View Full Version : wtf is wrong with people who don't like kiwanos?

03-26-2006, 02:12 PM
OK seriously. I got one of these things when I was little, and never got one again, because I didn't want to spend 5 bucks on a fruit, and I never had an income. Well I saw the fuckers in the store today, and I was like "I FUCKING LOVED THAT THING" So I buy one, and take it home. And I'm like, "I'll google it to make sure I'm eating it right"
So I get this shit. (http://www.obsess.com/fruit/kiwano)

you rapidly come to the realisation that this is quite possibly the most steadfastly inedible fruit known to man. the seeds pop enthusiastically from their housing as you dig into the flesh, but it comes away as a frothy, gelatinous mess that looks more like something you'd expect to see hidden in the corner of a garden pond than anything you'd particularly like to eat. it's slimy, sloppy and almost entirely without flavour; the seeds are tough and fibrous and thoroughly unenjoyable to chew through.
i had real trouble eating all of this one (which i felt i needed to do in the name of strict empirical science, if not that of actual gastronomic enjoyment), and i think it's the only fruit i've eaten that made me go yeuch when i'd finished. the consistency of the flesh made me nauseous after a while, and the seeds had a conspicuously unpleasant taste that made me feel a little twinge of ancient primal unease about eating them in the first place.

I didn't find instructions, but I was like "wtf was there something wrong with mine?"
Because I remembered it tasting like bananas and kiwi. So I open the damn thing open, scrape the seed things out (which I will admit look ALOT like pond scum) and I ate that crap. The seeds were fine, and the taste was great.

Nothing says anything good about this fruit - Anyone else like it? Did they find it to be horribly bitter or gross?
I think it's great. it has a strong taste of slightly unripe banana (how I eat them) and kiwi.
This fruit rules. Plus it's secksi.


03-26-2006, 06:17 PM
I haven't had one, nor seen one (I've heard the name at one point, I'm sure). But, I'll try it sometime. I'm not afraid to try something new. Even if it has spikes.

Glenn the Great
03-26-2006, 06:55 PM
If you say it tastes like bananas, I'm not eating it.

03-26-2006, 07:02 PM
Ohh Horned Melon.
I had one and it's cool.
Plus you see them all the time on sci-fi because they look alien.

03-26-2006, 07:23 PM
Hmm... I bought one of those at the local supermarket the other day because I had never seen one before, and I make it a point to try any foreign fruit I see.
I was somehow under the impression I wasn't supposed to eat the seeds, which made it very difficult to ingest. The fruit wasn't so bad (although kind of bland), but the texture was too much like slime or almost-jello.

03-26-2006, 07:32 PM
It looks really gooey, so I wouldn't eat it. Seriously, I can't eat anything that's slimey because it'll make me hurl. Gag reflex.

Besides, I've never even heard of it. Here in Ohio we have fruits like apples, oranges, bananas and like, other normal stuff. I don't think I've ever seen anything out of the norm...