, when pikaguy900 suggests 1 or 2 more save points, you can connect all of the places in the world with this warp ring and even allow people to just mess around.

Otherwise, this will just be another linear attrocity, and defeat the original purpose of the first quest -> the ability to defeat any dungeon at any time.

Good luck, i'll give you more when I think of them :)

04-01-2006, 12:45 PM
Oh, it'll have warp rings. :o It needs to! NeoFirst will be a cross between <REALLY Complex Quest>, 1st.qst, and Hidden Duality. It'll have tons of tricks and nice graphics, custom bosses, themes, gimmicks, etc, but will also have a relatively simplistic style of gameplay. (At least on the overworld. ;-p )

04-03-2006, 12:39 PM
In your tracker you state the overworld will be scanned and critisized. My question is what do you mean by scanned? Do you mean by a scanner and then posted as a link to an overal map or scanned by your own eyes?

04-03-2006, 12:53 PM
It means I'm drawing this on a horizontal piece of looseleaf paper during my free time. :blah: So yeah, I'll scan it into the computer and send it to you guys. I'll also be able to mark up the map with little things in photoshop or something. Maybe later I'll draw up a pixel-based map as well.

04-03-2006, 01:18 PM
So, I would imagine, when this all comes together with everone's suggestions, you'll actully be the one to design it into a .qst?
Or will you assign it to someone else to impliment it into a .qst?

04-03-2006, 03:15 PM
Well, considering that I have no idea how we'd get a group quest done, (I.e. people working on it at the same time. Ugh.) I suppose one person at a time will have the quest file in question while everyone else does other forms of work.

For example, right now, I'm optimizing the Combo pages for 2.11 Beta 10, while other people are planning out dungeons and making music. (At least I hope they are. xD )

04-03-2006, 03:48 PM
The only problem with having a group quest would be the time limit. I agree there are way too many people here that want to contribute that you could give such a resposibility to. If you give it to (just a rough figure) 4 or 5 people that can dedicate that kind of time into building it, it might work. I think it could be a good thing if this turned out as a group creation.

I know there is already 3 people working on it now, you included of course. What would be the harm of adding like 2 more for the design of the overworld? At least that would take some of the burden off of you. Especially if you have other things to do.

I mean, you could give the rough drawing of what you would like to see and pass it along to them. Then they would impliment it into the .qst file and give it back to you and have you look through it and see what you like, what you dislike, and what you would like to change, and what looks good.

Or would that be too dificult?

Just an idea.