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View Full Version : Autocombos

03-24-2006, 09:56 PM
1) Auto Kill All Enemies: When on screen, all enemies disappear. This would be good if it appears as a secret so that triggering secrets kills all enemies on the screen, which also therefore can produce an item, great for use with 'trigger' enemies.

2) Auto Reset Room: When on screen, everything in the room resets. Wouldn't really do much if its always on screen (like placed there), since things would keep resetting--may get buggy. However, if it appears as a secret, maybe you could make it so that hitting the wrong target resets the room or with combo cycling after a certain event occurs.

3) Auto Trigger: When it appears on screen, all secrets are triggered.

4) Auto Item: When it appears on screen, the item also appears on screen wherever you have placed the item.

03-24-2006, 10:13 PM
1) Auto Kill All Enemies: When on screen, all enemies disappear. This would be good if it appears as a secret so that triggering secrets kills all enemies on the screen, which also therefore can produce an item, great for use with 'trigger' enemies.

2) Auto Reset Room: When on screen, everything in the room resets. Wouldn't really do much if its always on screen (like placed there), since things would keep resetting--may get buggy. However, if it appears as a secret, maybe you could make it so that hitting the wrong target resets the room or with combo cycling after a certain event occurs.

3) Auto Trigger: When it appears on screen, all secrets are triggered.

4) Auto Item: When it appears on screen, the item also appears on screen wherever you have placed the item.
I like the Auto Reset Room and Auto Kill All combos. Maybe there could be an "Auto Damage (1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32)" combo, where, as long as the combo is onscreen, you'll take damage. Having more than one of these on the same screen wouldn't affect the damage, unless a screen flag, "Combine Damage" was on, which would add the Damage in hearts and inflict THAT on you. Plus, the combo wouldn't knock you back like normal combos. Great for making areas that are "too warm" or "too cold" to enter without "proper equipment" (in this case, rings, if you were to check the screen flag that make rings affect damage combos). I'd also like to see a screen flag that would stop you from being knocked back when you touch ANY damage combo.