View Full Version : How to run full screen in 211, B9 - Mac OS X?

03-22-2006, 07:17 PM
I just successfully ran ZC 2.11, BETA 9 on my iMac (10.4.5) but I cannot find an option to run the game fullscreen.

Anyone care to enlighten me please?


03-22-2006, 07:53 PM
Well, I don't think there are multiple versions of 2.11 to run it fullscreen or windowed, but I know you can add -fullscreen to the command line to get it fullscreen. To do that, you just have to make a shortcut to 2.11, then go to it's properties and find the command line window, then add -fullscreen at the end of it. At least, this works on Windows. I haven't used Macs enough to know whether or not they have command lines, but I would assume they do. If not though, you won't be able to play ZC fullscreen, only ZQuest.

03-23-2006, 11:06 AM
Well, I don't think there are multiple versions of 2.11 to run it fullscreen or windowed, but I know you can add -fullscreen to the command line to get it fullscreen. To do that, you just have to make a shortcut to 2.11, then go to it's properties and find the command line window, then add -fullscreen at the end of it. At least, this works on Windows. I haven't used Macs enough to know whether or not they have command lines, but I would assume they do. If not though, you won't be able to play ZC fullscreen, only ZQuest.

I don't see an equivalent to this in Mac OS X.

Can anyone else that has run ZC in OS X comment on this please?

03-28-2006, 03:28 PM
I am also having this problem. I have a very small screen to play in.

Please, can someone help with this for Mac? Detailed on how to do it?

This makes me sick that I can barely see the screen!!!

Someone beta-testing it perhaps?

I was beta testing when I had a pc.

04-22-2006, 12:18 AM
I had luck with this process:

1. Open Application Bundle (Right Click->Show Package Contents)
2. Open the file ag.cfg
3. Change variables Resx, Resy to something more suitable...I use 640 and 480.

Seems to work for me, YMMV.

Love For Fire
04-23-2006, 12:07 AM
Is anyone else having problems opening Zquest for OS X? I get an infinite loop of errors before ZQuest even starts, and can't shut the program down. The only way is to reset my computer.