View Full Version : zc beta 10 has been released.

Nicholas Steel
03-22-2006, 11:09 PM
[windows] [beta 10]

[windows] [beta 10b] [update/patch]


[bug reports]

click the above link to download... mac os x version is coming soon.

ZC Beta 10 list

1. Fixed the bug where the buttons to choose green square warp points and flags in the ZQ panels was misaligned.
2. Finally fixed the bug where garbage combos would appear when reloading certain quests after reloading other quests.
3. Fixed the bug where the subscreen type wouldn't update itself if you died and continued in a different dmap type.
4. Fixed the bug where, when checking if the green square continue point was 0,0, it was using the screen you were warping from instead of the screen you are warping to.
5. Fixed the bug where the whistle warp edit dialog and the warp ring edit dialog would crash ZQuest.
6. Slow walk combos now affect Link again.
7. New quest rule: Scrolling Warps Don't Continue. Scrolling warps across different dmaps no longer set the continue point. WIll be turned on for all quests below version 1.93b3 by default.
8. Fixed another bug that caused flags 16-31 as inherent flags to show up improperly.
9. Fixed the bug in ZQ where it would sometimes hand before the menu is drawn
10. Fixed the bug where bombable doors could be bombed open on cave dmaps.
11. Two new screen flags: Treat as Cave room, and Treat as dungeon room. Makes the current room behave as such, regardless of whether the dmap is a dungeon or not. So you could, for example, have a room with shutters inside a cave dmap, and a room with permanent secrets in a dungeon dmap.
12. Two new flags: Singular and Singular +16-31. An interesting flag. If it is in the same spot (remember, there can be two flags in one spot now because of inherent flags) as one of the trigger flags (strike, burn, bomb, etc.), then the trigger doesn't affect all secret flags on screen like the normal behavior, only the flag hit. SIngular(+16-31) does the same thing, except triggering it also affects flags 16-31. Thus, it's now possible to do things like having four seperate torches that can be lit in any order.
13. Fixed the bug that would prevent the sword and hammer from triggering their corresponding inherent trigger flags
14. Fixed the bug where you couldn't use the ladder over direct warps B-R, swim warps B-D, and dive warps B-D.
15. Fixed the bug that would prevent Link from starting the hookshot over a hookshot only combo
16. Fixed a bug that would cause enemies to spawn and walk on top of Direct warps B-R.
17. Fixed the bug where the game wouldn't recognize Swim Warps B-D and Dive warps B-D as water.
18. Fixed the bug in Z3-movement where if you had the ladder and flippers in a dungeon dmap or 'use ladder' room, the ladder would appear before you get to enter the water.
19. Octorok 3's no longer show up in the enemy selection list (until they are finished).
20. Boulders now use the correct tiles.
21. Fire enemies now animate at the correct speed.
22. Fixed the bug with Ganon initially being drawn with tile 0, 1, 20, and 21.
23. Ganon can now use the new enemy tiles (not complete use, though).
24. Hit detection on Dodongos is now fixed.
25. Dodongos no longer fly left when killed.
26. Level-specific keys: Keys can now be kept track of on a level-by-level basis (keep in mind, not a dmap by dmap basis). The normal key item operates exactly like it has operated. A new item, "Level-specific key" increases the key amount of the current level number you're in. Key doors will by default look for a key gained in that level. If it finds noen, it'll then look for a normal key to use. Useful for keys that you only want to work in a specific dungeon.
27. Changed the font used to identify the values of csets, combo types, and flags in ZQ to be smaller. Values over 100 shouldn't cut off now.
28. Changed the way flags display in ZQ. Now, a normal flag's value is displayed in the top left corner of a flag, while an inherent flag's value is displayed in the bottom left. If both a normal and inherent flag occupy the same space, you can now see the values of both at the same time.
29. Fixed the bug where Scrts Disable Timed Warp screen flag wouldn't work.
30. Sort of fixed the bug where fairies would produce the boss roar some times.
31. Fixed the bug where setting the speed or frames value for the boomerang weapon sprite would cause the normal boomerang to act like a magic boomerang.
32. Fixed a bug that would cause enemies to move in random directions if they couldn't move anywhere normally.
33. Added screen data for damage combo sensitivity. It can be set from 1 to 8, 1 meaning it's the least sensitive (a 2x2 pixel area in the center of Link's hitbox). 8 means all of Link's hitbox is affected by a damage combo. It is set to 1 by default. Experiment with the value to find the best value to use.
34. Two new screen flags: 'Continue here' and 'Don't continue here'. Continue here means that this screen is set as the continue point upon entry. Don't continue here means that if the screen would normally be set as a continue point (either via entrance/exit or scrolling warp), it won't set it. You should have much more control over the behavior of continuing in your quest.
35. Another new screen flag: All Triggers->Perm Secrets. This means that the permanent secrets flag for a room will NOT be set until the room has been cleared of trigger flags (bomb flags, burn flags, etc.) Used in conjunction with singular flags, this makes it so that a secret will not be permanent until, say, all torches have been lit.
36. In conjunction with the previous screen flag, another one: All triggers->16-31. Makes it so that Singular+16-31 flags will not trigger flags 16-31 as they should until the room is clear of trigger flags.
37. new flag and new combo type: No enemy. Both of these dictate that an enemy will not go into that combo, as if it were a solid combo (or no jump/no fly zone combos for the applicable enemy).
38. New quest rule: Smart Screen Boundaries. Makes it so that the engine will automatically check the next screen for walkability before scrolling when Link hits the edge. Should prevent bugs that cause Link to get stuck when scrolling into a solid combo.
39. New combos: 'Block Arrow (Wooden)', 'Block Arrow (Wood+Silver)', 'Block Arrow (All)', 'Block Brang (Wooden)', 'Block Brang (Wood+Magic)', 'Block Brang (All)', 'Block Sword Beam', 'Block All', 'and Block Fireballs'. Also, 'Magic Sponge' has been renamed to 'Block Magic' for consistencies' sake.
40. Fixed the bug wher you could still shoot sword beams if you've lost a quarter of a heart when the quarter heart rule is on.
41. new combos: 'Damage (8 hearts)', 'Damage (16 hearts)', and 'Damage (32 hearts)'.
42. New screen flag: Rings Affect Damage Combos. Makes it so rings afffect the damage caused by damage combos.
43. New feature: Freeform combos. Basically, you have 32 extra combo slots to work with on a given screen. They can be given X and Y position data, X and Y speed data, and X and Y acceleration data. All of the movement and position data can be decimal values for precision movement. Additionally, you can link combos together. If a freeform combo is linked to another freeform combo, it will copy the movements of that combo. This way you can make a giant 2x2 tile boulder simply by filling in the movement data for one freeform combo, then link the 3 other freeform combos to that first one. Freeform combos currently do not use solidity data, it can't hold normal flags (it WILL however use inherent flags), the only combo types that actually work are all the warp combos, and possibly the raft combos and flags, though i wouldn't recommend using raft combos and flags with this. The fairy flags and the zelda flag should also work, as well as damage combos. Also, using inherent trigger flags should also work as well, allowing you to do stuff like make moving arrow targets. Also note that a freeform combo must have a nonzero combo defined to be valid, or it wont save the other information.
44. Along wit freeform combos comes a new combo type: FF combo attribute change. Basically, this only works when placed as a freeform combo. if a freeform combo's X/Y movement crosses the X/Y position of a change combo, the freeform combo will take on the movement properties of the change combo it crosses. This is so you can make freeform combos that move left, cross into a change combo that has movement for moving right so that it can move right, then cross a change combo for movement going left, etc. Additionally, if the change combo has an inherent flag of 16-31, then when a freeform combo crosses it, it'll change to the combo specified by the secret flag. You can thus make it change to another change combo with different movement data. Experiment with ths combo to see what kind of movement results you can bring. it's technically possible to do complex stuff like oval movement with the right setup, but it can get complicated.
45. One more new screen flag: FF combos wrap around. Normally, if an FF combo goes far enough off-screen, it'll become inactive. This makes it so it wraps around to the other side instead.
46. Finally, fixed the bug where pushing a block with an inherent push flag would increase the combo number of the block. Hopefully.


OS X version will come in the near future.

I'm releasing beta 10b now because 1) We have something special planned for beta 1) and 2) I felt it was neccesary. Overwrite beta 10 andyou should be fine... hopefully. Use at your own risk.

List of changes for beta 10b

1. Fixed a bug where freeform inherent trigger flags sometimes wouldn't trigger.
2. Fixed a bug where entering data into the decimal data fields of the freeform combos dialog would sometimes produce garbage data when reopened.
3. Fixed the bug where stepping on groups of step->next combos would cause some combos to change to later combos than it should. Also changed the behavior of step->next somewhat. The main difference is that when in a group of step->next or related combos, only the combo at the center of link gets affected.
4. I believe i fixed the importing of .zqs (strings) files. However, with this change it has becme difficult if not impossible to import older .zqs files.
5. Fixed a crippling bug whih would occur if you opened the string editor in certain quests upon opening ZQ, which would cause the entire cmbo data to be overwritten with garbage data.
6. Added a new quest rule, "Rings Affect Damage Combos", and changed the behavior of the same-named screen flag to that of a toggle for the quest rule.
7. Fixed many bugs elating to strings and the string editor.
8. Added the ability to see string umbers in the string editor when you choose a string to edit.
9. Made the exactness neccesary to cross an FFC change combo much more exact. A more forgiving range was causing too many bugs, especially regarding linking.
10. Tweaked the all triggers->16-31 screen flag. now it only takes effect when you actually hit a trigger flag. Before, other methods of triggering secrets (for example, the trigger permanent combo type) would not trigger secrets 16-31 if there were triggers on screen. now they will.
11. In the freeform combo dialog and secret combo dialog (and maybe other dialogs), holding alt+left-click will set a secret combo/freeform combo to the currently selected combo and cset. Holding left shift+left-click will increase the current combo, left shift+right click will decrease the combo count, right shift+left click will increase the cset, and right shift+right click will decrease the cset
13. Tweaked the Warp detection again. Now Link won't be able detect a warp in a room with a string until the string has completed. Before, there was a small window of opportunity for Link to trigger a warp before a string finished.
14. Added a new element to the combo definition: Skip animation. Basically, whatever you set this to will cause the combo animation to skip that number of iles when it goes to its next tile of animation. This makes it so animation can go by 2 or 3 tiles instead of incrementally like before. this should allow for better organization of animation of large objects. Plus, it's the only real way to allow tile animation for large FF combos to work correctly.
15. made an internal change to the way secrets are handled. The only visible difference will be that, in the screen data menu, 'Secrets' and 'Door up' are now seperated in the no carry/no reset section. Oh yeah, and it'll render your current saves unusable. Again.
16. Fixed a bug where triggering trigger flags on layers wouldn't work anymore.
17. Added two more flags to FF combos: carry-over and change to this(FF change only). carry-over will carry-over that FF combo to the same slot in the next screen when you warp or scroll screens. Change to this is used in FF change combos. When an FF combo crosses over a change combo with this flag, it'll also take on the combo and cset of the change combo. One interesting thing you can do is that you can combine this with the change next and change previous flags. So you could make it so the change combo changes the FFC that crosses it into one combo, whic them immediately getsincremented to the next one all in the same operation. It'll be useful, trust me.
18. Added a screen flag, 'No FF carryover'. Makes it so the carryover describes in the last description doesn't take place.
19. FF change combos are now represented in ZQ with colorful pixels denoting their location.
20. Added to freeform combos somewhat. First off, there are 4 new fields: combo Width, Combo Height, Tile Width, and Tile Height.

- Combo Width/Combo height - Dictates a freeform combo's area of effect. By default, it's set to 16x16, which is the normal size of a combo. It can be anywhere from 1x1 to 64x64. Now it's truly possible to make, for example, variable sized damage combos.

- Tile Width/Tile Height - Dictates the visible number of tiles to draw. It's set to 1x1 by default, which means it draws the tile dictated by the combo. 2x1, for example, will draw a 2x1 area of tiles from the tile sheet.

- Also, there are now freeform combo flags. As you'll note, some flags can be applied to any freeform combo, while others only apply to FF change combos.

- Draw Over - Draws the FFC between layers 5 and 6 instead of layers 1 and 2

- Translucent - Self explanatory

- Swap next/Swap previous - (FF change only) When an FFC crosses this combo, the FF change combo will swap it's movement info with the next or previous FFC in the list. So if an FFC crosses over combo #15 with the swap next flag checked, it'll swap it's movement info with FFC #16.

- Change Next/ Change previous - (FF chage only) When an FFC crosses this combo, the FF change combo will change the FFC that crossed over it to the next or previous combo definition (not FFC, the combo itself). Can be used to change the combo's appearance and affect when it changes direction.


Linux build added.

03-22-2006, 11:17 PM
Uhmmm... Do any of you guys know how to use the Freeform Combos? Can you be kind enough to explain me? I just can't put my finger on them. :sweat:

Nicholas Steel
03-22-2006, 11:19 PM
considering i only just posted that stuff... i cant help as i only just got the program... someone else may have to help.

also this is in the discussion thread so don't post bug reports here ok? post them in the link in my first post.

03-22-2006, 11:27 PM
That's not a bug. Ok, I'll post that there...

Nicholas Steel
03-23-2006, 12:04 AM
i never said it was.

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2006, 12:11 AM
zelda classic 2.11 beta 10b has been released... and i updated my first post.

03-28-2006, 02:19 AM
No offense, but everyone has access to the ZC Development forum. (it was made so to excourage more testers) Why re-post everything here?

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2006, 04:43 AM
this will be the last time, ok? and yea sorry about copying everything.

80s Knight
03-28-2006, 12:57 PM
I don't, and I, for one, appreciate these posts, Franpa.

03-28-2006, 03:22 PM
Hope you don't think I'm picking on you franpa. I was just wondering, that's all.

I don't

Sure you do. Even non-members have access to the beta forums. http://www.armageddongames.net/forumdisplay.php?f=149

03-28-2006, 04:39 PM
It's helped a few people and hasn't hurt anyone.

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2006, 07:53 PM
so... continue to copy and paste in the regular forums or... stop?

03-28-2006, 07:59 PM
to be honest without your posting I wouldn't have seen the update from today :redface:
I wouldn't mind if you keep doing it :)

03-28-2006, 08:10 PM
Doesn't really bother me much either, since I check the dev forums very often.

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2006, 08:51 PM
to my knowledge the links to the various sections of the forums all point to the normal forum... maybe they could add an extra forum link which takes you to the ZC Development forum. (this would help newbies)

that is why i think not everyone knows of the beta's.

Nicholas Steel
03-29-2006, 09:00 PM
zelda classic 2.11 beta 10b for linux has been released. i updated my first post with a link to it.

80s Knight
03-30-2006, 12:55 AM
That's why I said I didn't have access to it. I always access these boards through zeldaclassic.com, so I don't ever see the ZC Development forum.

Nicholas Steel
03-30-2006, 01:02 AM
heres a better link to the development forums.

>link> http://www.armageddongames.net/forumdisplay.php?f=126 <link<

03-30-2006, 05:36 PM
That's why I said I didn't have access to it. I always access these boards through zeldaclassic.com, so I don't ever see the ZC Development forum.
Agreed. Perhaps the Beta forums should be added to the visible forums when you access the forums through ZC.com?

Nicholas Steel
03-30-2006, 07:49 PM
based on the knowledge that quests arnt being added... its pretty safe to say that this aint going to happen for ages.

03-30-2006, 08:12 PM
based on the knowledge that quests arnt being added... its pretty safe to say that this aint going to happen for ages.
Ummm... What do quests have to do with what forums are visible when you press the "Forum" button on the ZC website?

Edit: Oh, nevermind, I see what you're saying. No webmaster at the moment. :(

04-09-2006, 06:09 PM
it keeps saying I need alleg42.dll where can I download this?

Nicholas Steel
04-09-2006, 10:51 PM
redownload it...

make sure you install 2.11 beta 10 then update it with 2.11 beta 10b