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03-29-2006, 01:07 AM
I just scanned this. I was wondering - What makes it crap? Is this totally scam?
It looks like it has scam written all over it. This kind of thing is BS.



03-29-2006, 01:21 AM
While I don't know the particular mechanism this outfit has to scam people, these types of things are all just scams. In life, nothing is free. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

03-29-2006, 09:43 AM
It's complete trash! AVOID!

I was almost sucked into something like this. It's way to good to be true.

03-29-2006, 08:39 PM
While I don't know the particular mechanism this outfit has to scam people, these types of things are all just scams. In life, nothing is free. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Remember that free iPod site? That actually worked. So did the other things they gave out free.

I'm not sure if this thing is real, but I remember Amazon doing something like this a few months ago. You could download a program and it would do the work for you (my friend made 50 bucks a day for a week).

03-30-2006, 01:31 AM
I suppose the simplest way to say it is this: the internet does not support the Konami code. There's no secret that allows you to make gobs of money, unless you're scamming someone, like this. If you run a successful online business, that's fine. If you trade stocks online, that's great. If you sell your old crap on Ebay, have fun. But earning almost 400k in three months for data entry? That's ridiculous. It's almost as obvious a scam as Enzyte.

03-30-2006, 02:33 AM
My website is 100% true! This other website that looks the same confirms it! You can make free money!!!!!11

There is free money to be made, but it's not the poor saps who fall for these scams, rather, it's at the top.

03-30-2006, 10:53 AM
But see, as me2 said, some actually do work, once in a great while. I'm looking for a way to sniff out the accurate ones, and actually make some green.

03-30-2006, 10:59 AM
One of the sad things in life PoJ is that the way to get the 'green' is to work :( Unless you do illegal shit but even then its work..plus you might end up paying for it for a few years ;0)

So stupid job is the only stupid way :(

03-30-2006, 03:23 PM
Remember that free iPod site? That actually worked. So did the other things they gave out free.

Those kinds of things are called pyramid schemes. They require a lot of other people to sign up to get the prize. Unless you are one of first people you know to do it, you won't have too many people left to get to sign up. The amount of profit is limited for the people at the bottom and meanwhile the people at the top are getting lots of profit from all the people signing up.

Not all scams are a total rip-offs. In fact the ones that actually give a little can be some of the most effective ones.

03-31-2006, 03:39 AM
One good sign of a scam: they claim, untruthfully, to have special offers that will expire soon. It puts pressure on you not only to sign up, but to do so quickly.

I'm referring specifically to this:

BUT HERE'S THE BEST PART: When I started with Internet Training Institute, it cost me $179 for the Manual. But they have lowered the price for everybody who signs up by Friday, March 31 to only $99!

In, addition, when you sign up by Friday, March 31, you get these amazing bonuses:

Set the system clock back a day, and, as if by magic (but actually by JavaScript):

BUT HERE'S THE BEST PART: When I started with Internet Training Institute, it cost me $179 for the Manual. But they have lowered the price for everybody who signs up by Thursday, March 30 to only $99!

In, addition, when you sign up by Thursday, March 30, you get these amazing bonuses:

Of course, this in and of itself is not a scam, nor even a guarantee that the site on the whole is one. But it does show that they're willing to lie to you to get your money.

But there's a lot more going on here than just that. Check the source. It's actually a frameset, but there's only one frame, and it takes up the entire window. The page you see is actually here: http://ahwa.org/Training/, although the title is slightly different there. Seems the domain was registered with Network Solutions using domainbyproxy.com. Apparently, they don't want you to know whom you're really giving your money to...
Anyway, check out http://www.ahwa.org. Compare the two; they're different in some ways (like whether the pictures show up :p), but obviously far more similar than they would likely be by coincidence.

Oh, and their link to consumerreporter.org? I assume they want you to confuse it with consumerreports.org. The latter site, incidentally, looks much less like it was made by a retarded chimpanzee.
And guess what? consumerreporter.org was also registered with Network Solutions using domainsbyproxy.com.
The ahwa.org front page links to consumerreporteronline.org instead. I didn't bother to look into that one.
So, anyway, consumerreporter.org is the same sort of full-screen frame deal. This one shows bestbuymagazine.com, but again with a slightly different title. ahwa.org and bestbuymagazine.com were both registered privately with Network Solutions.

Eh, enough of this. I have to get up early tomorrow. Here, do this: go to http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp (don't forget your pop-up blocker) and look up ahwa.org. That's the best you're getting from me.
Oh, and check out the thumbnail. "WANT TO TAKE 5,000 SURVEYS EVERY DAY?" I, for one, do not. Compare the thumbnail for bestbuymagazine.com, too...

In short: I don't know what, if anything, you'll get for giving this guy a hundred bucks, but you're sure as hell not gonna make any significant amount of money off of it.

03-31-2006, 09:17 AM
Yeah. I was kinda looking for that sort of thing. :P
I've heard mentions before, I think phattonez had gotten a PSP from one of those stupid scamish things. :shrug:
Some of the have to work. I was just wondering why this one, for example, doesn't.
I appreciate the breakdown.

03-31-2006, 10:05 AM
Yeah. I was kinda looking for that sort of thing. :P
I've heard mentions before, I think phattonez had gotten a PSP from one of those stupid scamish things. :shrug:
Some of the have to work. I was just wondering why this one, for example, doesn't.
I appreciate the breakdown.

I tried to get a PSP, but no one would do the offers. Sure, I had a lot of people referred, but none of them helped me.