View Full Version : Pushing blocks on Block Trigger flags make room's item appear

03-17-2006, 06:23 PM
Is there a way to make an item appear in a room by activating the Block Trigger flags in the room the item is in? I remember such a puzzle in ALttP.

03-17-2006, 06:28 PM
You can make them open a treasure chest that had layers covering the item, so it appears that the item just appeared. You could also have a treasure chest appear, and then have the user open it to reveal an item (via the armos->item flag). But there is no Secret->Item screen flag, which would definately be a nice addition.

03-17-2006, 06:31 PM
You can make them open a treasure chest that had layers covering the item, so it appears that the item just appeared. You could also have a treasure chest appear, and then have the user open it to reveal an item (via the armos->item flag). But there is no Secret->Item screen flag, which would definately be a nice addition.
I agree. Maybe I could put layers over the item, so it looks like the ground the item is on, but when the secrets are activated, the layers go away, thus showing the item. But since that could be problematic, I'll stick with plan "B": making you have to push blocks to remove other blocks that block the key.

03-18-2006, 06:15 AM
There's always the "secrets turn all floor tiles into direct warps" trick - make 2 rooms, in the second place the blocks on their trigger spots and the item, in the first put secret (16) flags on all the floor. Make a copy of the floor combo and set it to "direct warp", put that in the 16 secret slot. Then when you push the last block onto the trigger you get tile-warped to the second room without noticing.

03-18-2006, 06:25 AM
There's always the "secrets turn all floor tiles into direct warps" trick - make 2 rooms, in the second place the blocks on their trigger spots and the item, in the first put secret (16) flags on all the floor. Make a copy of the floor combo and set it to "direct warp", put that in the 16 secret slot. Then when you push the last block onto the trigger you get tile-warped to the second room without noticing.

Koopa, that is so cool.
Is there a way to make this warp thing happen without it being a secret.
Because what I wanted to do ages ago was have a room where the minimap looks like the room and the green square shows your exact position in the room.
So when you walk up a tile, it warps you to the screen above etc.
But then I found out that you could only have three direct warps per screen...

03-18-2006, 10:50 AM
Also if you're using 2.11 you can use this simpler version of boss triggers.


03-18-2006, 11:20 AM
Also if you're using 2.11 you can use this simpler version of boss triggers.

I don't want to use warps. After all, the dungeon this room is in is on map 3, and it's the exact same size as level 9 in the 1st quest.

03-18-2006, 11:37 AM
Those are NOT warps, when you trigger a secret in the screen, the secret will be triggered on the screen AND in the other screen/map you selected.

Edited by me.

So if screen 10 on map 3 has screen 74 of map 5 defined, triggering secrets on screen 10 map 3 (assuming it's an overworld or cave map) will also set secrets triggered in the subsequent screen (screen 74 map 5), ready for when you enter that screen.

03-18-2006, 11:39 AM
Those are NOT warps, when you trigger a secret in the screen, the secret will be triggered on the screen AND in the other screen/map you selected.
No, I know what you were talking about. I guess I quoted the wrong post. Sorry. Besides, I'm not using 2.11 again until a stable enough release is made so I can play all my 2.10 quests in 2.11.

03-18-2006, 02:31 PM
Is there a way to make this warp thing happen without it being a secret.
Because what I wanted to do ages ago was have a room where the minimap looks like the room and the green square shows your exact position in the room.
So when you walk up a tile, it warps you to the screen above etc.
But then I found out that you could only have three direct warps per screen...

What you want to do is probably not possible, and even in 2.11 it would require an enormous amount of screens.

As to warps without a secret, in my quest (unfinished), I have a room where you enter from the bottom and a string appears. Then when you walk up you step on a tile that looks exactly like all other floor tiles, except it's a direct warp to another screen so you see it as if the string disappears again. No secrets are involved.

03-18-2006, 04:20 PM
Thanks Koopa!
Koopa, koopa, stick it up your jumper!

Agh! Theres a turtle in my sweater!