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View Full Version : Screen Flag: Dmg Combos Harm NMies

03-17-2006, 01:53 PM
A screen flag that makes Damage Combos do harm to Enemies (in addition to Link)

'What good would this be?' you're asking? Well...Using combo cycling you could make events happen during a cutscene where an enemy gets hurt, or have traps in a dungeon that cause enemies to get hurt, by hitting a trigger or combo cycling (or both)


+A bomb flower: You hit it with an arrow and that combo and the surround 8 combos turn into exploding combos (the same animation used for the bomb except overlopping the environment) This animation only takes less than a second but it has the 'damage' property so if you shoot the bomb flower when enemies are near it, you could take out the enemies.

+Lava: Would do damage to both Link & enemies as they walk across it. Why should enemies be immune from hot lava?

+A cutscene where a trainer teaches you how to use the sword and (carefully using combo cycling) he kills an enemy as an example.

+An earthquake occurs and all enemies & Link breifly receive damage.

+Electric Walls: You could have amps and the space between them may cycle to waves of electricity. If Link or enemies run into them, they receive damage. (This is actually in my quest i'm currently working on, but enemies don't receive damage)

Other suggestions:

+A flag that makes that space unwalkable to enemies. This way, if impossible to have combos that deal damage to enemies, you could at least make enemies avoid damage combos altogether if you want.

+Kill Enemy: Each time an enemy crosses this combo, it will die instantly.

+Kill Enemy->Next: If an enemy crosses this combo, it will die & then the combo changes to the next consecutive combo in the list.

+Step->Kill All Enemies: When Link steps on this combo, all enemies are killed (like the Kill all enemies item)

+Step->Kill All Enemies (Next): Like the above but also changes to the next combo in the list.

+Enemy Step->Trigger: If any enemy steps on this combo, all secrets are triggered.

03-17-2006, 02:54 PM
Well, this is perhaps the most delightful idea I've heard in a month! :p I'd certainly love to see these ideas implemented into ZC. FAR better than 'Roc's Feather." :p XD

Enemy Step->Trigger: If any enemy steps on this combo, all secrets are triggered.You'd definitely want a screen flag for this, instead of a new combo. "Enemies Trigger Combos" would be its name. Interaction would be its game.

Kill Enemy: Each time an enemy crosses this combo, it will die instantly.How would you make the enemy run into this? You'd probably have to make the enemies follow conveyors, which would be even more complicated.

Kill Enemy->Next: If an enemy crosses this combo, it will die & then the combo changes to the next consecutive combo in the list.... Ooooh ... ... Interesting, and quite unique. You're thinking, "I want this enemy to die very, very painfully." So, in theory, you could have a moblin cross this combo, then the Moblin would become zapped on an electric floor that you can't cross, and it'd become walkable, by stepping on said Moblin's delicious-smelling corpse. :-3 *lol* (Tastes Like Chickenz.)

I can see a puzzle here, where you need to release an enemy from its cage before you can cross said field. That'd be very cool. ;)

Great ideas IDK. :)

03-17-2006, 11:55 PM
Haha, thanks! and about the Kill Enemy combo, there'd be no way of telling enemies to walk there--if they just so happen to walk on the combo, well then it would die.

I'm glad you like these ideas though! And i guess agree about that being a screen flag. There's plenty of room on the 2nd tab for more screen flags. The screen flag would apply to all 'step->Next' combos and perhaps an additional one that applies to trigger (temp) and trigger (perm) combos.

03-18-2006, 12:27 AM
There is one way to get the enemy on to those things - knock it there yourself! But how would you make one of those things unwalkable and yet still be able to fling them there? With an annoying bug that AFAIK still hasn't been fixed. (Note: this will only work on a vertical pathway) By having the top of the tile unwalkable and the bottom not, the enemy can go through it just fine. Then you can knock that Gibdo into the pit and walk on its head...